Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts

Friday 12 February 2016

Perceiving Beyond All Our Fixations

Written by Mathew Naismith

To evolve, everything has to move on, at times this also means the demise of an animal, like the dinosaurs, or the way we physically interact in life like the way we shop or travel. We no longer use a horse a cart like we used to for a very good reason. Trust me, when the horse and cart were being phased out, certain people kept on trying to use the horse and cart over and above motorised vehicles when it was no longer viable or sustainable to do so.

The magic word here is viable because when something obviously becomes unviable,  it becomes redundant and non-progressive towards evolving and if we have too much of an attachment to such practices, stagnation sets in and then most often a reversal of our situation occurs. 

Before I go on, I think we need to look at the definition of fixation to get a better understanding of how our own fixation most often hinders us from evolving.        

- An abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely

- An unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone

- The activity of fastening something firmly in position

To move on just isn't to do with the way we physically conduct ourselves in life, it's also includes to mentally and spiritually evolve from our present situation. This at times also means letting go of our present fixations to what ever ideology, religion, philosophy, path, or what ever we have become fixated to. Have many of us actually taken notice of how nature evolves?  Nature doesn't fixate itself to anything and try to hold onto it no matter what, unless it's still viable and sustainable within the present environment. Everything of nature either adapts to the present environment or becomes redundant to the present environment thus dies out.

We however still today have crocodiles and alligators that have not yet evolved mainly because they are still viable and sustainable to their present environment. This also means that not all our ideologies, religions, philosophies or  paths we are presently following, are unviable and unsustainable.

How do we know when to move on to evolve or not?  Like the alligator and the crocodile, are our fixations still viable to our present environment?

Lets look at our present environment, it's quite noticeably chaotic and destructive, would not anything we have presently fixated ourselves to, conductive and viable to this present environment? In actuality, human history is full of chaos and destruction, this has created our present fixations, in other words, our present fixations were created from and due to this chaos and destruction, isn't it time to let all these fixation go? It would obviously seem not, like the dinosaur, anything trying to hang on till the bitter end, will perish in the end anyway if it no longer fits within the present environment.

I've recently been writing about perceiving beyond our present ideologies and philosophies, this hasn't gone down to well with a lot of people, it wasn't well received at all. A particular group of people stood out in particular, to my amazement, the ideology/philosophy they follow, obviously religiously, was the be and end all, it was better than Christianity and Islam for various reasons to start with but again in whose perception?  Just because an ideology/philosophy is the be and end all for us, this shouldn't mean it the same for everybody else but it would seem it is according to certain groups of people.

I had five different people, from the same belief system, state that their ideologies/philosophies wasn't a religion or an ideology for starters, I of course proved otherwise, only one of these people could see my view however, that's not a good percentage. Being this fixated to an ideology/philosophy isn't healthy, in actually, you can see how such ideologies/philosophies have been created by a reality of chaos and destruction. To create chaos and destruction, you need a consciousness that won't evolve, this means such consciousness won't become aware and wise beyond it's present environment, in this case chaos and destruction. It is obvious fixation are the cause of this chaos and destruction in the first place, this will of course create ideologies and philosophies that fit within this environment!!

We don't realise we no longer need these ideologies and philosophies that were created from such reality, we can move on from this and evolve, OR, yes, we can also stagnate and eventually deteriorate, one way takes wisdom to accomplish, the other a pure absence of wisdom!! 

In a true sense , we never really needed ideologies and philosophies in the first place, all what ideologies and philosophies represent is a desire, a desire to fixate ourselves to something rather than to nothing. As I have always stated in my writing, there is a big difference between living for a need and living for  a desire, one will create the reality we are presently experiencing, the other a reality few of us can imagine.  

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Are We More Worthy Than The Ego?

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was recently asked to participate on an Indigo forum site, I was called all sorts of names and I was just plainly wrong and my posts were often called BS, I certainly wasn't well received mainly because my perceptions weren't of their perceptions. Being asked to participate on this site, I didn't expect this.

What this post is actually about is the difference between Eastern and Western thinking, at times this difference is significant leading to misconceptions and even bad behaviour. I think, "Are we more worthy than the ego", is a good place to start to give you a better understanding of the difference between different perception. I posted the following on this Indigo site        

Are we more worthy than the ego? Most spiritually aware Westerners would answer yes, however, most spiritually aware Easterners would answer this question with a no, this again shows us how different cultures perceive..   

Should we change such a disdainful reality? Again, most spiritually aware Westerners would say yes as they have measured and judged this reality in disdain and this is exactly what they are doing.

What would a truly wise person do in this case? They would first of all stay away from expressing any kind of destruction controlled by the ego through simple observation. This however doesn't change a reality, it creates a reality but not in reaction to any kind of  disdainfulness.

Westerners have obviously lost their wisdom, this wisdom was replaced by a controlling ego, however, this is also occurring in the East, their wisdom is being quite quickly replaced by a controlling ego, China is a prime example of this.

Now there's going to be some Western thinking people who will say I'm full of BS and say I am wrong and probably call me names, this doesn't show me how much they do know, this just shows me how much they don't know.

No doubt some Western thinking people will even say I am above myself or I am talking absolute truths, the big difference is, Easterners don't think in this way, the reason being is simple, egotism. Western people do seem to have a much bigger controlling ego to contend with, probably because they lost their wisdom long ago.

It's really sad to see this occurring in the East, especially India. I should say a lot of what I stated here has been endorsed by a few people from India.

I humble myself to egotism, this means expressing egotism without disdain for egotism, I wonder how many western people will understand this in it's correct form? To have disdain of  expressing the ego in the first place, is of a controlling ego in the first place. Look at yourself as being no less or more worthy to egotism, within this, there is nothing to measure or judge!!  

The following might share a little more light on this subject, the following is a reply I received in regards to this post and my subsequent reply.  

Ego taken to extreme is the personality disorder narcissism. It is pandemic in the west.

My Reply
Yes it is sadly enough and it's spreading to the east it would seem. 

My first response to this post was from a person from India, she simply stated Namaste.

I also received responses from people in the West and all they could say is egotism is negative. the problem with this is any judged disdain also reflects egotism. 

When I humble myself to egotism, I do it without being intentionally destructive. It's actually unwise to express egotism but even the wise humbled themselves to egotism. You don't have to express egotism to be humbled by it, as long as you don't express it in a destructive way, egotism can actually help us evolve. 

