Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Is the Human Race Worth Saving?

Written by Mathew Naismith

I came across an interesting question recently on the net, "Is the human race worth saving?" There was a poll attached to this question and most people by far said no for various reasons.

You could look at this response as being very negative but I saw it as a very positive sign, the reason for this is more people were showing how aware they are of our destructive ways, I did however myself vote yes; the human race is worth saving.

The reason for this is a lot more of us are indeed becoming more aware of our destructive ways and of our inner truer selves, I also believe you only need a certain amount of people in this world to make changes to our destructive ways.  I also believe the old destructive consciousness will be left behind with all it’s many attachments.

What a more aware person shouldn’t do  is not expect everyone to just drop this old consciousness and all it’s attachments just like that, this isn’t going to happen and the more we push this the more they are going to cling onto these attachments.  We need to be more subtle and patient which isn’t easy to do, this is because the more aware we become the more aware we are of who we truly are and what our existence should be like.  Becoming aware isn’t an easy thing to go through in such a destructive reality.

The following is another reason why I think we are worth saving, this was in reply to another questioned posed by someone on LinkedIn,” Is There Trauma In Embracing The Sacred Feminine?.

The Mayans prophesied that we are at present entering into the period of the feminine self which will help give peace, love and harmony onto ourselves giving rise to a more constructive mentality, does this mean the masculine was only destructive within it's intentions?

Yes and no, yes the masculine was more supportive of a destructive mentality but no because without the masculine the feminine wouldn't come into being, there is a purpose to the masculine as there is a purpose to the feminine.

So what is the purpose of a destructive mentality? I believe pure consciousness isn't aware of itself until it becomes expressive of this consciousness. To be aware of the feminine, a more constructive mentality, this pure consciousness needed to be expressed so this pure consciousness can become more aware itself. The masculine has made us more aware of the feminine within this pure consciousness, to me the masculine is very positive, it is helping us to become more aware of ourselves and of God's consciousness.

To me the masculine is about becoming aware and the feminine is of expressing this awareness, the feminine could not be expressed without the awareness of the masculine.

The problem is now, do we continue on a masculine way or do we evolve further and go to the next step of expressing this awareness that the masculine has given us. Yes we could stay ignorant and allow the masculine destroy us or we could choose to go on from the masculine and give the feminine a chance to prove itself before discarding the human race, what will be will be but we do indeed have a choice.


  1. I enjoyed your thoughts in this article, Mathew. You demonstrate deep insight into the relationship between the masculine and the feminine... I began to understand, from a very small child, both the masculine and the feminine exist within me. It has been a lifelong process to achieve the inner balance between the they one...the breath of life...the taking in and exhaling of energy... The scientist, through his evolving science, as well the religionist will someday both realize this universal principle... The whole of the Universe of universes breathes in and the living embodiment and presence of the Supreme God of time and space... The Universe literally expands and contracts in two billion year billion years of expansion and one billion of contraction... I often muse to myself how the scientific equations of the still young and primitive science of the Earth-bound scientist and the religionist would immediately change...were the universe to begin its one billion year contraction cycle, rather than the one of expansion we are currently in... We live and die in a relative "flash instant" of segmented time... Yes, we are "worth saving..."

    1. It doesn't seem at times that we are getting there with all the destruction that is happening within the world especially at present, we need to give things a chance to evolve like with all of what is. 

  2. Replies
    1. If you got something from this Ana I'm sure it's both our pleasure, awareness is certainly about sharing.
