Written by Mathew Naismith
I was a little bit surprised of the reaction my last post received;
I didn’t think this post would be well received at all mainly because we are
taught from birth to have intentions. Life itself, without human influence, is
about intentions; it’s about surviving under the influence of the physical elements
surrounding us and when we add man to this equation, these intentions boomed which
in turn created even more chaos in the physical world. Life itself is about chaos because it’s always
about intentions however the difference now is we seem to live wholly by intentions
which in turn creates even more chaos.
Politics is driven by intentions and so is religion as is of
science, it’s all driven by intentions to do one thing or another usually in
reaction to something else which creates a never ending action reaction effect,
this of course in turn creates even more chaos and in my mind we certainly don’t
need any more of that. The thing I’m
becoming aware of now is more people are moving away from anything that creates
an intention either it be knowingly or unknowingly, I truly didn’t know this
within myself until recently. I was only
moving away from people and situations that live by intentions. At first I
thought I was just moving away from destructive influences that were always trying
to influence my vibrational signature, trying to influence me in a destructive way. I wanted to become more constructive within
my mentality; this isn’t easy when around people who have a destructive mentality.
This was obviously an intention; I was reacting to a situation that no longer
served me.
The truth is I was adding to an already existing chaos when I
was trying to move away from this chaos, this added to the chaos that was created
through my intentions. Yes I felt better within myself but I felt I still wasn’t
there, I was aware that the chaos was still present around me and could at any time within my
weakness come back into my life.
Being aware of my own intentions gives me a different perspective;
I am no longer trying to rid myself of chaos and even intentions but to just become
aware of my intentions and what they create, within this awareness we automatically
dispel any intentional reaction. This of
course can only work if we truly want to let go of our intentions in the first
The less intentional we become the better the healing
process is, this is because intentional acts are always in reaction to something
else, by pushing something away, like chaos for instance, we are causing a
reaction that now needs to be healed.
We could say by pushing the chaos in our lives away we are healing;
this is still an intentional act which can cause a reaction (chaos). By becoming unintentional, we automatically
heal because we are not reacting to a situation or another person, the healing
process isn’t an intentional healing but a healing that is brought on by being unintentional
without an action reaction effect.
I now smile at people who express intentions consistently,
they are not aware of what their own interactions are creating and adding to. I
still express intentional reactions but I am now very aware of what these
intentions create, my intentions have certainly dropped off quite significantly
thus taking away the bite of the chaos surrounding me within this physical
world, I no longer have an intention to rid myself of chaos because the chaos
surrounding me is far less prevalent through being unintentional.
You could say this post is intentional however it wasn’t mainly
because I didn’t really intend to write it, it was an unintentional act. This
post was brought about by an interaction with others in relation to my last
post so it has to be intentional would it not because it’s a reaction? In my last post I mentioned about being unintentional
and still being able to be interactive with others without intentions, this is
a good example of this.
I did not intend to react, this quite automatically came to
be however I did react to previous reactions by writing this post in reaction, this
would have to be an intention by me would it not?
Two people are having an argument, one person quite automatically
hits the other quite unintentionally which has now added to the chaos, is not my
reaction in producing this post the something, it’s an intention even though
it wasn’t written intentionally?
Being unintentional within my actions came quit
automatically even though it’s a reaction, the reaction was automatic and not intentionally
induced, in other words I went naturally with the flow of things. Are two people having an argument to start
with unintentional and natural? No one enters into an argument unintentionally
even at times this might seem to be the case and no one unintentionally hits
another person, the actions are in direct reaction to a circumstance, there is
nothing truly automatic about a situation like this.
The more unintentional we become to more automatically
things will occur around us without having such intentions of such things
happening to us. This is very much like the synchronistic moments of time people
can experience, everything just comes together in synchronicity, being unintentional
has a similar affect, our needs just occur without an intention.
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