The last thing a true spiritually aware person wants to express is egotism, when this occurs, they are truly humbled!! All what one is really doing is learning not to express any disdain or dislike of egotism.  
I hope this makes sense Reenee.          

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Kundalini Energy and God's Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

My recent post titled Energy of Kundalini didn't seem to go down well with a lot of Western thinking people, I however got quite a different reaction from a number of Eastern thinking people, even a person who instructs in Eastern spiritual philosophy and Kundalini yoga and is a eternal Zen disciple, healer radio host and author of Buddha in the classroom, seem to endorse what I wrote.

I am also long term friends with an 80 years old Yoga teacher who teaches in the three Yogic practices, Yogic exercise, Yogic science and Yogic spirituality. This 80 year old also seemed to endorse what I wrote about in my last post.

Now the point is, I wasn't quite sure in what I wrote in relation to Kundalini energy, it was nice to get confirmation that I was on the right track. I also mentioned God and how God's consciousness can only be expressed through Kundalini energy. Using the word God also didn't go down well with some people. I use the word God to emphasise on the difference between human consciousness and a consciousness that is, to me, of pure wisdom, in one sense using the word God is quite apt as most human consciousness has shown it's not as wise as this God's consciousness. To our human consciousness, any consciousness this wise is going to be represented by divineness, this perception however ceases when we become aware we are too of this wisdom.

I do feel expressing this pure wisdom needs an energy force to do so, how do you express pure wisdom otherwise?  You can't express pure wisdom because their is no motion within this pure wisdom to do so, it's obvious this pure wisdom to be expressed needs an energy source of some kind, Kundalini energy.

Kundlini energy is the energy within all living things, like I said in my last post, it's the spirit within all things. I feel it's this spirit that gives motion to a motionless consciousness of pure wisdom but how does it do this? Observation, once consciousness is observed, consciousness begins to move from it's motionless state, this observation, to me,  is Kundalini energy and it's through this observation that gives consciousness itself motion.

Like the universe, once this consciousness is given motion through Kundlaini energy, it expands out in all directions creating all sorts of things, planets are a good example of this and so are our physical being.

They don't refer to Kundalini as an energy for no reason, the funny thing with Kundalini energy is it can bring on motion but it can also bring on motionlessness, realigning our chakras are a good example of this I feel.

Think on this, what actually causes our chakras to become unaligned in the first place? Motion, a chaotic expression of a consciousness in motion, this can be an expression of too much desire or control for example. The reason this occurs is due to our physical minds, they are always in motion and at times chaotically in motion. Now this chaos I feel is due to an unaligned expressive consciousness due to the fixation of the mind. What Kundlaini energy does in our case is realign these energies of consciousness to become  motionless to one degree or another. 

Why can Kundalini energy give us a more in-depth meditative experience?  I feel it's all to do with how this energy can influence us to become less expressive of motion, once you lesson motion, you align the chakras and once you fully align these chakras, you become this Kundalini energy, basically you become one with the spirit of all things.                   

This however doesn't mean you become one with God's consciousness, to do this takes one to go on from Kundalini energy and become this pure wisdom. I feel Kundalini energy isn't pure wisdom but it is the life force within all things, in other words it's the life force and creator of everything of motion. You could say here that God's consciousness is the father and Kundalini energy is the mother, yin and yang. Is Kundalini energy Gaia??    

Basically what I am saying is this Kundalini energy gives birth to all living things through motion, this includes the entirety of the universe itself and everything within it where's God's consciousness give it's it wisdom and consciousness. This isn't saying Kundlini energy doesn't give us a more aligned consciousness because that is exactly what it does, well, in my mind anyway. 

Please again don't take what I write as being gospel,  it has always only been a reflection of my own perceptions.              

Saturday 10 October 2015

Do Influences Around Us Make Us Wiser?

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had a very interesting rebuttal in regards to my quote. "It is wise to be influential, it is unwise to be predominantly influential for there is no wisdom in one's own influence".

The quote is referring to it's wise to be influential, why be aware and wise without sharing it? The last part of the quote is also referring to it's unwise to be egotistical in sharing in one's own influences, "My own influence is the be and end all". How many ideologies have taken this view? "This is all the knowledge you need which of course negates all other ideologies". This view in my mind isn't true, where is the wisdom in just knowing of one view when the world around us is of numerous influences? 

Predominantly knowing about one ideology only tells us of a certain influence within our environment, would a truly wise person then ignore all other influences within their environment? Not to me.

The rebuttal I received in relation to this quote was extended and quite analytical, to them, my quote was totally grammatically incorrect so made no sense at all. The following is part of the reply I received from this person.

Firstly, influences do not make you wise. In fact, the more you are influenced, the less integrity and strength of character you have. You should never, never, never be influences by anyone or anything.  You should analyze everything  yourself until you arrive at your own conclusions.

My own experiences have indeed made me wiser which are mainly based on other people's influence on me, for example, school teachers influenced me so I could read a write for starters. I also certainly don't believe in analysing everything myself, this is an indication of the ego being in control. Vast amounts of knowledge usually turn into egotism not wisdom unless we are aware of this. Many people  thinks that wisdom can only come from knowledge and not from other people's influence upon us. I can myself analyse too much because of the knowledge I have, but because I'm aware and not just knowledgeable, I am often aware of how my analytical reasoning can, and most often does, influence me to incorrectly egotistically judge and analyse.

Knowledge allows one to analyse, awareness then allows one to analyse free of egotism, wisdom then tells us this is but the tip of the iceberg, no knowledge is the be and end all as everything is always evolving as the environment around us tells us. It is wise to be influential and being aware that knowledge is always evolving, what is known today wont' be known tomorrow as this knowing is always changing.

I think we can put too much emphasis on knowledge and being educated especially to the point when the ego takes complete control of us. A brain predominantly based purely on analytics most often replaces our intuition and our natural instincts. At this point, we will only analyse our environment purely based on analytics and the knowledge we have at hand at that point. In this case, we are foregoing any influence of our own intuition and natural instincts giving us a totally different perspective of all things.

As of this post, a lot of my posts come from other people's influences upon me, if I only relied on my own insights and the influences I have had in my life, my posts wouldn't be worth reading. It would be like dogmatically following a certain ideology to the bitter end no matter what. My own wisdom tells me this action would be daft, an action of no relevance towards a constructive outcome.

