Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Consciousness of God-The Observer

Written by Mathew Naismith

I know the people who aren’t into the word God, or what it represents to some people, aren’t going to be happy with my use of this word but I can’t please everyone. The reason I used God in this post is because most people around the world relate to this expression of a higher consciousness and to be of a higher consciousness one needs to be the observer.  This of course doesn’t mean all observers are God’s, it just means when we become the observer of either just ourselves and/or the collective we become connected more to our divine selves and God/the source I believe.

In our everyday lives with our everyday attachments, it’s very hard to become the observer of oneself and especially of others and the collective; this is why I think we feel so detached at times.  We are caught up in the dramas of life instead of the connectedness to God, the source of creation; the best way to reconnect ourselves is through becoming an observer.

The following links I thought was typically showing how becoming an observer can connect us better to each other, the collective and to God.

Being the witness or observer is a divine position. The formless God is the observer of all that happens, through each pair of eyes, through each and every set of senses. All is only experienced by the One, the only Doer. It is the One who samples life just as it is the One who meets the One in the experience of enlightenment that represents the culminating event of all our lives, up till that point.
So being the observer is being my Divine Self and is a practice much encouraged in spiritual circles.

The following link is more into the physics side of being an observer.

To become an observer one has to seem to be detached to whatever they are observing, if you can’t do this you can’t become an observer.  So becoming detached this would mean we become less emotional? Yes but don’t mistake fewer emotions means being non-empathetic, because you become more aware you become more empathic, this is due to dropping of our attachments to life itself as it plays out.  Most human emotions are due to attachments of one kind or another and of course attachments denote ego, I understand God’s consciousness doesn’t have an ego. This is why God is a very good observer, there are no ego driven emotions just empathy.

Practice observing yourself while at play by visualising yourself actually observing yourself and after a while do the same with others and eventually you will become an observer of the collective by visualising looking at the earth for instance.  Once you become the observer of the collective, you will laugh your head off.   How could anyone laugh their heads off when there is so much chaos and hurt going on?  Two reasons; one, we have become unattached to life itself, two, the answer to our dilemmas is so easy it’s hilarious, become an observer and drop all attachments that cause so much chaos and do us so much harm.  Also take note of the first link I supplied here, once an emotional occurrence was observed all what one could do then is laugh at the little things. Life is a little thing compared to the whole conscious collective, which is why you will laugh!!  


  1. I love that we are all moving in the same direction in Consciousness, years back I remember getting into a debate because I said I was in control of my own destiny. The Gentlemen asked me if I thought that was being arrogant... I knew I connected to "God" on a much deeper level, almost to the point where I "knew" I was one with it. So I always found comments like "how can man know the mind of God" ludicrous. Everything we ever needed to know is abundant and before us, and this is why I write. To get these realities out there, so those Conscious Spirits like me even in Junior High can have answers when there's not much in Libraries to guide them into making their own true self discoveries :)...Sorry rant lol

    1. The funny thing is we should know the mind of God because we are all a part of that God, don't worry I get the same thing Jason.

      I think what has happened is we have separated ourselves from God ( the source) and now we have no idea where we have come from in the first place and no idea of what we all are a part of.....sad.

      Yes it would seem we are coming together as one again through our conectedness to the source of all of what everything is.

  2. I like to think of separation as unconsciousness, in meditation there's this event that I called "blending" when it first happened. There's a wall that I came up against that scared me, as I felt my body fade away. Then once the "concept of fear" fades it's replaced with the oneness. And it all right. This connection to all and nothing that can become addictive if we aren't Conscious of it. When I contemplate this, it becomes easy to me. The Source is all, we are of the Source, so then we are Source as well. But I realize this was just my journey, I think maybe if more thought like us then we could raise the frequency. But its getting through the generations of separations that has hit us on every dynamic since the dawn of humankind. To no longer address another person by their form but by another part of ourselves, from Source. That would be awesome :)

    1. Yes most definitely Jason, people like you and I, in certain states of consciousness, experience this however we have to contend with fixations to various addictions like consumerist materialism and even war when we come back from these conscious states.

      I had a lengthy conversation with an atheist about this post, he's fixation on his ism blinded him from anything beyond what he was addicted too, he was unable to perceive past his understanding beyond his conscious conditioning but of course he couldn't see this either sadly enough.

      Times are changing however, out with the old mentality and in with the new. It's not easy to drop a mentality we have become addicted too and are conditioned too over many centuries.
