Friday, 24 May 2013

What is True Spiritualism/a Spiritualist


Written by Mathew Naismith

I’m going to try to explain what being a spiritualist means & to explain this I will insert a post I sent to a person in reply to a topic simular to this to hopefully clarify my concepts on this subject.

G’day Shawn

I’m not really brow beating myself Shawn just being truthful, everyone has been hypocritical in one way or another in their lives & like with the ego & judgment I don’t have a problem with hypocrisy as it just shows how human I am which I also don’t have a problem with. So how truly aware are we when becoming spiritually aware or are spiritual.

I find it strange that some spiritually aware people have problems with these things, they are only a problem when we are unaware of them but of course if one is truly spiritually aware one shouldn’t have a problem with anything to do with humanism in the first place which makes us far less conflictive with life itself while becoming spiritually aware. 

 A true spiritualist would have to be someone who isn’t conflictive at all with anything so this is saying Gurus & alike aren’t true spiritualists because they have a conflict with being & acting out certain parts of humanism like the ego, judgment & even hypocrisy, a strange concept but seemingly plausible.

Our knowledge is only as good as our conscious understanding at the time, of course the world was once flat but now we are more aware & know it isn’t. I look at everything being of the spiritual including science as science is but a tool we use to rediscover ourselves, things make a lot more sense when we holistically look at them under one umbrella which sounds a lot like oneness.


me at camp

What is true spiritualism/a spiritualist? This is a very hard question to answer because it’s as varied as there are beliefs, all spiritual indoctrinated isms would agree if you follow their ideologies to the letter you’re a true spiritualist but is this truly the case.  To me to be a true spiritualist one would have to be all accepting & non-conflictive like God/the source/ creative consciousness or whatever but to believe in an ideology that isn’t in line with other ideologies can be conflictive & non-accepting as we have seen right throughout human history. If one ideological ism believes in one thing & another ism something else who is being a true spiritualist?

Let’s take a look at spiritual gurus who I have always said were true spiritualists compared to a spiritually aware person, are they true spiritualists? Well they don’t seem to be because they too have conflicts so you would have to ask the question does being totally non-conflictive give us spiritualism?  If we looked at someone looking at the world in loving eyes & only seeing beauty is this more spiritual than being non-conflictive?  If we ask another question, can a person who only can see beauty & love in the world see this in warring or a child being molested for instance? This is a hard question to answer because if not they can’t be truly spiritual or loving of everything however one does loose a certain amount of human emotions while in deep spiritual states as we tend to realise what life is all about thus become totally non-judgmental & far less emotional because of our understanding & newly found awareness.

We could also ask another question here, can a totally non-conflictive person be non-conflicting & accepting of warring & a child being molested? Not if our human emotions have anything to do with it so is this saying it’s our human emotions that cause the conflicts? Yes most defiantly.

This is where being empathic comes into it meaning to be; able to understand how someone feels because you can imagine what it is like to be them. In war we can see both sides of the picture & the same with the child & the child molester. Becoming truly spiritually aware isn’t a simple process because of our conflictive emotions & of course if you already have an emotional problem in the first place of one sort or another, this process is going to be even harder to go through.

Let’s get back to the spiritual gurus, are they emotional? Not as much as someone just being spiritually aware or who is unaware because of their empathetic understanding.  They rid themselves of emotionally driven traits like the ego & judgment so in the case of a war or a child being molested they have no judgment therefore have no emotional response which causes them conflicts.

One at this point could look at this differently, to rid oneself & to keep oneself rid of conflictive emotional traits like the ego & judgment isn’t that being conflictive towards human traits like the ego & judgment as the guru doesn’t want to have or live by those traits?  In actual fact yes which again is emotionally driven as this comes down to desiring to rid oneself of something & desire is very emotional & human like. So this is saying a spiritual guru is only spiritually aware not an actual spiritualist because to be totally non-conflictive one would have to be totally unemotional period & that is impossible in my mind for a human being to do altogether? Seemingly yes!!

So what is true spiritualism/a spiritualist?  It is either something or someone totally void of emotions human or not or someone who accepts all for what it is, one who doesn’t have a conflict in being any part of being human including egotistical & judgmental .  In this lies true spiritual acceptance & what are most of us doing today, living by this acceptance to one point or another so in actual fact we are all being spiritual, spiritualistic & are all spiritualists to one extent or another not just the gurus.

This is saying that spiritual gurus have not come to the full understanding that they are still conflicting even though they have lessened their conflicts considerably by denouncing & ridding themselves of certain human traits, you could say that a guru is less spiritual than the average person on the street as they are still trying to find total acceptance but one can’t find total acceptance until one stops unaccepting all of what is spiritual which includes humans & all their emotional traits. For sure a guru is more connected to their inner selves than the average person but they are only connected to find total acceptance & peace, only through total acceptance even of everything human can one find true acceptance for its all spiritual.

Gurus are trying to find acceptance within their inner selves but what were we before coming to live in physical realities like this one? Enlightened spiritualistic energy forms & that is what gurus are desiring however they don’t realise they already are what they seek but it doesn’t seem like that to us because we have labelled spiritualism to only a few parts of what

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