Written by Mathew Naismith
This post starts of sounding a little science orientated which seems to have nothing to do with spirituality until we end up finding a comparable link between spirituality & the anatomy as we see the body quite differently to how a spiritually aware person would define oneness for some reason.
Different Vibrational Effects: Recently I have been in discussion with a person of the user name of Txs, we both agreed with each other that every little thing existing vibrates & the reason one person is different in mind & body to any other person previously, presently & futuristically existing is we all vibrate at different frequencies, even different parts of our anatomy is different from another part of our body because it vibrates at a different frequency & it’s these different frequencies that give it form.
If we look at our own person, what makes the hand different from the foot or a toe to the brain? Each part is made up of different vibrative frequencies now look at someone else’s foot or hand, is it the same as yours? Of course not, this is how unique every bit of our body is to our own person but if we compare our body parts to someone else we soon find out how physically unique we are. Now on top of that let’s look at the mode of thought (mind), is anyone else’s mind thinking in the exact same mode of thought as another person? No one will ever physically or mentally be what you are right now, how uniquely special is that?
Let’s have a look at spirituality, consciousness & vibrations, what are they apart of? In actual fact they are of the same thing with different labels, everything is of the spiritual, consciousness & vibrative frequencies the problem is with vibrative frequencies is we can’t say someone is of a vibrative frequency because they are made up of many millions of frequencies that make up any particular individualistic person plus it sounds strange to call someone a vibrational frequency but we can say someone is consciousness or of the spiritual as these have no defining differences to something else unlike vibrative frequencies which individualise consciousness & the spiritual into various differential energy forms such as humans or even a rock. Because a collective mass of vibrative frequencies can be made up of many frequencies like a human being we call that vibrative mass human as it’s much more definable to us.
If everything was as one everything in existence would vibrate at the exact same frequency therefore there wouldn’t be any defining difference from one vibrating conscious form to another. For example a rock would all of a sudden look & be as what a human would be or water would be the same as fire because it’s all of the same frequency. It’s these different vibrative frequencies that make fire & water different from each other & the difference is very minimal believe it or not. For an example of this let’s look at a tree, when we burn the tree it no longer looks like the tree & in actual fact it’ vibrational frequencies have totally changed from one to the other in the time it take to burn the tree which is minimal, all vibrational frequencies work in the same manner.
The brain on it’s own is virtually useless without a mode of thought as the hand is useless without the brain telling it what to do so when the brain is trained to hold a fork or pen, which we all have to learn to do, the hand responds to the brain frequencies but the hand can’t tell itself what to do it needs the brain for that. We could say the hand is no way simular to the vibrative frequencies of the brain, the hand might be complicated within it’s physical makeup but it can’t tell itself what to do but can the brain, on it’s own, hold a fork or a pen? With these two seemingly quite different vibrative forms working together the brain can indeed hold a fork or a pen but without the hand the brain is useless in doing such mundane things, it can have all the knowing it likes to hold a fork but without the hand that knowledge is useless.
This is funny because we look at the brain as being separate from the rest of the body however can the brain, not the mind which is of the knowledge of the brain, live without the rest of the body or without being connected to some other life giving vibrative form? Don’t look at the brain being a separate part as from the hand look at the whole of oneself being the brain; this is a holistic way of looking at the indifferences of one part of the body to another. Is the part of our anatomy we call the brain connected to any part of our body? It’s connected to all parts of our body so why do we look at it as a separate entity; our whole self is of the brain just different parts of the brain vibrating at different frequencies like the hand. We look at everything as being consciousness or spiritual because this denotes oneness so why don’t we spiritually aware people look at the human body in the same oneness way?
This is a huge trap we can find ourselves in while becoming spiritually aware & connected to our inner knowing, separating ourselves from the rest of the consciousness that isn’t vibrating at the same frequency as us which is exactly what we do with our own anatomy, looking at the brain as a separate part to the hand when it’s all connected as one even though it’s vibrating at a different frequency which gives it it’s form. Consciousness is still consciousness even though different parts of itself are vibrating at different frequencies just like our anatomy. Ask yourself this, because your hand is vibrating at a different frequency are we going to separate the rest of ourselves from the hand so why separate & label yourself away from different vibrative consciousness’s, it’s the same thing? Look at yourself & everything & everybody as being consciousness or different vibrative parts of yourself, this helps in identifying different parts of you but remember they are not another you they are you working in unison just like the brain does with the rest of the anatomy under one conscious holistic form!!
The easiest way of understanding this is think of yourself vibrating at one frequency only, which of course would give you no form, now add in the vibrative frequency the ego, WHAM all of a sudden form begins to take place & of course from this obvious creative ego we get other vibrational frequencies as well like judgment, love & so on & it’s from these mixes of other vibrative frequencies in one mass form that gives us individualism, you & I which are like different parts of the anatomy.
We have the vibrational creative ego creating form so where does egotism come into place? As soon as the ego has created form egotism comes into play like with differentiating one vibrative frequency from another or one person from another or anyone physical form another, in other words we have become judgmental because all other forms of vibrative forms have become different to you, we are comparing simular vibratory forms to ourselves which bring on various degrees of egotism & judgment & this is where egotism, when vibrating at it’s worse, is actually destructive as opposed to the creative ego so the ego, like us individuals, is very special & creative. When something becomes destructive that is when we create chaos within a particular conscious form because egotism is in opposition to the creative ego which gives us chaos of course. No wonder we feel out of balance with the rest of creation as we have become destructive not creative because most things we create today destroy in other ways.
What we really need to remember we are all of the same thing, a vibration, as our anatomy is to itself.
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