Written by Mathew Naismith
This part of true spiritual acceptance is going to look at desires again but in a more positive sense & I will theorise upon this in regards to our needs by collating the importance of the need for both desires & needs to influence us at the right time in human history so we may evolve.
Before I go on I better explain the difference & the cohabitations between needs & desires. Generally needs are of acceptance & non-conflictive & desires are of non-acceptance & conflictive however there are times they work as one.
Needs & desires are at times in opposite reaction to each other but at other times they are in unison & while this action & reaction is going on we are evolving as I will explain further under the appropriate headings.
As I said if we just catered for our needs we could have just stayed as hunter & gatherers in a semi pristine environment but man’s makeup isn’t built that way, it would have been nice in one way to keep our world free of man’s toxic destructive way but that wasn’t going to be the case as I believe we have come here to evolve & evolve we did through the only means we had, desire & the associated conflicts to such desires. It’s funny to think we have used conflicts to evolve but if you looked at it most of man’s advancements have come from conflicts like penicillin but in saying this things like penicillin was also a need so our needs & desires obviously coexist for us to evolve, what this is saying is to evolve our desires have also become our needs.
Our desires & related conflicts have allowed us to evolve through history to build base system of knowledge for us to evolve to the extent we are today, it’s funny to think the only way we could have evolved is through conflicts. I know a lot of spiritually aware people are going to say that we could have just chosen to evolve through spiritual knowing which would have diverted us around having such conflicts to evolve from but we would have evolved quite differently because it’s the mode of thought that makes us what we are & spirituality is but anther mode of thought. We have chosen to evolve this way for whatever reason maybe to experience physical existence in its rawest form who really knows but the thing is we obviously chose to evolve for whatever reason in this way, it was the way it was meant to be obviously.
mode of thought (plural modes of thought) The way in which a person tends to think based on experience, beliefs, learning and reason.
The thought mode of desiring, (consumerist materialism), has grown to a point that most of everybody on this planet accept for true spiritualists & the odd tribes people desire more or a better existence through consumerist materialism, this mode of thought has become epidemic for a very good reason & that reason is not just for our own pleasure but to advance enough technologically so we can now stop desiring & just tend to our needs as we once did as hunter & gatherers. I’m going to theorise & say to evolve any further we must learn from our past because for us to go on any further in our desiring destructive ways is only going to end up disastrous for us.
To evolve takes more than one principle of mode of thought but many & many we did have throughout human history, the right timing is when to know when to change modes of thought to evolve even further. Why has spirituality taken off with so many especially in the west at this precise time, has it got something to do with timing or is it just a coincident? Nothing in human history is just coincidence as it’s all in the timing of such changes in modes of thought which is influenced by conscious changes throughout human history.
The Natural Process: In all as a human species we chose to evolve through modes of thought that were going to make us more conflictive & the more we desired the more conflictive we became, I’m theorising that it was a natural process we had to go through to build up a technological know how enough so we can cater for all our needs, yes it has been detrimental & conflictive towards ourselves & our environment but that is just the part of the process in evolving in such away. We chose to be human & to evolve as a physical species hopefully not destroying ourselves in the process. It is probably a good time to enumerate here that everything is of the spiritual world including physical existence so it makes sense that nothing we do is not spiritual as everything that exists is of the spiritual therefore everything we do is of the natural process of evolving. I know a lot of spiritually aware people are going to disagree with this saying our spirit true selves are all loving so how can something awful be a part of our spirit? But love is a human emotion not a spirit emotion, our true spirit selves doesn’t have or choose to have so called good or bad emotion as this would define conflict & our true spirit selves isn’t conflictive however having modes of thought gives us humanism therefore humanistic emotions. We have a huge array of modes of thought & there related emotions to live by that make life what it is, we have the ability to choose what mode of thought to live by but as I said before conscious changes can & do influence us in one direction or another which also is a part of the natural process. To have chosen let’s say a spiritual mode of thought in the first place we wouldn’t have evolved as species & experience the good & bad of physical being as we would have just tended to our needs not our desires which of course isn’t a bad way to live either.
Our desires as well as our needs have been fundamentally vital for the development of a species & our conflictive modes of thought have given us human advancements to the stage now that we have become quite intellectually knowledgeable & I will theorise again to the extent that we can now live for our needs instead of living for our desires which is far less conflictive if we desire it to be or has it become a need so we don’t wipe ourselves of the face of the Earth?
The link below takes a look at modes of thought in a more detailed philosophical way than I have presented here in this post, it’s certainly worth a read in my philosophical view.
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