Friday, 12 December 2014

Releasing Ourselves from Intentions

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was under my recently acquired pyramid with the intention in not having any intentions, I’m just going to go with the flow of things and then a voice entered my head, “You still have intentions, you haven’t let go of your intentions at all, only of the intentions of having an intention”.  I was dumbed founded and thought,” Of course I haven’t got any intentions; I’m just going with the flow of things”.

Again the voice entered my head and said, “If you didn’t have intentions you wouldn’t be here experiencing pain, discomfort and chaos, these things just wouldn’t exist for you unless you had intentions, you must let go completely otherwise you still have intentions”, and then it hit me, everyone is here experiencing this reality with an intention otherwise they wouldn’t be here. So the voice is telling me, to have no intentions one must let go completely of all intentions, this also includes the intentions of my soul, to let go of what my soul chose to experience through intentions.  

This is saying to me that these experiences within this reality are created through intentions, the intentions of the soul; they are built upon an action and reaction process of existence so what is the point in letting go of these intentions?  

Intentions are all about the push and pull effect, pushing something away to pull something else in and the more we do this the more chaos we create, in other words we are creating chaos through our intentions and the more intentions we have the more chaos we will create.  We have more intentions now than we ever have right throughout human history and we also have more chaos. Letting go of as many intentions as possible will in turn lesson the chaos in our lives it would seem.

Does this mean giving up what we have now, life itself as we know life to be? Yes in a sense, letting go of intentions is really letting go of a particular existence, a chaotic and sometimes destructive existence that our souls chose to experience, it’s not actually letting go of life itself but letting go of this particular life. So in letting go of our intentions aren’t we going against our souls chosen path? Not really, being aware of what our intentions create and changing what our intentions create is of the soul’s choice otherwise we wouldn’t become aware of what our intentions create in the first place, it’s a part of the path the soul chose in the first place to become aware of what intentions create.

You could think that there are no interactions while existing without intentions but that’s not completely true, it’s another way to exist that is very hard for us to gauge only because we are only aware of one way to exist these days and that’s with intentions. Like I said, man has more intentions now than he has ever had in known human history, we started off with few intentions like how and where is our food going to come from and where are we going to find shelter to protect ourselves from the elements?   We started off with very few intentions and created very little chaos in the process, we basically lived within our environment instead of dominating and changing our environment to suite our growing intentions.  We have basically forgotten how to live with the basics of intentions unlike the rest of the animal kingdom.  

In my mind this is where religion especially western religion has gone astray, it’s been about power, control and intentions. 

You could imagine living in an existence without intentions, there is absolutely no chaos, it’s pure bliss and harmony with all that exists around such existences.  The interactions change from being influenced by intentions to being influenced by existing without intentions. You don’t have to have intentions to interact, what happens is you interact without intentions, in other words you become one with the present moment and just exist within the flow instead of existing to change the flow, you become totally harmonious with all that is the way it is.    


  1. Thanks Mat, I really enjoyed that.

    1. My pleasure Susan, I see you as being very much like this, you do indeed go with the flow of things, well most of the times.
