Friday, 24 May 2013

The World of True Spiritual Acceptance pt.6

spirit eveolve
Written by Mathew Naismith

Evolving Through Acceptance: Recently it was pointed out by someone reading my blog that we can’t accept our circumstances in life & evolve at the same time, meaning we are not going to improve if we just accept our lot in life & do nothing to improve it. However the concept of acceptance is about accepting our present condition in life before we improve it instead of trying to change it through non-acceptance which is conflictive, it’s not about sitting on our hands & accepting what comes but accepting it first then changing it in a more peaceful manner instead of in a more conflictive manner.

Most of our advancements have come from conflicts as most of our advancements for starters have arisen from the necessity to out do our opponents through better technology.  What I am saying is how about accepting our circumstances for once without being in conflict with them & then change them in a more peaceful state, at least this way were not taking any leftover portion of these conflicts into the change & messing them up as well.

spirit harmony

Harmoniously Changing One’s Environment: Being in conflict with any part of our environment before or during the process of changing what we don’t like is ephemeral because we are still non-accepting & in conflict with a part of ourselves as our entire environment is very much a part of us if we like it or not & there is nothing you or I can do about it. If we are still in conflict with a part of ourselves we will take this with us through any changes we make which only transform the change into another conflict because the change has only come about because of conflict & not through peaceful means, only through this peaceful process can we obtain true change. We are really chasing our tails around & around when were constantly trying to change our environment through non-acceptance all the time as it doesn’t matter what change we make it’s still conflictive.

You would think humans are naturally conflictive with their environment & at times with themselves but that couldn’t be further from the truth as there was & are times when we were more at peace & accepting of our environment.  As hunter & gatherers we had to rely on our environment for everything & the less we relied on the environment for food & shelter the more conflictive & unaccepting we became over time. Another time when were not in conflict with our environment & ourselves is when were spiritually aware & the more aware we become the less conflictive we are for the main reason we have become more aware through our understanding & acceptance of our environment & realise it’s connection & importance to our wellbeing.

To evolve we must accept changes as well as this is a part of the concept of acceptance, we need to accept these changes that we are going to make or are impelled upon us by other forces as only through these changes can we evolve, to not accept these changes is being conflictive & non-accepting which will cause us further problems, we need to relearn what we once had to accept these changes in a more harmonious & peaceful way but at the same time realise any change that is forcefully applied will only result in more conflict. Any changes that are conflictive with our environment will result in more conflict. The saying,” do to others what you would have them do to you” really goes for our entire environment not just each other as our entire environment is who we are & is very much a part of us all.

science spirit

Similarities:  If one was to read all my posts you will begin to see the similarities of both science & spirituality in many ways not just from where science originated from but in all its action & reactions to the rest of humanity. Where the rest of humanity is at certainly dictates how science & spirituality are going to behave, if you looked at the churches & their reactions in the dark ages you will find they are very simular than how science is acting today & it’s all in the reaction to power & wealth.

One might think that all scientists have sold out their knowing to the highest bidder without remorse of what they are doing but just like the spiritualists of the dark ages not all scientists have sold themselves out to the highest bidder to do their will no matter what the consequences are.  This is how one vibration can effect another vibration in so many ways, you have a vibration called a scientist & then you have another vibration called a multinational which wishes to utilise the science vibration for its own ends in any way it can, if you entice the science vibration with enough materialistic vibrations they will change their vibration to serve the multinational vibration or in some cases the scientist will be ostracised or threatened in some way with yet another vibration.

Science & spirituality are dissimilar within it’s logical structure through how it uses logic but they both use logic, science uses logic within its deductive analysis where’s spirituality uses faith but with modern day science the final logical analysis is illogical because it’s destroying itself & the environment it relies on to survive where’s spirituality in its over all logical deduction always nurtures themselves & the environment, in the final logical analysis one is destructive & the other constructive.

Science & spirituality are dissimilar within its formulated deductive reasoning but at one time or another they are both logical within their reasoning, they are after all not that dissimilar within their effects & this is why spirituality & science belong together, they both enhance & balance each other’s  attributes.

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