Saturday, 29 August 2015

The Immortal Wisdom Within All Things

Written by Mathew Naismith

Everything within it's entirety is of this wisdom, this wisdom is basically the sprit within all things with no exceptions. We might think we become detached from this but we never truly become detached from this spirit, when we say we are becoming reconnected, we are not really reconnecting at all because we are always of the spirit of wisdom, the inner wisdom. In a mortal reality, we are actually only really remembering we are of this wisdom, there is no true reconnection.

A feeling of a reconnection can only be felt through mortal realities, we do indeed feel like we are reconnecting with ourselves, however, this feeling isn't incorrect, in a mortal reality we are reconnecting with this spirit only because we feel we have become disconnected. Saying that we are reconnecting is quite appropriate while existing in a mortal reality, however, it's wise to remember we were never really disconnected. Being disconnected is simply to do with being unaware, once we become aware, we only then realise we were never really disconnected.

It would seem wisdom comes from the immortal self, I had a person point this out just recently as bellow.                     

The immortal self is the source of wisdom. Perhaps that's something we can agree on.

The seven spirits before the throne of God listed in the bible are:

1. The Spirit of the Lord
2. The Spirit of Wisdom.
3. The Spirit of Understanding.
4. The Spirit of Counsel.
5. The Spirit of Might.
6. The Spirit of Knowledge.
7. The Spirit of Fear of the Lord.

I always find it fascinating that there are 7 Chakras within Buddhism and that the number 7 has such special meaning.

My Rely

It is amazing how it all seems to collate. 

The paradox is, in relation to wisdom and knowledge in mortal realities, knowledge and awareness seem to produce wisdom, this is correct, however, in immortal  realities knowledge and awareness come from wisdom. 

Wisdom depicted as being directly under the lord is correct, wisdom is a direct expression of the lord where knowledge isn't. Knowledge and awareness are expressions of mortal beings, this is why knowledge is directly associated with mortal expressions. 

I don't think wisdom can actually be expressed until a conscientiousness is of mortal expressions. The way we express wisdom is through mortal expressions like awareness and knowledge. 

An expression of wisdom in a mortal existence then becomes awareness and knowledge but only in part. By only expressing part of this wisdom, we run the risk of becoming destructive and chaotic. This is why we can't blame God for everything that happens to us, we actually cause this by only expressing wisdom as knowledge and awareness. Trying to gain wisdom from knowledge and awareness is a risky business, it can create a reality hell bent on chaos. How aware and knowledgeable are we today? We are still creating chaos because we  are still not expressive of wisdom itself. 

Wisdom can't be expressed as it's not of mortal realities, it's too high a vibration to be expressed in mortal realities, this wisdom is then only expressed as awareness and knowledge, not wisdom itself. You are already of the immortal being therefore you are already of wisdom, everything else only becomes a part of this wisdom when in mortal realities. 

What would happen if we were of this wisdom? Realities of mortal existence wouldn't and couldn't exist, this wisdom would cancel them out. Imagine if this God's consciousness enveloped us all, we wouldn't be in a mortal reality any longer, this is true wisdom that can only exist in an immortal reality. This is why in a mortal reality we don't actually ever express wisdom, once a true state of wisdom is reached, we would no longer be in a mortal reality. 

There are wise people but they are never expressive of wisdom itself, knowing and being aware of this wisdom is good enough and that is all we can do in a mortal reality of motion.

Wisdom is of the immortal self, it's infinite where awareness and knowledge isn't infinite, actually awareness and knowledge have no direction until directed by wisdom. Awareness and knowledge are mortal, how may times has human knowledge been changed because it wasn't quite correct, you can't say the same about wisdom. Who's awareness and knowledge is absolutely correct? Again you can't say this about wisdom, actually most wisdom put into words collate with each other, how much of atheistic knowledge and awareness collate with religious knowledge and awareness?

Knowledge and awareness, influenced by wisdom, tell us that God exists in certain realities but wisdom also tells us it doesn't exist in other realities, it's neither one or the other. However, knowledge and awareness, expressed without wisdom, tell us there is no paradox only because a certain knowledge and awareness is correct over all other forms of knowledge and awareness. There is however an obvious paradox in a mortal reality, this depends on the reality a consciousness is experiencing, no one form of awareness and knowledge is of absolute truth within a mortal reality.

An immortal reality on the other hand works quite differently, this is  mainly due to there being no infinite amounts of knowledge and awareness telling us of different perspectives, there is only one perspective brought about by wisdom as opposed to knowledge and awareness.

In an atheistic reality, there is no God, this is correct because there is no higher consciousness within an immortal reality, religion however tells us something quite different within a mortal reality, they are both correct.     

Certain knowledge and awareness (religion) tells us this wisdom is of a God, other forms of knowledge and awareness (spirituality) tell us something quite different, which perspective is correct? Wisdom tells us that both perspectives are correct depending on the consciousness we are experiencing/expressing, there is no true paradox because wisdom tells us it's one of the same. However, knowledge and awareness, used without wisdom, tell us there is a paradox, there is or isn't a God, you can't have a God existing and not have a God existing at the same time but there is, this depends on the perspective. Wisdom tells us we are talking about the same thing but in a different way, depending on the knowledge and awareness we are using and if this knowledge and awareness is being influenced by wisdom.

The many different perspectives of knowledge and awareness certainly complicates the simple, using knowledge and awareness, without wisdom, will complicate life creating chaos, this is obvious. Wisdom is simple, this is why it simplifies these different perspectives and can indeed simplify our reality making it far less chaotic.    

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