As we become spiritually aware, we will become open to other influences beyond human perceptions, should we then ignore these influences because our analytical analysis can't perceive beyond human perceptions? We must remember, human knowledge is limited to it's own human perceptions, further knowing can only be obtained through perceiving beyond these human perceptions that at first make no sense. This takes one to be aware of perceptions and knowledge beyond our own human perceptions and analytics. This is fundamentally why knowledge isn't the same as awareness or that knowledge can bring on awareness or wisdom, it can actually be limited to it's own perceptions, you don't get this with awareness because you are aware of this for starters.

If I analysed all the quotes I have read through human perceptions and knowing, very few of the quotes I read would make sense, in actuality, a lot of the quotes I have read seem to come from a perceptions beyond human analytics and perception.

Can we become too analytical? Most definitely as all analytics are based purely on human perceptions which are limited, sorry ego.......Analytics are based purely on comprehension, if the analytical mind doesn't comprehend it, it just can't exist or it makes no sense.

Should everything we are open to make sense?  I hope not, if this was the case I wouldn't be evolving. Fire didn't make sense to cavemen, did they then put the fire out because their analytical minds couldn't work out how fire actually existed? What they relied on was intuition and their natural instincts, their egos didn't need to know any more than this.

I think it's wise to be aware that knowledge alone will not bring on wisdom, if this was the case, we wouldn't be as destructive as we are now, it would be quite the opposite. Wisdom can't destroy, especially what it relies on for it's existence, but knowledge used on it's own can and most often is highly destructive. It would certainly seem our knowledge is ignoring the influences around us otherwise we would indeed change  our ways. To me it makes no sense in ignoring the influences we have around us but that is what a lot of us are obviously doing.

This is purely based on that knowledge gives us wisdom and the influences around us don't. In a sense this seems correct, we have all this influence around us but we are no wiser!! In actuality, a lot of us are wiser specifically because of the influences around us. The only people who seem to lack wisdom are the people who wholly rely purely on human knowledge and perceptions to obtain wisdom. I would myself rather rely on the influences of  people and other sources around me to make me more aware of wisdom, human analytical perceptions just don't do it for me, they are way too limited but each to their own.  

Wednesday 16 September 2015

The Wisdom Within Collective Thinking

Written by Mathew Naismith

I know there are a number of people who don't like me sharing other people's perspectives, I however find other people's perspectives and insights interesting, of course I'm going to share them. It takes the collective to wise up to itself, this also means sharing other people's perspectives and insights other than my own. No one singular consciousness can bring forth the wisdom within all of us but a collective consciousness can.

I received following interesting replies to my last post, I hope they give you as much insight as they gave me.  

Consciousness (mindfulness in the form of compassion non-violence, and loving kindness), Mother Earth, nature and the Ego state are all interrelated - unless we can master these understandings, then practice Consciousness, no human can evolve positively, peacefully and no human except Buddhist Monks will ever be able to understand what it feels like to  live in a higher state of consciousness! Have just published a book about Gaia's lack of Ego and how Gaia is in relation to mother Earth and you are quite right, Mother Earth is a living breathing entity! Blessings!

My Reply
Yes, Buddhist monks are to me  about pure balance which brings forth the wisdom to be able to exist in a chaotic world in peace. It's actually quite a beautiful state to exist in.

This came to mind recently, very few people will experience true wisdom, this however doesn't mean we can't live in balance with Gaia. We need to once again learn to listen to wisdom instead of egotism.

I'm going to insert your reply into one of my posts, could you give my readers of my blog some detail about your book and how to purchase it?

thank you Mathew! the book is called 'Darwin's Women of Mother Earth' by author Lucy Farmer - your readers can purchase it on Amazon or through my website link on selfhelpforhealing dot com..if google does not allow this message to be accepted and think it is a promotion they will erase it, however, if you go to my google page you will find my website details and all links to the book on that! The book is aimed at the feminine energies and the ancient connection with mother earth and goes into scientific but also intuitive details about the past and how humans lived without ego - If men and women are brave they can learn a great deal from this book about themselves, and to find the true path to peace, wisdom and living in balance with Gaia and the  true connection that all humans have been looking for - for thousands of years - A very intricate book, connecting, mind-science, nature, (mother Earth), feminine energies, genetics, neuroscience and mindfulness and how they are all interrelated. I would be very happy once your readers have read this book to give free discussions to your readers but you will have to contact me on my website for email details.  - many blessings Mathew!

Yours - Mine - Theirs  ,,, none of it matters in the end.

My Reply
True, it doesn't matter because no one possess's anything, including our thoughts. It's interesting how the ego dupes us to think in terms of possessions. 

I  get it. "Any extreme reactions to another motion we judge as evil isn't balance."   It is chaos.

My Reply
What we judge as evil loves it's opposites being expressed, especially to an extreme, this is wholly due to the love of conflicts. You can't have much of a conflict if a consciousness of evil intent doesn't have an opposite, the more extreme the opposite, the better the conflict.

Too many people give love in retaliation to a deemed evil or wrong, this is only feeding it and it love it. Consciousness's of evil intent don't like to be embraced in love, they want to be hated or judged as being wrong which most people do. It's wise to learn the true concepts of unconditional love.  


Collective Consciousness: I have attracted some interesting readers, I say interesting mainly because they are mostly open minded and yes even balanced within themselves in one sense or another, I'm actually quite privileged because I'm now apart , in my mind, of an exclusive group of people through my blog. These people are exclusive because they don't seem to judge one ideology being the be and end all, this is more important than some people might think. Again, it takes the collective to wise up to itself, no one singular consciousness can bring forth the wisdom within all of us but a collective consciousness can.

The collective consciousness is of course referring to collective ideologies, no one ideology has all the answers, this includes the ideologies that help us to find balance in life therefore wisdom. For an example of this, what opposite motion would wisdom alone create, in other words what is the opposite of wisdom?  Folly, foolishness which is usually brought about by being unaware. A true sense of balance and wisdom isn't just an expression of wisdom but a balance between all of what is, this is true wisdom in my mind. This is how I think the wise can live within a reality of foolishness and still stay collectively wise, they accept the foolishness as also being apart of themselves without becoming too involved, in other words the wise participate within this motion  but always remember to also observe.

