Written by Mathew Naismith
This actually isn't going on from my recent posts on the
topic of the upside down world, this is due to the upside down world being
about existing in a world/reality that has a perception of a wrong and right,
however, the inside out world is different to this, it's more about the
awareness in such worlds/realities without a right and wrong, not about a right
and wrong which in turn turns the world upside down while becoming aware.
In saying that the inside out world has nothing to do with
the upside down world isn't absolutely correct, this is due to while
experiencing realities like this one in different ways, at times seemingly
upside down, we are indeed becoming further aware. This I feel is mainly due to
knowing or feeling their is no right or wrong way to experience such realities.
In all, the upside down world means what it says, we turn the world inside out,
in other words we turn our perceptions and mentalities of our perceptions
inside out, this of course can only be done successfully if we firstly perceive
there is no true right or wrong.
To me it's vitally important to try to perceive and know
there is no true right or wrong, otherwise, all you will do is perceive what
you want or desire to perceive, not what is actually perceivable while turning
everything inside out. I feel this kind of perception only creates chaos within
a reality, this is due to the non-acceptance or total denial of other
experiences that we perceive as wrong in some way when there is no true right
or wrong to start with.
Let's look at the inside out world like this, when we turn a
dress/frock/gown inside out, what do we then become aware of? We become aware
of different facets/aspects of what we are mainly aware of, this gives us a
different perception of such gowns, by turning such gowns inside out, we are
now aware of how there made, this is no different to how we turn our own
reality inside out. By turning the gown inside, we become aware of how
unsightly it is on the inside but does this make the inside of the gown wrong
in some way? No, experiencing realities work the same way, there is a hidden
factor that isn't seen until we become aware of it, does it then make this
wrong once we become aware of this hidden factor?
Let's look at this way, what do we do in regards to other
cultures? Once we become aware of a perceived
wrong within another culture, we in fact judge that the inside of the
gown is wrong even though the inside of the gown allows the outside of the gown
look as good as it does. This makes the inside of the gown unworthy compared to
the outside of the gown, we tend to look at other cultures in the same way,
they are not just as worthy just because they are showing to us the inside of
the gown. We might also here perceive that other cultures make our own culture
look good, but to do this, we have to perceive a wrong when everything is
worthy within a certain perception.
Let's now take this inside out world to the next stage of
development, to become truly spiritually aware or an actual spiritualist, we
give up our desires and only exist for a need like many spiritualist from India actually
do for example. Now let's turn this existing for a need inside out, in other
words look at the other side of the coin or gown, what do we then become aware
The other side that supports such people living for a need
is people living for a desire, the
people who supply such spiritual people with their needs, this is the other
side of the gown, however, a true spiritualist is already aware of the other
side where's a unaware person isn't, this makes all the difference to our
perceptions. Being aware of what exists when we turn something inside out,
makes a huge difference to how aware and open our perceptions are going to be,
but what is most important is that we don't perceive a wrong or right while turning
something inside out, we just become aware of a different way to exist and be.
Let's once again go to the next stage, can an actual
spiritualist, who only lives for a need, suddenly decide to live for a desire?
Most definitely, this is what I feel is the next stage of spiritual development
but only after we learn to live for a need absent of all desires.
In this case the living for desire becomes quite different
to someone who is unaware of existing only for a need, in other words people
who know little about how to only live for a need. The biggest difference
between an actual spiritualist and an unaware person is the desire actually
changes, in other words it's the way we use such desires. Instead of living for
our own desires serving ourselves, we actually learn to live for desires that
also serve others to the extent of
serving others more than ourselves. Even though I'm not a spiritualist
in any sense of the word, I saw this within myself after being aware of living
for a need, I served my own desires but in turn served someone else's need as
well, probably more so.
In past posts I have spoken out against desires in
conjunction with spirituality, I still hold to this only because desiring while
turning our world inside out only gives us perception of right and wrongs, this
isn't so when we learn to turn our world inside out while having a perception
of there being no true right or wrongs. Another point is, if you can't
experience what you judge as being wrong, you haven't turned your world inside
out to become truly aware of the other side of existence, the other side of the
You get to the point of your spiritual development
(awareness) that you start to again seemingly live for a desire which becomes a
need for others, so in fact you are not truly at this stage of spiritual
awareness existing for desires at all, not when it serves other people's needs
and I do mean needs. If all you are doing is existing for desires to serve
other people's desires, you haven't truly turned your world inside out, in
other words you must desire to serve a need, not another desire.
Very recently I thought I was fulfilling a desire of my own
without any great benefits to another person, this wasn't the case, I
discovered I was serving a need for them through my own desires which are only
really needs for another person, there where no true desires to begin with.
When you get to a certain stage of spiritual development
(awareness), you actually live less for a need as well, however, as you develop
further, you start to live for other people's needs which at first seems like
you are only serving your own desires. A good example of this is the religious
Dark Ages when the churches served their own and other people's desires, to do
this they had to hurt others in this process, what would have happened if the
churches of the time primarily served other people's needs? The churches of the time were a need of the
people of the time, what happened is the churches turned this need into a
desire and of course all hell broke loose, this wouldn't have happened if the
churches existed for a need, in other words exist to primarily serve a need I
When you turn anything inside out, it's going to be
difficult to clearly understand especially if we are prejudging a right or wrong, this kind of
judgment is of course going to make it even more difficult to the extent of
denouncing such newly found awareness. It's quite clear to me why we have
stayed so ignorant for so long as a species, when we turn anything inside out
to hopefully become further aware, we prejudge a right or wrong to start with
and then we use it for our desires to serve other desires.
It's always far more beneficial for all if we are clearly
aware of our own inside out world without prejudice and lustfulness, for all prejudice
and lustfulness creates is even more chaos!!
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