Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Exposing Hate Groups

Written by Mathew Naismith 

It is not the quantity of numbers that will win the day in the end; it is the quality of numbers.

Firstly, hate groups are obvious in the way they work by dividing, divide and conquer. 

My own projected honest truth is not well liked on the net, in actuality it is quite hated and/or despised by many, however, by a few, my own projected open honesty is revered. Some of my written material was used in a College in the US.  I have also been unsuccessfully coaxed into placing my written material on an academia site backed by a well known university in England. On an atheist owned, run and backed social site, my written material was too obviously despised. You see, bias desired truths are always at war with honest truth, but honest truth is never at war with desired truth. Look at it this way; are virtuous people at war with unvirtuous people? No, virtuous people are simply being virtuous but unvirtuous people see this as an attack on their desired truths. When I look at the people who despise me on the net, all I see is how close to the truth I am, sadly enough.

Open honest unbiased truth is not just being ostracised or banished these days, it is being destroyed. Look at the people who are trying to banish hate groups and stop bullying on the net, this is while they are not stopping but fully supporting well known hate groups going into countries like Palestine and Yemen!! On top of this, you have hate groups who hate anything negative, so they simply ignore the obvious honest truth in favour of desired truths.

While on, I was accused of not liking my views put to the question. This is while I was harassed and bullied into asking to be removed from being a member of youme, as I seriously questioned the falsities and hypocrisies of atheistic ideologies. Because I could see what was going on youme, I purposely posted a post questioning atheistic ideologies. Often, deceptive manipulative people will use deflective tactics, in this case with me, accusing me of not liking my views questioned, when in all honesty these people didn't like their views questioned, obviously.

I am a huge threat to these people because I copied certain parts of my conversation with them. Never play all your cards at once with people like this. I am not at war with people like this, just simply openly expressing honest truths rather than a desired truth in accordance with my own ideologies, isms or beliefs. What hate groups hate the most is anyone who they hate isn't also a part of a hate group in opposition to their own hate group. What occurs in this case is they deceptively make themselves believe that they are also hated, when someone is simply being expressive of honest truth or virtuous attributes.

The average atheist is simply being expressive of atheism, as religious people are simply being expressive of their religion. Hate groups of these ideologies and other ideologies are not just simply being expressive but forceful of their expressions, especially when they perceive that another group is in direct opposition, at war, with their own group. Yes, make no mistake, desired truth is at war with honest truth, the trick is, don't be coaxed in just being another hate group, even of hate groups as a whole. Simply look at hate groups as being lost within their own creation, no more, no less.

Yes, my writing's are not of an academic quality, but what I write about often is it would seem.......     

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