Thursday, 17 September 2015

5th Dimensional Mentalities

Written by Mathew Naismith

I will start by giving you an idea of what 5th dimension constitutes/represents.

Extract: Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height, volume, time and spirit.  Linear time and space do not bind consciousness here.  There is NO illusion of separation or limitation. Instead, there is a constant experience of the One-ness of God/Goddess/All That Is.  On the fifth dimension we live in Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, and Unconditional Acceptance. We hold no judgement, guilt, or negativity towards the "lower" portions or aspects of ourselves that are striving to remember our "Higher Selves".  At this level, we are free to create new ways of thinking/being/doing through the seeds of unity consciousness.

I have been good friends with a yoga teacher for a number of years now, this yoga teacher isn't just into the exercises of yoga but the science and spirituality of yoga as well. This is important to remember as I found a number of teacher are only into the exercises of yoga, for example, I had a partner of one yoga teacher tell me spirituality has nothing to do with yoga, as you could imagine I was floored/surprised by this comment.

I brew a particular beer for this person and we sit drinking this beer under her house while playing pool with other people, it's a really good social event, no one gets sloshed/drunk on this beer because I water down.

There are quite a few people who would judge this action of drinking alcohol non-conductive to spiritual awareness and especially unproductive to entering into the 5th dimension,  if you met this person you would soon change your views on these kinds of misjudgements.

What some of us seem to be doing is trying our hardest to be perfect to become spiritually aware and enter into the 5th dimension, I'm afraid all this doing is giving us misjudgements in relation to 3rd dimensional expressions and actions. Within these actions of misjudgements of 3rd dimensional expressions, all we are doing is expressing even more 3rd dimensional expressions by reacting in a judgmental way.  This kind of mentality is all about separation, "I don't drink alcohol or do anything not conductive to spiritual wholeness". You have separation in that you are doing the right thing and other are not!! 5th dimensional mentality isn't about separation of any kind and it's certainly  not of being in judgment of any 3rd dimensional expressions or actions what so ever.

The next part of the post isn't going to go down too well at all with some people,  this is due to stating that no matter what your actions are, if you let go of all the 3rd dimensional expressions and fixations, you will enter into the 5th dimension. This means, if you are, for example,  a drunk or a yoga teacher, you will enter into the 5th dimension if you let go of all 3rd dimensional expressions and fixations.

To a lot of people, a yoga teacher, for example, would have to be well ahead of a person cutting off heads to enter into the 5th dimension, judgment (ego) would agree with this statement without a thought. The mentality of a yoga teacher is well above and far less destructive than someone cutting off heads, the ego influences us to think, "These people have a much lower form of vibration than a yoga teacher, there is no way these people could enter into the 5th dimension".

No matter how a person is now expressing themselves, either constructively or destructively, if they dropped all 3rd dimensional expressions, in other words changed their mentality, they would enter into the 5th dimension, the only human trait that says otherwise is an ego in control of a consciousness/person.

However, Being a yoga teacher, or practicing in any spiritual practice that gives us balance, will lend these people to a better chance of entering the 5th dimension, in other words any practice or expression that is constructive, will help us enter into the 5th dimension a lot easier. This is wholly due to the 5th dimension being only expressive of constructive expressions and actions.

I did say this was going to irk/irritate some people but there is more.

Yoga, meditating, Ti Chi, praying, chanting etc. are all 3rd dimensional expressions, you will not have to express yourself in this way in a 5th dimension, this is due to all these practices being a natural part of the 5th dimension without effort or motion. This might be hard to believe, then consider this, we use these practices to give ourselves balance, the 5th dimension is of this balance without effort.

Yes, to enter into the 5th dimension you don't have to just let go of destructive expressions but constructive expressions as well.  Once the ego becomes fixated to a constructive practice, the ego just can't let this go. The point is, we don't need to take these practices with us, they where only there for the 3rd dimension to assist us in 3rd dimensional existence, in other words they where there to assist us with 3rd dimensional mentalities.

These practices, to me, actually came from the 5th dimension but were devised  to be expressed in a 3rd dimensional way to assist us, it's the fixations to these expressions we now need to let go of. For some people this isn't going to be easy, it's served them so well in the 3rd dimension, I suppose people into cutting off heads, 3rd dimensional mentality has served them well as well. No matter how you have expressed yourself in the 3rd dimension, to have any experience of the 5th dimension, we need to let go of all of what 3rd dimensional mentality represents. 

I apologise if I have offended anyone, all I can do is tell it how it is.  


  1. Yes, tell us how you see things....HOW IT IS is another I read I remember what someone I knew many years back said about not to judge people by their appearances...that the bum in the gutter could be the most advanced person in our world...he just came to express or experience this homelessness and drunkenness for his own reasons... I remember when I was lecturing and meeting all these spiritual people keeping up appearances and saying, God loves folks who drink beer and eat meat and fuck too....I was not always popular but some few got it...

    5D is 5 D and always available to some and 3 D is 3D and available to all in human form...these beliefs of hierarchy are old and deserve and earn and such....all nonsense....we are already what we dream to be....ego keeps the key to our prisons...a 3 year old dictates our reality...madness indeed....

    Enjoy your beer....

  2. I've always some how knew this but I couldn't get my head around it as it made no sense, how could the most deplorable people in the world have a more advanced soul? I think it comes down to this, if these souls couldn't ground themselves, they wouldn't be able to experience this reality the way it is.

    I was made aware of a person who came from the twelfth dimension, they were so crippled up, and in pain/discomfort, this condition deformed them to the extreme. I also think this is the same with a number of people who these goody two shoes judge as people from the gutter.

    I am certainly with you in what you stated hear.

    I can't remember what they are called but there a a group of spiritually aware people in India who violently lash out at people, to these goody two shoes these people lashing out wouldn't be as spiritual as them, now that's a laugh.
