Written by Mathew Naismith
Sorry for going on about intentions and un-intentions but a
few people are interested in this topic so I thought I would go a little
further with this. This is not an ideology or a concept or anything like it and
it’s not anything new, living without intentions is something various
spiritually aware people have been doing all along especially through spiritual
practices like meditation, praying, chanting and so forth.
So what would it be like living without intentions?
Let’s go back to early man; if man was content without any
further intent to improve on himself in certain ways or had no intentions of
ownership, what would the world today be like? The funny thing is the world would be somewhat
more pristine than what it is now and it would be far less chaotic, yes you
would still have animals and the environment reacting between and to each other
but the world as a whole wouldn’t be as chaotic and as soiled to what it is
today. In other words without man intentions, the world would be much more at
peace and in harmony with itself. Does
this mean man, no matter what, would cause chaos and soil environment? Well no,
it’s man’s intentions that cause such degradation not just the presence of man
himself. If man learnt long ago to live
without intentions or very few intentions, physical life would be somewhat different
to what it is today; I actually think man could have improved on the already
existing chaos instead of adding to it.
You would think without intentions we wouldn’t have
progressed at all but that isn’t actually the case, for example, man wouldn’t
have had intentions of ownership and destroyed the environment for this
ownership, the world would be still quite pristine and certainly not over
inhabited. Indeed we wouldn’t have all
these possessions and acquired human knowledge that we have today without
intentions however I do think we would have obtained something far more
valuable, an awareness and wisdom through being unintentional within our
thoughts and actions.
Man has the idea to progress and to obtain knowledge we need
to do this through intentions; this is the only way that most men know how to obtain such possessions, remembering man also treats knowledge as a
possession. This is quite different when
living by being unintentional within our actions and thoughts, you never own
anything including knowledge and the way you obtain knowledge is quite
different as well. There is no truer knowledge than inner knowledge and that is
what I think most spiritually aware people tap into especially when living
without intentions. Through being
unintentional, we actually quite automatically improve on ourselves without
actually intending to do so; this is due to being more in touch with our inner
selves. Human intentions actually hinder
us from becoming in touch with our inner self; this is due to our inner selves
not being about intentions but about going along with the flow of things. This is saying that human intentions are not
in tune with our inner self which makes it a lot harder for us to become in
touch with our inner self.
I think this gives a
pretty good idea what life would be like for us and everything else if man
wasn’t so intent within his intentions.
I also think if man wasn’t about intentions, he could have been more
constructively influential on the already existing chaos instead of destructive
through adding and creating more chaos. We indeed had a choice and we chose, we
chose a life of chaos and degradation when we could have chosen a life of utter
peace and harmony. It’s by no way too late to turn things around but to do this
we must all become more aware of what our intentions actually create.
I received an interesting query in relation to my last post
I thought I would share. This post in particular
was brought about by other people’s perceptions not just my own; it’s a good indication
that the collective is indeed becoming more aware and in synch.
wow! so much to think
My immediate thoughts
are: perhaps intentions are mistaken for more earthly goals. . . Is there perhaps a 'higher' strata of
intention that we might use to create a better experience for all of us? Is acceptance the opposite of intention? I am
also thinking about the Taoist belief of action through non-action . . . Mathew, I love this, thank you!
My Reply
I think there are
higher consciousness's than ourselves that use intentions but probably quite in
a different way to ourselves. Humans use intentions quite intensely which is
why we create so much destructive chaos I feel.
I'm actually
suggesting that we lesson the use of intentions as much as we can which will
hopefully lesson the chaos in our lives.
Is acceptance the
opposite of intentions? A very intriguing question to ask Carolyn.
I've been about
acceptance for about two/three years now which has noticeably lessened my
intentions. I don't think acceptance is the opposite of intentions as such but
it certainly lessons the effects of intentions by being more accepting of our
environment. When we are accepting, we don't react as much; acceptance does
indeed seem to automatically lesson the use of intentions.
Action through non-action,
indeed. An action depicts an intention
however through this non-action we are truly not reacting at all, we are merely
in action to stop reacting, once we are aware of what our actions produce, we
automatically stop reacting unless we want to continue to react that is.
I recently wrote about
living without intentions, it gives a brief depiction of what it would be like
without little or no intentions; we could have indeed assisted Gaia instead of
destroying her.
Gaia is of intentions
but it’s very much different to man’s intentions in that Gaia’s intentions
isn’t about dominance, power or control, it’s about an intention to evolve,
that is all. You could certainly say that Gaia’s intentions are of this higher
consciousness. It’s not of various and
numerous intentions like man but very few intentions. We chose to live with
Gaia but we also chose to try to dominate Gaia instead of just living with
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