Wisdom doesn't listen to egotism; this is the trick of wisdom, it instead observes egotism without having the desire to express egotism. You might presume this takes control  but it doesn't, wisdom isn't about taking control as Gaia isn't about taking control of the cycles Gaia presides over. The thing to wise up too, there is a huge difference between influencing something and controlling something!!

Most people are influenced by the ego to become controlling, this controlling action is then expressed as an extreme which denotes egotism, an expression that is highly expressive of control. What then happens when we are influenced by wisdom? Quite the opposite occurs, we actually express less control not more. This is due to the balance of what wisdom gives, after all wisdom is about balance to begin with. The ego doesn't have to influence us to become controlling, especially of Gaia (our environment), this seems  to only occur when a consciousness lakes wisdom, in other word lacks balance.  

Could you imagine if man's consciousness kept in balance with Gaia? It's hard to imagine but a heaven on Earth comes to mind.

Possessions: If you look back in human history, you will find a lot of the people of the ancient times knew they never truly possessed anything, this is due to anything created through motion is transitory, meaning it has a life span and isn't infinite. How can you truly posses anything that isn't infinite? It's mind boggling but we do in modern day times but why do we have the mentality of ownership/possession?

Control, the more controlling we become, the more we think we posses. Control is  fundamentally possessed by egotism for egotism creates control, this control in turn of course creates a sense of ownership. The people of ancient times and the people who still abide by these ancient principles today,  didn't and don't have this dilemma, they are free of such egotistical control. You could easily say they are true observers of folly.

Opposites Attracting Opposites: Do we truly want to keep attracting the opposite?  It would seem so. The more extreme we express one motion, like love or hate, the more the opposite we will create, this is called cause and effect, one action creating a possible opposite reaction. For example, "I'm going to keep my doors unlocked at night, I won't be dictated to by criminals", they then experience a home invasion.

Another example, "I will give love to an evil wrongful world",  how are the deemed evil, who only lust, going to react to this?  They are of course going to counteract this love with lust.

Both these examples are in retaliation and are a retaliative reaction against a deemed opposite, this of course creates the opposite effect.

Let's now look at both these examples again but with far less retaliative motion/reaction. " In my environment it isn't wise to leave my doors open, I will lock my doors".

 "I will give love and embrace a world that seems lost to itself". You are going to receive quite a different response to this from any deemed opposite, actually, you haven't judged an opposite to start with within this very subtle motion.

Any consciousness of deemed evil intent, will only thrive on an opposing reaction, they love conflicts and destruction, why keep feeding them what they want and need to keep on existing? 

The true concepts of unconditional love refers to embracing every part of consciousness no matter how it expresses itself, deeming one part of consciousness evil or wrong, and not embracing it in love, isn't an expression of unconditional love.

Yes, to express a true form of unconditional love takes balance, this means never allowing egotism  to control you to only see yourself in opposition, once you have an opposition, you have an immediate imbalance. This certainly isn't conductive to acquiring wisdom, you can certainly see why we haven't acquired wisdom in the modern age, egotism is too in control of us!!          

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Pure Bliss-Pure Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

"The purity of the world is defined by it's own purity within it's own actions"......Mathew

Definition of purity; Being undiluted or unmixed with extraneous material, it also means, the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil. The word extraneous is an interesting word to use for the definition of purity, extraneous defines an outside source, meaning, to be pure is to be unmixed with outside sources and influences, in other words it's pure in substance without any extreme influences.

It's important here to not just look at language as something of the mind, therefore, purely of the thinking process of man. Many languages have evolved through spiritual processes and/or a perception beyond human perception, in other words language was created from an inner knowing. Modern day languages are however more about human perceptions but were initially influenced by perceptions beyond human perceptions, at times you can still see this inner knowing through modern day languages.

It is by no mistake I often refer, to what many of us have deemed God's consciousness, as pure consciousness/pure wisdom, this is because it's pure balance, meaning it's of neither one or the other especially to an extreme. This also means there is no extremes of dark or light, positive or negative, bad or good, in other words the absence of judgment period. Pure balance is the absence of judgment because it has no extremes to judge, there are no true opposites so what is there to judge?

It's by no mistake that many of us are trying to learn to live without judgement, this is due to balance being void of judgment, this also means God's consciousness is without judgement.

Now if this God's consciousness is without judgment, it is also void of extremes, this includes light or darkness, this indicates that this God's consciousness isn't of light but of pure balance. Most often we have depicted a God figure in opposition to the devil, the devil of course being representative of darkness in opposition to God's light. I wouldn't myself put this God's consciousness of pure balance in opposition to anything, this is wholly due to this God's consciousness being of pure balance. If this God's consciousness is only of light, it's not of balance therefore it's of judgment, this infers that God's consciousness is of man's consciousness, they are one of the same but there not, this is wholly due to man's consciousness not being of this pure balance.

Pure Consciousness; means a consciousness that is not of judgement for it's this judgment that unbalances a consciousness, a consciousness without judgments is therefore balanced by the lack of judgment. This lack of judgment takes a consciousness to perceive that there is no light or dark, good or bad, except in a reality of motion. As soon as a consciousness is primarily influenced by motion, it becomes judgemental in accordance with the motions being expressed. The more expressive a consciousness becomes, the more judgment a consciousness expresses. Pure consciousness on the other hand is the absence of extraneous influences, the absence of judgement in other words.

Don't get me wrong, this pure consciousness isn't actually pure within itself, it's pure because it's of pure balance, pure bliss. If God's consciousness was to be pure within itself, an opposite would have to also have been created, once you create an opposite, you create judgement. To me this would make this so called pure consciousness impure in my mind, there is nothing pure about judgement but there is of balance.

Wisdom: I also often refer to this God's consciousness as pure wisdom, this is by no a mistake, this is due to this God's consciousness being an observer rather than a participator. It's very difficult being an observer of your own participation, it's of course not impossible either.

It's also wise not to judge a difference as opposed to only observing a difference, this is due to judgment being of motion, however, observing on the other hand takes very little motion.

