Friday, 24 May 2013


stanthorpe damgate

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had an unreal day today, I worked in the morning & attended to the essentials at home in the afternoon & in all that time I just had a huge appreciation of what I am & what I have around me. I looked down at my hand & realised once again that I am getting old & the WOW factor that came from that alone is mind blowing, the concept of acceptance is incredible & this is done without giving up any other part of my spiritual self or religiously following any ideological belief system or even meditating but of course with acceptance comes balance & it’s this balance between the outer & inner self that gives me these feeling of appreciation without having to conflict with any part of spirituality. How many people are there in the world who appreciates getting old?

The WOW factor is like as if I have never experienced life like this before but I know I have, the WOW in the factor is knowing this will never come again in the same exact way ever again, it’s not just about appreciation of being human & being able to play out a humanistic role but being & knowing of ones connection with the inner self at the same time & being able to play out my humanistic role without giving up any part of my human spiritual self, it’s quite humanly exhilarating at times.  Being able to humanly allow myself to fully experience my connectedness & balance between my inner & outer selves in such a human state is incredible & that is why I feel so appreciative. If I was to conflict with certain parts of my human self & rid myself of them so that I can be more connected like the ego or judgment I wouldn’t quite have the same feeling.

Knowing that every moment in one’s life is special because it will never be again & that no other being/human will ever experience what I am at this precise moment is exhilarating but only because I have not thrown away any part of my human self, I have adapted my human traits & balanced them out within my inner & outer selves but I have not excluded them from my life. You could probably say I have diluted some of them to come in line with my other traits but I have not excluded them.

What I am doing is observing my human self as a whole with total acceptance of who my human self is warts & all without messing around with the human traits that make me human, if I rid myself totally of human traits like the ego & judgment would I in fact be still human? Only within the human traits I have left which aren’t too many especially when you rid yourself of the ego altogether which by the way is impossible for a living human to do, you would have to kill yourself as well to obtain this as I have explained in past posts.

The biggest trick is to know of your inner self & experiencing it at the same time your being totally humanistic without having to give up, totally, any part of your human self & this of course comes down to desires. As we become connected again with our inner self we desire to press on no matter what because it feels exhilarating in many different ways even if you have to give up certain humanistic traits to obtain these abilities that come with such connectedness. The funny thing is it’s awfully human to desire this connection to obtain these gifts that connectedness gives you but something even more funnier, I don’t desire these gifts of connectedness I desire all the gifts humanism has to offer which to me is far more exhilarating & rewarding. Can we have both if we desired so? I believe so; accept both worlds for what they are.  True connectedness will automatically give you balance & a relative stress free life but you have to listen to your inner self first & make appropriate changes to your life according to your inner self messages & feelings but of course if you don’t want to or are afraid to make certain changes which at times can be quite radical you will never acquire further development towards your desires.  Dilute what is not serving you but never conflictingly try to eradicate any part of you, in this  both worlds are attainable at the same time.

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