Friday, 24 May 2013

What is True Spiritualism/a Spiritualist Prt. 2

stanthorpe me

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have used spiritual gurus for an example in prt. 1 of this topic as I find it appropriate to do so to show that the people we call spiritual as opposed to spiritually aware are in fact still just spiritually aware but at the same time spiritualists like the rest of us as the only difference between the average person & gurus is that they are more connected to their inner self compared to the majority of society.  Is this having ago at them & would a true guru even care? No of course not unless they had an egotistical problem. So does being more often than not connected make them more spiritual than the average person?  This is a difficult question to answer because the obvious answer would be yes they are more spiritual or spiritualistic however just because one is connected more often than not doesn’t necessarily make them more spiritual just more aware at that point in time.

So does being connected &spiritually aware more often than the average person make them more spiritualistic? We perceive so & it’s this perception that tricks us in believing so remembering we are all enlightened spiritual energy forms of one sort or another depending on what type of mode of thought or thoughts we have chosen to live by in this life before we chose to live in realities like this one.

As I have written up in past posts all we have to do is remember who we are, think on this, what is a guru actually doing when they rid themselves of certain emotional humanistic traits? They are remembering who they truly are in the only way they know how to too this date.  To remember who we truly are we need to, as humans, rid ourselves of stress & mind chatter, the way the gurus do this is by ridding themselves in what gives them this stress & mind chatter which are the ego & associated judgment, you alleviate these & all of a sudden you’re at peace quite instantly without having to meditate but of course meditating assists in this process even more helping us to connect a lot deeper.  But of course the act of alleviating ourselves of these emotional human straits is conflictive & non-accepting which really isn’t of true spiritual value.

So what better way is there to remember who we are so we can be more connected to our inner self? Acceptance, so how does one accept mind chatter & stress that will alleviate these influences on us so we can be more connected?  Try looking at your mind chatter & stress as a separate person or living entity to you that is distraught in some way, visualise hugging it & giving it love & understanding & most importantly acceptance. It probably would be a good idea to read up on visualisation, I wrote about this some time back but it was on my old blog & I haven’t added it to this blog as yet.

stanthorpe dam me

A lot of people will find hugging & showing love to something that isn’t physical ridiculous or stupid but that is the way we have been brought up to think, if we let go of our inhibitions & let our mind go free to wonder we wouldn’t think that doing these sorts of things are ridiculous & stupid, we would be free thinkers in our own right thinking for ourselves again now that’s free will which of course helps us free our minds from our daily stress & mind chatter.

If we looked at why a spiritual guru is more connected & aware than the average person in the world we would find that they have very little stress in their lives & the main reason for this is possessions & a care to what is going to happen tomorrow or even the now.  Imagine for an instant what it would be like not to worry about tomorrow for you have no responsibility of what tomorrow will bring, you have no possessions, you have no job, finances or family to worry about, what would you feel if you had absolutely no worries at all? Utter freedom of mind & self!! Why would a spiritual guru give this up because it’s an amazing freeing feeling!!!

I don’t think you have to rid yourself of emotional human traits like the ego or judgment to become connected however if one is too egotistical & judgmental this of course will be a problem & if you have psychological issues that is also a problem but which can be overcome; balance is the key as it always will be. Let your mind go free of taught modes of thought that we are all brought up believing in, rebalance out our outer selves with our inner selves & the sky’s the limit to a new frontier of contentment & happiness, be creative!!

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