When we quieten the mind through meditation for example, we most often feel blissful, this is wholly due to lack of motion believe it or not, and yes, we can reflect this blissfulness onto the rest of the world. Basically what we are doing here is influencing the world with pure blissful consciousness, a consciousness void of the motions of judgment. We have in this circumstance replaced  a motion of judgment with a far more motionless expression through the simple process of observing. We would indeed become a lot less destructive through observing more. At the moment, we are judging what is or isn't worthy to ourselves, learning to observe more will make us far less destructive.

Balance: Lacking the knowledge of evil also to me means lacking the knowledge of good, this however doesn't mean being ignorant to evil or good, what this means is lacking the desire to create good or evil which is of course what creates judgement. Knowledge comes about through a desire or a need, there is no desire or need within a pure balanced consciousness!! This is due to this pure balanced consciousness not being of knowledge or intelligence but pure wisdom, this is wholly due that you can't acquire wisdom, you become wisdom basically through balance.

Balance of course takes a consciousness to let go, to let go of control therefore motion, yes, it takes a consciousness to become more motionless. So many people are saying that the Mayan prophecy didn't come true but it did, for example, how many more people are meditating these days? A lot more people, what are we doing when mediating? We are learning to become less of motional expressions and learning to become motionless more often, this is a tiny example of the conscious shift the Mayans talked about. 

The conscious shift is of course a shift towards this pure consciousness. The awareness of judgment these days is also an indication of this shift, this conscious change occurred but we just haven't learnt to observe it yet. To observe takes balance, this is indeed occurring according to my own observations.  

One more thing, you might think to have pure balance there would have to be an opposite, this isn't the case due to this pure balance not being of motions, you can only create an opposite through motion!!         

Saturday 29 August 2015

The Immortal Wisdom Within All Things

Written by Mathew Naismith

Everything within it's entirety is of this wisdom, this wisdom is basically the sprit within all things with no exceptions. We might think we become detached from this but we never truly become detached from this spirit, when we say we are becoming reconnected, we are not really reconnecting at all because we are always of the spirit of wisdom, the inner wisdom. In a mortal reality, we are actually only really remembering we are of this wisdom, there is no true reconnection.

A feeling of a reconnection can only be felt through mortal realities, we do indeed feel like we are reconnecting with ourselves, however, this feeling isn't incorrect, in a mortal reality we are reconnecting with this spirit only because we feel we have become disconnected. Saying that we are reconnecting is quite appropriate while existing in a mortal reality, however, it's wise to remember we were never really disconnected. Being disconnected is simply to do with being unaware, once we become aware, we only then realise we were never really disconnected.

It would seem wisdom comes from the immortal self, I had a person point this out just recently as bellow.                     

The immortal self is the source of wisdom. Perhaps that's something we can agree on.

The seven spirits before the throne of God listed in the bible are:

1. The Spirit of the Lord
2. The Spirit of Wisdom.
3. The Spirit of Understanding.
4. The Spirit of Counsel.
5. The Spirit of Might.
6. The Spirit of Knowledge.
7. The Spirit of Fear of the Lord.

I always find it fascinating that there are 7 Chakras within Buddhism and that the number 7 has such special meaning.

My Rely

It is amazing how it all seems to collate. 

The paradox is, in relation to wisdom and knowledge in mortal realities, knowledge and awareness seem to produce wisdom, this is correct, however, in immortal  realities knowledge and awareness come from wisdom. 

Wisdom depicted as being directly under the lord is correct, wisdom is a direct expression of the lord where knowledge isn't. Knowledge and awareness are expressions of mortal beings, this is why knowledge is directly associated with mortal expressions. 

I don't think wisdom can actually be expressed until a conscientiousness is of mortal expressions. The way we express wisdom is through mortal expressions like awareness and knowledge. 

An expression of wisdom in a mortal existence then becomes awareness and knowledge but only in part. By only expressing part of this wisdom, we run the risk of becoming destructive and chaotic. This is why we can't blame God for everything that happens to us, we actually cause this by only expressing wisdom as knowledge and awareness. Trying to gain wisdom from knowledge and awareness is a risky business, it can create a reality hell bent on chaos. How aware and knowledgeable are we today? We are still creating chaos because we  are still not expressive of wisdom itself. 

Wisdom can't be expressed as it's not of mortal realities, it's too high a vibration to be expressed in mortal realities, this wisdom is then only expressed as awareness and knowledge, not wisdom itself. You are already of the immortal being therefore you are already of wisdom, everything else only becomes a part of this wisdom when in mortal realities. 

What would happen if we were of this wisdom? Realities of mortal existence wouldn't and couldn't exist, this wisdom would cancel them out. Imagine if this God's consciousness enveloped us all, we wouldn't be in a mortal reality any longer, this is true wisdom that can only exist in an immortal reality. This is why in a mortal reality we don't actually ever express wisdom, once a true state of wisdom is reached, we would no longer be in a mortal reality. 

There are wise people but they are never expressive of wisdom itself, knowing and being aware of this wisdom is good enough and that is all we can do in a mortal reality of motion.

Wisdom is of the immortal self, it's infinite where awareness and knowledge isn't infinite, actually awareness and knowledge have no direction until directed by wisdom. Awareness and knowledge are mortal, how may times has human knowledge been changed because it wasn't quite correct, you can't say the same about wisdom. Who's awareness and knowledge is absolutely correct? Again you can't say this about wisdom, actually most wisdom put into words collate with each other, how much of atheistic knowledge and awareness collate with religious knowledge and awareness?

Knowledge and awareness, influenced by wisdom, tell us that God exists in certain realities but wisdom also tells us it doesn't exist in other realities, it's neither one or the other. However, knowledge and awareness, expressed without wisdom, tell us there is no paradox only because a certain knowledge and awareness is correct over all other forms of knowledge and awareness. There is however an obvious paradox in a mortal reality, this depends on the reality a consciousness is experiencing, no one form of awareness and knowledge is of absolute truth within a mortal reality.

An immortal reality on the other hand works quite differently, this is  mainly due to there being no infinite amounts of knowledge and awareness telling us of different perspectives, there is only one perspective brought about by wisdom as opposed to knowledge and awareness.

In an atheistic reality, there is no God, this is correct because there is no higher consciousness within an immortal reality, religion however tells us something quite different within a mortal reality, they are both correct.     

