Saturday, 31 March 2018

Our Humanity

Written by Mathew Naismith

Our humanity is everything from bad to good, black to white, negative to positive, atheism to religion, humanity is phenomenally diverse and it's this diverseness that makes up the big picture, a limitless consciousness.

The small picture is conforming to certain variables only; it's simply a restriction of consciousness to certain variants creating a limited consciousness.

Humanity is the quality of being human which includes all variants of being human. Being human is not good in place of bad, white in place of black, positiveness in place of negativeness or religion in place of atheism; it's all of what is as a whole, the big picture.

Many of us desire for our variant to control and replace all other variants, thus limiting consciousness to certain perspectives and perceptions.

If we take many pieces of the jigsaw out because we don't desire them to be a part of the big picture ourselves, is the jigsaw whole?

Humanity can never be whole as long as we fight for our desired variant to replace all other variants of the whole......

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