Sunday, 1 June 2014

Positive Push and Pull effects.

Written by Mathew Naismith

Sorry but it seems I’ve been negligent in relation to positivity and the push and pull effect.  Positivity is a reaction which denotes a push and pull effect however if the positive reaction isn’t in retaliation or opposition to negatives it’s more of a subtle reaction. We get this in meditation, meditation is a subtle action of the push and pull effect, it’s not usually in retaliation to negatives. If it is in retaliation then it’s not as subtle however eventually we will release ourselves of this push and pull effect when practicing in meditation hopefully, thus in turn quietening the mind.

Why is it so hard to get into a meditative state at times? I feel it has everything to do with the push and pull effect. Notice next time when it’s difficult to go into a meditative state, you will find you are pushing or pulling at something in life. Physical existence is all about this push and pull effect but if we can positively and subtly correct our ways in how we react in life we will in turn create a new consciousness creative to life not destructive to life. In other words Instead of living under a constructive ego we can now live under a constructive ego.

Positivity and negativity don’t have to be of the extremes of this push and pulling, the closer to the middle ground we can get them the less extreme pushing and pulling effects we will create.

This pushing and pulling effect creates realities, the more extreme the negatives and positives are the more chaotic a reality is going to become; human history is a good example of that.  I think this pushing and pulling is of fragmented consciousness reacting to itself creating whatever reality the reactions are between this push and pulling.  The less opposing the reaction is between the push and pull the more peaceful a reality this will create, the more opposing the less peaceful a reality this will create.

Consciousness creates whatever that consciousness is. Consciousness is a very powerful energy form much powerful than man has ever produced including the nuclear bomb.  The sun doesn’t even come close with it’s push and pulling effects but what does come close is matter and anti-matter coming together which produces universes.  We shouldn’t underestimate consciousness, if we are being positive as opposed to negative we are creating another big bang however the big difference between creating something out of opposing opposites and non-opposing opposites is the outcome.  Matter and anti-matter didn’t oppose each other obviously so created constructively however if we use positivity in opposition to negativity we will create something alright, something destructive.  Human history is a very good example of this; it was created through opposing opposites instead of non-opposing opposites. In other words, this reality was created through a controlling destructive ego instead of a non-controlling constructive ego.  

Some people believe there are no realties, realties are an illusion so everything I just said about realties is irrelevant or is it? There is a fundamental difference between illusions and delusions; I believe we are delusional rather than being of an illusion. This might sound worse but it’s not.

You can’t create or have realities within illusions because they are not real however when we are delusional we live within our own self-created reality and yes they are real to us as this reality is to a lot of people.  The delusion is we are not being all we are however we are being what the push and pull effect of consciousness creates, this is probably too farfetched for most people. What I am saying is, this push and pull effect, like matter and antimatter coming together, creates realties that are real in a sense.  No this reality isn’t all we are but it was still created by fragmented consciousness reacting to each other either in opposing opposition to each other or non-opposing to each other.

No matter if it’s fragmented consciousness, which relates to thought, or non-fragmented consciousness, thoughtlessness, it’s still consciousness. If I cut my finger off is that finger no longer a part of me even though it’s physically no longer a part of me? No of course not, just because fragmented consciousness isn’t whole doesn’t make it no longer a part of the whole of consciousness.  If we thought we were just the finger that is a delusion not an illusion, also you can’t honestly say the finger no longer exists just because it’s no longer a part of us? To me if you call this reality an illusion that is exactly what you would be saying, “the finger no longer real, it’s an illusion!!”    

I think it’s important how we use consciousness, in any form, to create our present/future/reality. Being aware in how consciousness reacts to itself is fundamentally important if we want a more peaceful existence without so much extreme positive and negative pushing and pulling.

Please again don’t take this post as gospel, it’s only one person’s ravings.  

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