Written by Mathew Naismith
I will start this blog off with a reply I gave to a group of
people who want to ascend to the fifth dimension.
I'm not sure how many
people know this, a group of ancient Egyptian's opened port wholes into other
dimensions, even beyond the 5th dimension. When you observe the 3rd dimension
from these other dimensions, you observe that the 3rd dimension is about
self-deception and ignorance.
When these people
opened up these port wholes, the truth opened up to them especially concerning
the 3rd dimension and 3rd dimensional mentality. This of course didn't go down
very well with anyone fixated and expressing 3rd dimensional mentality. The
people within this group were of course called all sorts of names and corruptly
ostracised and banished, 3rd dimensional mentality just can't handle the truth. I suppose trying to free the slaves at
the same time didn't help their cause either.
I recently observed an
obvious discrepancy in a post, which the poster soon showed within their abuse
and name calling. I was abused and called arrogant and obviously titled
negative, déjà-vu, even though I was the one being abused. Surprisingly, this
same person was supported in their actions by a few people.
People, let go of 3rd
dimension mentality, it's highly conductive to deception and ignorance which is
not apart of the 5th dimension. If you
continue to fixate yourself to this kind of mentality, you won't be going
If you want to call me
arrogant, negative and ostracise and probably banished me because I know
something, so be it but be very careful, this 5th dimension wasn't opened by a
group of people, it's apart of a natural cycle, you will indeed be left behind
if you don't stop expressing 3rd dimensional mentalities.
The following will hopefully explain, in detail, what each
dimension is conductive to, we are at present in the 3rd dimension.
People with an obvious 3rd dimensional mentality often find
me irritating, this is because I open myself up to other dimensions, this
doesn't mean I actually enter into these dimensions though, it just means I'm
open to there reasoning and mentality. Most spiritually aware people, who are open
to other dimensional thinking, will most often receive rebuttals from people
who are not open to these dimensional thinking processes, this is natural
especially within a 3rd dimension.
The 3rd dimensional mentality is of self-deception and
ignorance, this is natural for this dimension, trying to bring forth truth from
the 5th dimension is obviously going to receive a very aggressive welcome from
a 3rd dimensional mentality. This is due to 3rd dimensional mentality not being
able to handle the truth, it's actually not meant to especially on a collective
scale no matter how bad life gets. This however doesn't mean we can't bring
forth other kinds of mentalities from other dimensions into the 3rd dimension,
it just means you will receive rebuttals if you express this kind of wisdom.
This group of people, in ancient Egypt, opened up these port
wholes into other dimensions, you might think this was ludicrous to do but it wasn't. These people knew a
major famine was coming but they also knew that this famine could be avoided through
a simple change of mentality.
The following isn't usually stated when discussing
dimensions, each dimension exists because of a certain mentality or a certain
state of consciousness, this of course can be change at any given moment. it's
not this easy of course only because of our fixations to this kind of mentality.
These fixations are of course brought about by our conditioning from birth, no conditioning
from birth is easy to un-fixate ourselves
from, this is unless you become wised to other dimensions and their mentalities.
I should also say that I think people like Jesus, Buddha, Confucius
etc. expressed themselves through the 5th dimension, it's no wonder they were
ignored by fifth dimensional mentalities. The only people who would understands
them, are people who were beyond 3rd dimensional mentalities, in other words people
who were not just fixated to 3rd dimensional mentalities.
I wasn't going to write about the 5th dimension, it's not an
easy topic to write about because 3rd dimensional mentalities usually aren't
receptive and understanding of any other dimensional mentality but the mentality
they were conditioned too. I will however write about the 5th dimension in the
next post I write, it was inevitable I suppose.
I have visited this place many times. Old talent I bought to this life. The 5th D is a place to visit to gain knowledge and bring it back to share with one's fellows..it is the place all great teachers and healers come from or whom I call the illuminated ones. They come & go back....it is not a place for everyone and not to be used as a sedative or drug to avoid the 3 D life. I have even gone there to drag back people who went there to avoid dealing with reality...although quite nice, one must know ones place for now and not get confused.
ReplyDeleteIt is my belief that we should all be true to our parts in the 3 D drama. We are complex beings who are fragmented into many parts in many different places, dimensions and planets and times.
Matt you are quite OK with me.... I think I just jointed you in the unpopular club...oh well, I can take the heat and I believe you can also.
Good day mate,
One of the most receptive replies I've received, in my mind anyway.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who expresses 5D mentality in a 3D reality will of course receive what they deserve. you and I, and people like us, are uncomfortable with unwarranted 3D destructive mentalities, there is indeed a better way to exist as so many people before us have shown. If we are unable to learn from past wisdom, what are we then going to learn from? Like many people before us, we will have to pay the piper for our honesty and integrity.
You are what Australians call a good bloke, true to heart and honest to boot.
I'm happy you are who you are and that I missed viewing that aforementioned interactions of the unenlightened. Please remember that those who you "reach" Are the ones who are at a place to understand. Not all are. Thank you for sharing your insights with us. Love and peace dear heart.
ReplyDeleteThanks BB for these kind words, you are open to my views as a am to yours.
DeleteI've been in conversation with a bloke who is obviously only expressive of 3D mentality, he's very demanding, aggressive and noticeably deceptive, he was ongoing, he just wasn't going to stop. Within he's actions, he has given me more resolve, what I have been talking about was confirmed by this person but he was unable to see this. He might not wanted to see it either which is also of 3D mentality, stay as unaware as possible.
Much blessings my dear friend