Certain knowledge and awareness (religion) tells us this wisdom is of a God, other forms of knowledge and awareness (spirituality) tell us something quite different, which perspective is correct? Wisdom tells us that both perspectives are correct depending on the consciousness we are experiencing/expressing, there is no true paradox because wisdom tells us it's one of the same. However, knowledge and awareness, used without wisdom, tell us there is a paradox, there is or isn't a God, you can't have a God existing and not have a God existing at the same time but there is, this depends on the perspective. Wisdom tells us we are talking about the same thing but in a different way, depending on the knowledge and awareness we are using and if this knowledge and awareness is being influenced by wisdom.

The many different perspectives of knowledge and awareness certainly complicates the simple, using knowledge and awareness, without wisdom, will complicate life creating chaos, this is obvious. Wisdom is simple, this is why it simplifies these different perspectives and can indeed simplify our reality making it far less chaotic.    

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Pure Simple Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

Definition: The Dictionaries simply define wisdom as an  accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment, in other words, according to dictionaries, wisdom is brought about by becoming aware (enlightened). I'm going to state here that this isn't actually true as we are quite clearly showing today, we are more aware than ever but we are just as much, if not more, destructive as ever. I don't actually know of any wise people in human history that were destructive, yes, aware people have been destructive but not the wise. This might seem strange at first until we consider the fundamental differences between wisdom and awareness/knowledge.

What is the essential component of awareness and knowledge, in other words what does awareness and knowledge need the most to even exist in the first place? Motion, and the more motivated this conscious motion is, the more aware and knowledgeable a consciousness (person) becomes. I'm actually going to state here that this isn't the same with wisdom.

Wisdom doesn't need motion to exist, actually, the less a consciousness is of motions, the wiser a consciousness becomes. A wise person will consider the destructive effects of motion brought about by awareness and knowledge, on the other hand, an aware/knowledgeable person void of wisdom will only consider the gains from expressing such motions, warring is a prime example of this and so is materialism.

Any consciousness void of wisdom, will only focus on what these expressions of motion will give them no matter what the cost........sounds very familiar doesn't it!!! Wisdom on the other hand focuses on the holistic, in other words wisdom just doesn't focus on the gains but the cost of these gains as well. A wise person will usually avoid any destructive motions, they will instead focus on constructive motions, motions that serve the collective.

Influx of awareness: We are becoming more aware and knowledgeable on a much larger scale, formal education and the internet are prime examples of this. When you consider that awareness and knowledge take motion, and the more aware and knowledgeable we become the more motions we will express, you start to understand how we have become imbalanced within the collective consciousness itself.  It's all about motion these days, we have become too focused on motions and not focused enough on being motionless, this kind of imbalance is going to quite automatically cause more destruction. The more about awareness and knowledge we become,  the more motion we will express, it's inevitable such extreme motions are going to cause more destruction. This can be avoided if we learn to use this awareness and knowledge coupled (balanced out) with wisdom.

Why does awareness and knowledge work so well when used in unison with wisdom?

This is simple, awareness and knowledge are about motion, the more aware and knowledgeable we become, the more motions we express, the internet is a prime example of this. We have obviously become highly expressive of these motions because of our standards of awareness and knowledge these days, these standards have certainly risen significantly in the past couple of decades. In the mean time some of us have become more destructive, cyber bullying is a prime example of this, this was inevitable.  Any consciousness becoming more aware and knowledge, will at times, express this kind of consciousness in a destructive way, this is so normal it's not funny.

Wisdom on the other hand is more about a motionless state of consciousness, when a wise person expresses themselves, it's usually expressed in a subtle way. This is what I call whispering as opposed to shouting. A consciousness that is aware and knowledgeable but void of wisdom will naturally shout and of course cause more destruction, however, a consciousness influenced by wisdom will more likely whisper, this whispering is usually constructive.         

We also on the other hand have people who are more about motionlessness these days as well, this naturally gives them wisdom, you will notice this kind of consciousness will  more likely be constructive within it's motions. Praying, chanting, meditating, etc. are prime examples of us learning to be less about motions and more about motionlessness. The more we balance out motions with motionlessness, the more wiser we are becoming, this is all due to wisdom being of motionlessness. Wisdom is also to do with the immortal self, this figures because the immortal self is also more of being motionless.

Wisdom; has nothing to do with awareness and knowledge, this seems this way because, to become wise in a reality of motion, we first need to become aware/knowing especially of our immortal motionless consciousness. This isn't the case when you are already in this  immortal motionless conscious state.

There is no motion in this state because there is no awareness and knowledge a consciousness needs to strive for,  we might think here this is because this motionless state of consciousness is pure awareness, no motion is needed to become aware. In one sense this is true, however, for a consciousness to become aware of their own awareness is an expression of a motion, you are no longer in a true motionless state of consciousness once this awareness is expressed/known to a consciousness as any expression depicts motion.

This motionless state of consciousness is pure wisdom which awareness and knowledge are created from. In our present state of conscious motions, this wisdom is depicted as pure awareness, this perception isn't incorrect because of the state of consciousness we are presently in. If however we were in this immortal motionless state of consciousness, there is no motion therefore no awareness and knowledge but pure wisdom.

It's interesting in how awareness and knowledge are created from wisdom, to us it's a paradox because to create awareness and wisdom in the first place, takes a consciousness to become  unaware. You can only express awareness and knowledge, which creates motions, if a consciousness is unaware of it's own expressions of consciousness itself. How unaware are we of our own immortality for example? To become aware of our own immortality, we express numerous motions by gaining awareness and knowledge. A consciousness then gets themselves into trouble when they express this awareness and knowledge without balancing these expressions with wisdom. The paradox is, to become aware of balancing out awareness and knowledge  takes awareness and knowledge to do so in the first place in a reality of motion. 

This is why we exist in a reality of motion, everything around us is an expression of awareness and knowledge, this however changes when a consciousness becomes fully aware that there is no awareness and knowledge in a true motionless state, only pure wisdom. Yes, to us presently existing in a reality of motion, this motionless state is going to seem like pure awareness, like I said, this perception isn't incorrect, it's just not totally correct as we will find out eventually.        


Sunday 23 August 2015

So Small But So Powerful

Written by Mathew Naismith 

This is a strange title for me to have for one of my posts,  I will explain about this a little latter on, first of all lets look at an interesting question, how big is the spirit within everything? Actually, it's minute (small). Let's now look at what created this universe, matter and anti-matter coming into contact with each other, in other words it was tiny particles coming together that created this vast ever expanding universe. The amazing thing is, what created these particles is even smaller still, this means this God's consciousness is even smaller than these particles. I should state here, the only way I know how to effectively relate to this pure consciousness is explain it as God's consciousness.

