Friday, 24 May 2013

Only Living in the Now


Written by Mathew Naismith

Below is a reply I posted on the TED site basically discussing can was, the past, re-exist once it existed, I’m saying it can’t to the exact same way when it existed as we can only be conscious of the now & if we were conscious of the past & now or even the future all at the same time it’s still in the now because that is when we are conscious of it whatever it is we are conscious of.  This is but a theory of mine as I’m not saying that this is exactly the case.

G’day Cameron

I’m not saying I’m right in this it’s just a different angle.

It can never be exactly that same thing again once it was or yesterday will never come again & the reason for this is everything changes as nothing stays the same.

If you could relive in the past in any way you couldn’t know about it because it wouldn’t be exactly the same because of your knowing, you would have to not know of it’s past existence for it to be truly what it once was exactly, one frequency change like knowing of the existence represents a change.

If you didn’t know of reliving the past then it still can’t exist because you wouldn’t consciously know that you are reliving a past existence, if you’re not conscious of this it can’t exist as everything is of consciousness I believe. If we are talking about a physical thing every physical thing changes with time, the atoms for instance change ever so slightly as it ages/breaks down just as we do.

However if we went back in time the kettle would seemingly exist exactly the same because we are in the same exact time period in the past however it’s not because everything is really in the now so there is no real past because of our own conscious awareness, if we went back in time consciously that would be the now for us as it is the now for us right at this minute, being consciously aware only gives us the now however if we weren’t consciously aware yes was exists & can re-exist  however it can’t because your still living in the now as you can’t know of living in the past as this would be a vibrational change.

Nothing is what it seems as it’s really all just vibrations anyway, everything looks different because it’s made up of different vibrative frequencies, all vibrations are of consciousness so yes I would say things aren’t just physical.


If you are still interested here is the link to the full discussion.

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