Written by Mathew Naismith
We so often take on other people's
intolerance and nonacceptance to heart when we should just set it free, I see
this so often, it's utterly traumatising to ourselves when we feel we can't be
truly expressive of our true feelings and our truer self without upsetting
others. The point is we should never take on other people's short comings and
ignorance too seriously and personally, that is their dilemma not ours but we
so often allow this to also traumatise us and become our dilemma.
I don't usually do this, I have
shared two emails in this post in the hope this might help others out there who
are being traumatised because they feel awkward in expressing their true
feeling and truer self to the extent of traumatising themselves.
I had a concerning email from a
friend of mine who has a gay friend who is having trouble expressing himself to
the extent of committing suicide, he wants to show his more sensitive feminine
side but is unable seemingly because of the non-acceptance of others around him
of being this expressive. Sadly enough this has made him non-accepting of his
expression as well to some extent.
I really hope the following will
help others see that we should never accept other people's dilemma's because
they are so un-accepting, this is their dilemma and loss not ours, in other
words it's their path not ours so try not to take on their dilemma's.
G'day Brad
You don't know me personally but I'm very good friends with
Peta to the extent that Peta shared her worries with me in relation to you, she
doesn't usually do this which showed me how much she cares about you. You are a
very lucky man to have such a sensitive person as Peta who cares so much.
I'm ostracised from my family because I am different to
them in numerous ways, this is there problem and loss not mine, I will no
longer linger on this and I feel you need to do the same Brad. Just be your
feminine self, set it free my friend and don't allow other people who don't
understand influence you to do otherwise.
I should point out that I'm a little wacky like Peta but
I'm more into the science of spirituality.
To be open and truthful with you, I have also inserted the
email I sent to Peta concerning you, please don't take offence, Peta and I are
very expressive of our sensitive self which makes us very caring of others.
Love and best wishes my friend,
PS The following will show you psychologically how the right
and left brain effect us. https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CCoQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpsychology.about.com%2Fod%2Fcognitivepsychology%2Fa%2Fleft-brain-right-brain.htm&ei=GrRKVfiNBYXOmwXAiYGIDA&usg=AFQjCNGxuj6zwc_3uA6VGzXtqt7eFJJmGg&sig2=BnvRCDL8RyFkLd31F2J0qA&bvm=bv.92765956,d.dGY
G'day Peta
Brad: Brad has a right arm that is feminine and a left arm
that is masculine, most blokes have a right arm that is masculine.
I will explain myself: The right or left arm represent the
right left brain, a person who is
"left-brained" is often said to be more logical, analytical, and
objective, while a person who is "right-brained" is said to be more
intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective.
You can see why blokes are more likely to actually express
logical objective thinking processes, the arms and hands represent a physical
expression of logics in there case where women physically express a more
intuitive subjective expression. The hands are indeed a doorway to our soul.
I feel Brad is trying to reject his right arm left brain
thinking for a left arm right brain thinking, this isn't going to work for a
sensitive person especially if one is right handed.
He needs to accept his sensitive side which in his case is
the right arm, his left logical objective brain instead of going off half
cocked with too much subjective thinking.
I feel there is absolutely no balance at all between the
famine and masculine side of him, he needs to totally disregard anyone else's
opinion in this case and be himself, be that sensitive left brain person. He needs to express it a lot more and stop repressing it to suite others, give it
it's freedom to be expressive.
If you like, I don't mind meeting Brad one on one if you
think this will help.
Note: People's names have been
changed for privacy reasons.
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