Because we exist in a reality of motion, any other consciousness expressing more awareness is going to seem larger than our own,  this means the more aware we become, the more space we need to store this awareness. This isn't so, it's actually a paradox, the more aware a consciousness becomes, the less space it takes up because the less it expresses this consciousness, in other words it's the expressions of a consciousness that expands on it's size. For a good example of this lets look at man's own expressions, the more he expresses himself, the more he influences, this planet is a prime example of this.

How much storage space has man needed to store his awareness? You might think the more aware man has become, the more storage space he needed such as books for example, this is true but only to a certain extent. How big are the storage spaces today?  The electronic storage spaces are actually now becoming smaller the more aware we become collectively, we have actually come to a point where we are now reversing the process of expanding on consciousness through motion.

It's actually the expression of consciousness that makes consciousness itself expend, not the accumulation of knowledge and  awareness itself. As we are finding out, this knowledge and awareness can be stored in very small places, this is until we express this awareness, a soon a we express this awareness from these tiny devices, this awareness expands quite automatically from such expressions, the universe is a prime example of this. I think this alone tells us by what means this universe was created, yes it was created by matter and anti-matter coming together but what expressed this kind of motion in the first place?

There was no movement within this space where matter and anti-matter existed because there was no space or time to begin with, if there was no space, what kind of force influenced matter and anti-matter to come together to create a vast universe?  I believe time, as of everything, has always existed but not as an expression, as soon as time was expressed, space was created for motion to occur. This means the  expression of motion automatically creates it's own space, man again is a prime example of this through the creation of smaller storage spaces for example. You can't have motion without time or space, also, all expression take a form of consciousness to cause motion. If man's awareness can store knowledge and awareness in tinier places, how small of a place (space) would be needed for this God's consciousness that is far far more aware? This universe certainly didn't happen by accident!!

Power: In previous posts, I stated that the use of the word power doesn't belong in spirituality, this is due to power denoting control, true spirituality isn't about control but releasing control. Only through the expression of consciousness is power perceived as control, when this consciousness is in it's purest form, in other words motionless state,  power can't exist mainly because there is no consciousness being expressed in this state. Basically, this is due to the absence of ego and of course motion is ego created from expression of time.     

I referred to this very tiny God's consciousness as being powerful because in our perception it is powerful, so much has been created from such a tiny thing, how do you explain this without relating to power?  Power however in this case refers to the vast expansion of consciousness from such a tiny thing, in my perception, it has nothing to do with control.

Wisdom: The more aware human consciousness becomes, the tinier the storage devices are becoming even though we are accumulating even more knowledge and awareness. It's a shame we can't store wisdom itself, yes we have stored the wisdom from others but this isn't wisdom itself, this is because wisdom isn't an actual expression or even able to be expressed. The wiser a consciousness becomes, the less expressive they are of conciseness, this is all due to becoming less about motion and more about motionlessness (God's consciousness). This kind of consciousness subtly expresses awareness and knowledge but it's not actually expressing wisdom itself.

Wisdom only comes about through being in a motionless state of consciousness, this might sound ridiculous, all the people who are wise are highly knowledgeable and aware and expressive of this knowledge and awareness, their obviously all about motion!!  Not so, again, what is being expressed is awareness and knowledge, not wisdom itself, you cannot express wisdom itself, you can however use wisdom to better express consciousness itself.  This is important to becomes aware of if we want to become wise, wisdom isn't an expression but can help us express awareness and knowledge more subtly without causing too much motion therefore chaos. 

Again, spirituality is about becoming a whisperer (less about motion), not a yeller (more about motion), and of course only through whispering can we gain wisdom, as of this God's consciousness, motionless within one's consciousness. You cannot however become a whisperer without awareness and knowledge, in a reality of motion, this is gained through motion but only the wise will gain this through subtle expressions of motions. This is why it's wise to balance out motion with motionlessness for only in this motionless will we find true wisdom. 

There is another way to gain awareness and knowledge without any motion what so ever, direct contact with this God's consciousness, the paradox is, you can't have direct contact unless you are wise, this is why so many spiritual practices are about being in a state of less motion which gives us more wisdom I feel. 

You might think all this took a lot of thought, actually it didn't, what takes a lot of thought is putting this into words so that others can comprehend what I am trying to relay on here, I hope I have accomplished just that.    

Tuesday 4 August 2015

What Actually Produces Judgement?

Written by Mathew Naismith

Education and judgement: We ask the question, “What actually produces judgment?”, and we come up with ego, you obviously can’t judge or misjudge without an ego being present for only through the ego can we judge. This post however isn’t just about the ego producing judgment but how the ego produces (creates) this judgement.

We can express ego traits without being in judgment,  it’s called observing a situation without comparing one situation to another, for example, “it’s a beautiful day just because it makes you feel good”, you’re not comparing this to a day that made you feel bad. Judging is comparing one to another and forming a critical opinion, one being more worthy than another to experience, in this case a day that made you feel bad can influence us to make judgment on this day by experiencing a day that didn’t make us feel bad. We then judge this day to be worthy of experiencing, this however actually doesn’t tell us how judgment is formed until we become aware of an imbalance, an imbalance that causes us to judge a situation instead of just observing a situation without judgment or prejudice.  

Yes, I’m saying judgment is caused by an imbalance, an imbalance brought about by how we think, it’s an imbalance of the thinking processes we are conditioned too from birth.  How many people are brought up on a certain style of education, like for example, an education predominantly influenced by religious teachings or hands on skills like farming or even, and probably especially, an education based purely on academics. I have observed on numerous occasions, that highly educated people can also be highly prejudice against anyone not  educated to the same degree, actually, I have even observed these people show prejudice against more highly educated people than themselves. There is an obvious imbalance here and it’s all to do with the way we are taught to think.   

The following is a reply I received from one of my posts, strangely enough, this person didn’t read my actual post but the replies I received from another person in judgment of my poor grammar and writing skills. I’m certainly not the best writer around but I do have my own writing style that doesn’t suite everyone. I come from the bush and my writing style can most often reflect this, I’m OK with this but some people aren’t and that’s Ok too.

