Friday, 24 May 2013

The World of True Spiritual Acceptance pt.7


Written by Mathew Naismith

Acceptance & Meditation: Meditation has everything to do with thinking as little as possible & the less one can think the further & faster one is able to go into a meditative state but that’s not the only thing that defines how deep one can go.  Acceptance assists greatly in thinking less as the less one is in conflict the more likely one is able to ease down to be able to meditate in the first place, acceptance gives one peace of mind, the mind doesn’t stop thinking but it does ease it down for a better chance of a meditative state.

So many people have asked why they can’t stop thinking to meditate & the obvious answer is they are non-accepting & conflictive of something in their lives, if they looked at what they can’t stop thinking about it would likely be a conflict of some kind however a conflict doesn’t mean that you’re agitated or even upset about something, it could be something as little as remembering to do something. Thinking about not remembering to do something doesn’t seem like a conflict but it is because you’re not accepting you just might remember to do that thing, your non-accepting because you think you will forget, in other words you’re in conflict with yourself over the chance of forgetting.

spirit harmonyChanging Thinking Modes: Relating conflicts with remembering sounds pretty lame but it’s not as it just shows how conflictive we have become in our life without knowing it, how are we going to go into a proper state of meditation if we are continually in conflict? The way we can overcome this is before we go into a state of meditation is tell yourself I have no conflict with anything as I accept all for what it is at this point in time, if you truly believe this you should feel very calm & relaxed & in some cases you just might feel euphoric in some way to the extent of feeling a strong sense of love &/or peace around you.  The reason I say at this point in time is so you feel at ease of being just accepting at this point in time before meditating, if for one moment you thought you would have to accept your conflicts for the rest of your life you will consciously &/or subconsciously automatically go into a conflictive mode again which of course we want to avoid.

This sounds like brain washing to some extent & you would be right because what we are doing is reprograming your mind to think differently, instead of thinking in a conflictive mode all the time we will now trick the mind to think in a more relaxed calming way. We have been brought up to think in a certain way which dictates how we are going to think & be for the rest of our lives, thinking in an accepting mode instead of non-accepting mode is just another  way of thinking we know little about. Practicing in meditation carries on with this brain washing because it also teaches the mind how to think in different modes even though you are not thinking while you are meditating. When you come out of the meditation you usually feel different & your mind picks up on this new mode of thinking.

spirit acceptancePulling Away From Non-acceptance:  It’s not so easy to pull oneself away from taught practices from birth & as we grow they become habitual & even harder to rid ourselves of because we usually can’t recognise that we have non-accepting conflictive habits to deal with.   The easiest way to do this is just become accepting, I know this goes against the usual taught mode of non-acceptance thinking but if you could just think “why not as I have nothing to lose by thinking in another way which could help me immensely especially with my meditation” it will change your life forever because now you have started to think differently & will now see the world in a different light.

I myself have trouble with accepting but it’s not with this non-accepting reality but with accepting a different mode of thinking which will take me away from this non-accepting reality & put me into an accepting reality, the conflict is that I just love this reality for what it is, now that’s accepting!! In other words I love the way I think now in this reality & I don’t wish to think differently & believe it or not most of us on this planet are the same. If you think about it for a moment, if I was one of the one’s wanting &/or trying to escape this non-accepting reality wouldn’t that be even more non-accepting & conflictive? The answer to that would have to be a yes so that means everyone who wants to move on to a different way of thinking is being conflictive? No because it depends on how, why & more importantly your personal feelings on the matter, am I trying to escape or am I just wanting to experience a different way of thinking &/or I just want to improve on our living conditions.

In just wanting to improve on our living conditions can be conflictive because of two things, one you shouldn’t be thinking it’s an improvement because you’re supposed to be accepting of this reality for what it is just another way of thinking & two are you trying to improve on your own living conditions to escape a more non-accepting condition/way of thinking/ reality?

You have the people who can’t wait to escape this reality & way of thinking & who are obviously non-accepting & in conflict of this reality or on the other end of the scale people who are all accepting of this reality & never want to change it but are still non-accepting because they don’t want to change to another way of thinking/reality or you have the people in between who make up the majority of people on Earth who will accept change when it happens.  These people, who I am a part of, have conflicts but not to the grand scale of the other two, there conflicts just coincide with everyday life of living & thinking in a certain way to whatever that might be within that particular reality which at the moment is in a non-accepting way.

When we first discover a different way of thinking we tend to think that is the way to think not the way we are now but every reality is dictated by a certain way of thinking & one isn’t wrong or right or even better than the other they are just different. In thinking in this way we have no conflicts & begin to feel at peace& in harmony with the rest of our environment, its utter blissful thinking indeed.

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