Monday, 20 January 2014

Knowledge & Wisdom Explained

Written by Mathew Naismith

Is wisdom & knowledge one of the same or are they quite different? The link below I found to be a very good source of info answering this & many others questions about wisdom & knowledge.  Is knowledge needed to gain wisdom or can wisdom be gained in other ways? This is a difficult question because knowledge is of time & wisdom isn’t as the link below explains further.

Extract: “Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” - T. S. Eliot. Knowledge is gathered from learning and education while most say that wisdom is gathered from day to day experiences and is a state of being wise. Knowledge is merely having clarity of facts and truths while wisdom is the practical ability to make consistently good decisions in life.

In the comparison chart I found it interesting finding timelessness & experience under wisdom. Under knowledge it sounds awfully like control where’s under wisdom it sounds like it’s releasing control, spirituality is about releasing control not enforcing it I believe. What dominates our reality at present? Time & knowledge & as long as these stay prominently dominant we will probably never find peace collectively however at the individual level we can.   

We should remind ourselves if we are spiritually aware that the reasoning process of a knowledgeable person can & should be somewhat different to a wise &/or a spiritually aware person. It would seem knowledgeable people will dominate through control where’s spiritually aware people are of releasing control. Knowledgeable people are of time where’s spiritually aware people aren’t. Can we mix the two together?  Not usually successfully, the dominance of knowledge & time will always try to control so it’s always a battle.  Is this why so many of us have such a battle while becoming spiritually aware? It would certainly seem that way to me.

Meditating, praying, chanting singing can give us a disconnection from time & knowledge thus control, no wonder we feel so much better while conducting in such spiritual practices!!

This post, believe it or not, was inspired by a confrontation on a spiritual site dominated by people who are quite knowledgeable & very controlling. The confrontation was brought about my post titled A Wise Man Wise, because some people couldn’t get the gist of the story they quite destructively criticized it. The difference between people who didn’t get the gist of the story was quite amazing, some people were quite obviously constructive within their criticism & advice but others where more aggressive. The continues use of high caps was obvious; it’s a form of yelling & yes control. What do we do when our kids are out of control & how do some of us take control back? We yell!!

So what is this saying about this post being inspired by unbecoming behaviour? It’s saying goods things can always come from unbecoming experiences, it’s a part of becoming aware for all of us.  Experience can bring forth our wisdom from within!! 

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