The following reply I received, and my subsequent reply back to this person,  reflects on a certain kind of education, a style of education that the governments of the day desisted in financially supporting in Australia. The kind of education is question obviously offered, to a point, a balanced education.               

Good old Yallourn tech, no it was "a" technical trade orientated school! We need these types of schools back so the current teenagers get some good quality skills behind them, instead of being keyboard warriors, like some person above! Which he must have gone to "an" elementary school!!! 

My Rely

Technical trade schools were about obtaining a balanced education between hands on skills and technical thinking, not many educational establishments these days teach on this level. 

As of anything, balance is the key like a balanced diet for example or a balanced mentality which helps one analyse situations and people without bias, it would seem Theadore lacks this kind balanced education. 

As usual , one can know all there is to know and still not  know how to use this knowledge, a balanced education gives one this knowledge I believe. 

My post is about everything being in the now, meaning, when you think of the past, present or future, it's all in the present moment. Yes, my grammar isn't perfect, too much country comes out in the post at times but that is my writing style, that is who I am and I'm proud of it no matter how many flaws it has according to others with an obvious unbalanced education. 

It's sad that they closed these schools but this is a typical  knee jerk reaction you will get from people with an unbalanced education. We wonder why the worlds in a mess, it's dominated by people with a high level of education who know nothing in how to use this knowledge in a balanced way.  

All this knowledge is fine but do we know how to use this knowledge wisely and in an unbiased way? Wisdom gives balance to knowledge, knowledge obviously doesn't give one wisdom, this is obtained through a balanced education which the world lacks at present. 

Prior to going to a technical college, I was  also educated at what was called a technical high school, these schools were also shut down by the government of the day.

Wisdom; comes from a balanced outlook that  comes from a balanced education, not from the huge amount of knowledge we can store inside our heads, if this was the case, the world wouldn’t be going through what it is at present. There is no wisdom in chaos and destruction, we are not lead by wisdom but by a highly educated system which obviously doesn’t know how to use this knowledge constructively.

My own education sadly lacked spiritual teachings, even though I was educated in technical skills, I lacked the balance of spiritual teachings , to a point, I made up for this. How many schools today even teach philosophy? Philosophy can teach you to think outside the square, outside conditioned teachings.

It’s not what we know or how much we know, it’s how we use  what we know that shows how wise we have become. This wisdom isn’t obtained through what we know or how much we know, it’s produced by a balanced education and the more balanced an education is, the less you will judge and misjudge. Wisdom isn’t about judgment, it’s about observations without judgement and prejudice, this I feel can only be obtained through a balanced education.

If you lack a balanced education, try balancing this out with your own studies. I don’t myself think much of human knowledge and know how, in a lot of cases it certainly lacks wisdom in my mind, however, if this education is helping to give you balance, go for it by all means, we need more people with a balanced thinking process that stops us judging and prejudging as we are at present.

Can a balanced education lesson our judgmental attitude? In my mind most definitely.  

Monday 25 May 2015

Evil Intent??

Written by Mathew Naismith

I recently watched the movie The Conjuring which is based on true case files of the Warren family, the movie was about a family who experienced various paranormal events when they moved into their newly purchased house. The paranormal events that took place, you could easily describe as spirits/souls of evil intent, this is a human perception which isn't wrong or right as I will explain. 

What is evil intent? It's an action that is seen to be evil when expressed in relation to our own lives, in comparison to our own every day lives, this kind of existence is going to seem evil, however, when you compare such paranormal events to an existence of the same kind of consciousness, this kind of paranormal event doesn't seem evil at all. In all, it's just another way consciousness can express itself, we can all choose to exist in this way if we want to.

I have myself experienced simular forms of paranormal activity that I would indeed describe as entities with evil intent,  they were extremely frightening and threatening, this is until I became aware of what creates such consciousness, a consciousness that  expresses itself in such an unbecoming way. Again it's only unbecoming to us because we are not used of such conscious expressions, this is certainly expected.

Once I became aware of what was truly happening, I just laughed in there presence, this was enough to disperse them, they do not like anyone being aware beyond human perceptions and intentions. There is a very good reason why such an aware action would disperse them, such unbecoming conscious entities are after all living in ignorance, any show of awareness is discomforting to them. This is funny because most of these entities are very knowledgeable and intelligent but on the other hand they lack any true awareness and wisdom, this makes them vulnerable but also very dangerous to anyone who allows such entities to influence them who are unaware of their vulnerability.

These intelligent entities love to show off in such realties as our own, this is mainly due to most of us being unaware and unwise, we have actually created a perfect reality for such entities. These entities can manipulate physical consciousness, they can speak Latin backwards and recite passages in many different languages, what they can't do is become aware of our true nature or express true wisdom and love, only in deceit. We on the other hand can become aware of any expression of consciousness, this is an expression of true awareness and wisdom, being aware of any expression of consciousness especially without disdain for such consciousness. This means avoiding expressing any kind of disdain for any expression of consciousness, this is including any consciousness expressive of evil intent.

Life is a game to these entities, they know we hold life dearly to the extent of being fixated to life itself. They get a huge thrill in threatening in taking such life away from people, the reactions they get from these people incites them to go further and further. They loved scaring the hell out of me as they do of anyone, life to them is a laughable matter, how can any form of consciousness be so attached to life when life as we know it isn't really the norm. This is saying physical life isn't the norm as we perceive and it's this perception they play on. 

Do not underestimate any entities we deem as of evil intent, they are very clever, knowledgeable and cunning, in a sense I admire them because of their ingenuity, they have adapted so well to realties like this one.

Now the best way for a reality, a collective consciousness, to disperse them is to become aware and wise from a state of knowledge and intelligence. You could say we are half way there, we have knowledge and intelligence but we lack the awareness and wisdom to know how to use such knowledge and intelligence. We are collectively at a vulnerable stage, we have the knowledge and intelligence, like these entities, but most of us still lack the awareness and wisdom. This Makes us so simular to these entities with evil intent as we still lack the awareness and wisdom, this is of course changing in a lot of us and we must keep on going this way.

Of course sharing such experiences as this helps us all, we become more aware and wiser as we observe. It's however important to be able to observe any conscious expression with a smile on your face for it's this smile that shows us how aware and wise we are becoming.