Friday, 24 May 2013

Synchronistic Moments in the Now


Written by Mathew Naismith

It is funny how everything just comes together at times which of course has a lot to do with synchronicity, one minute I’m talking about myself & how I have tried to stay disconnected to my inner self to some extent & how Pandora’s box saved me & then someone brings up the subject about being able to relive the past exactly the way it was, in other words being able to reproduce the past in the exactly the same way it was initially which I disagreed with as mentioned in my last post titled Only Living in the Now which I have added too.

Everything collates here with a lot of what I have written about in past posts like the non-existence of time & space itself, my experiences in my mid-teens in particular to do with connectedness, vibrations, living in the now, everything just being of consciousness & my dreams of being attacked & defending myself by just laughing at them, everything collates with what has just transpired recently as it’s all connected.

Time & Space: If we look at time & space not existing, which is very hard for us to do in our present consciousness, the non-existence of time & space relates to living in the now only, if we had a past & future time & space would exist however if we only have the now time & space can’t exist but of course to us we perceive that there is a past & future. Let’s look at it this way, take a clairvoyant for example, how can they tell the future &/or tell us what has happened in the past? This relates to my connectedness in my mid-teens, seeing everything being of the now & this is why this kind of fortune telling can be so precise & vivid especially for the clairvoyant as it’s all happening right now. This sounds as if it’s happening time & time again day in day out. No because what does time & time again or day in day out represent? Time but time doesn’t exist & that is why I say no to this question!!

How this occurs is like a blue print of an office building or car, when looking at a particular blue print of a car for example we are consciously at that moment looking at that blue print which represents now however when we look at different blue prints of the same exact car we have changed our perception in what we are experiencing or seeing by looking at further blue prints, it doesn’t matter what blue print you are looking at at any given time it’s still of the now.  We are looking at quite different blue prints but it’s always in the now, physical life in realities or dimensions like this work in exactly the same way this is how clairvoyants can so vividly predict the future or tell us of past events, it’s all in the now. This relates to when I was in my mid-teens being able to ask any question & get an immediate answer, there was only the now.

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Fear: If I take a look at my dreams from when being attacked by nine entities all I did was laugh at them & they quite quickly dispersed in fear. This fear wasn’t anything to do with me hurting them but showing them that I had a knowing of the now & only the now as nothing else existed but the now.  Why should they fear that I knew of such things? Seeing & knowing of everything just being of the now allows me to access knowing of everything including who we were initially before becoming ignorant of our inner selves, this knowing just comes out automatically without effort which in this case was through laughter.   Anything that lives within the fear, which is but another vibration, doesn’t want to know who they truly are as this goes against their ideologies & their chosen life plan; they take this as an immediate threat to their own lives which is fear a fear of losing one’s life existence the only existence they have allowed themselves to know.  This also relates to everyday human life, look at me for instance, I’m avoiding to become too connected because I know it will change my vibration & possibly my human existence which is my will that it doesn’t at this point in time, how many of us don’t will these changes as we are content in the way we are & these entities living within fear are exactly the same to a point.   What’s wrong with contentment?  I’m not affecting anybody by being content but a person living within fear is, if they just lived within their own fear without affecting others that would be fine but they don’t which will be their down fall in the long run.

The concept of there just being a now isn’t very well received by most people because it’s our ideological beliefs that we do have a past & future therefore there is time & space,  any other ideological system of belief can’t exist as it would  threaten our existing ideologies we so firmly believe. Fear can be quite positive as it’s given me free will to live as I choose however if I allow such fears to stop me from becoming more aware to the point of utter ignorance that is when it becomes negative, we all need to be wary of this.

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