Written by Mathew Naismith
I’m impelled to write about cycles again as I received some
interesting responses from my last post in relation to cycles.
Cycles only have an influential impact on us, they don’t
define the extent of experience we will experience, yes, they define how we
will think and act but they don’t define the level of experience we will have,
this is defined in how we react to such cycles. Why don’t all people react the
same when influenced by the same cycles, for example, spiritually aware people react quite
differently to the same situations than non-spiritually aware people. This
isn’t just because they use certain practices, like meditation and chanting for
example, it’s more to do with the awareness than anything. If you are unaware
to any situation at hand, you will react quite differently compared to being
aware. Dying is a good example of this, spiritually aware people are aware that
there is an after life, people who are unaware of this will react quite differently death.
We all live in a cycle of life and death but people aware to
an after life, react quite differently to these cycles of life and death.
Anyone aware of an after life has in fact influenced how a cycle is going to
affect them, in this case of death, quite dramatically.
Cycles don’t mean this is the way we will think and behave,
this is because they don’t define the actual level of influence they have on
us, this level of influence is determined basically on how aware we are. Take an
experienced soldier to an inexperienced soldier, which one is going to handle
going into battle better? The experience
soldier of course only because he is more aware through various experiences.
Take the affects of the moon on people, if you are unaware
of such affects, you will react according to the situation you are in, either
it be passive or aggressive. An aware person in an aggressive situation will
react differently to an unaware person, in turn change the way moon cycles has
on them.
Cycles are only an influence upon us, they do not determine
an outcome, in other words these cycles do not preordain future events, this is
determined in how we react to these cycles in the first place. According to the
Mayans, the next cycle is influenced by the feminine as opposed to the
masculine, this kind of conscious change does not determine an unchangeable
outcome, a preordained outcome, all it does is give us an influence to express
consciousness in a certain way.
Does this mean nothing is written until it is written? Not
exactly in my mind, everything is written except each time we are influenced by
a cycle, we have a choice of how we are going to react to such cycles. The
reason I say everything is written is due to consciousness itself not being determined
by time, if consciousness isn’t determined by time, each experience from this
consciousness, God if you like, is prewritten, this means every experience is
predetermined. If this consciousness is not determined by time, everything has
always existed therefore written.
All what is, is of this consciousness (God), this is why God
does not determine how you will use this consciousness under these cycles, we
ourselves determine this.
It would seem I’m saying, “the more aware you are of the way these cycles influence us the less
they will affect us”, this is true, any kind of awareness will detract from
such influences. Once you are aware, you can also use these cycles to enhance
an influence of any said cycle,
remembering, no cycle defines on what level we will be influenced too, cycles
only define a certain influence, they don’t define on what level we will be
influenced too.
One thing we can’t do is influence a said cycle, a cycle of
events yes but not the cycle itself, we can however lesson the affects of
cycles on ourselves by just being aware and accepting of what each cycle helps
us and consciousness itself to express. Of course the more expressive we are
the more aware we become, this stands to reason.
Can you exist under the influence of cycles and not be
affected by such cycles in any way?
Yes and no, if you were conceived within these cycles, you will always be influenced
by these cycles, the only way to not be influenced by such cycles would be to
do what occurred to the Mayans, you just disappear. Once you change your
vibrations to the extent that these cycles, you were conceived within, no
longer affect you, you no longer belong within such cycles. The Mayans no
longer belonged within these cycles, once they changed their vibrations to
something quite different to the cycles vibrations they were conceived within
in the first place, they no longer belonged within such vibrations. In a sense,
you can change your vibration that much that you no longer resonate with the
current vibrations, you are basically out of tune with these influencing
cycles. Basically, you can’t exist within a reality that you are not in tune
Many people are going to say I’m not in tune with these
cycles, well, it’s possibly more like I don’t want to be in tune, this doesn’t
mean your not in tune. Many people still express the ego, just by deeming the ego being this that or
the other, is an expression of ego so once you judge so, you still resonate
with the current vibrations.
Now if you weren’t conceived within these cycles of
influence, you can exist within these cycles without them having an influence
upon you, this is done through taking on the vibrations of these cycles without
existing within these cycles. All you are doing is taking on the vibrations of
these cycles, this doesn’t mean you are influenced by these cycles. This means
you are not expressive of the influence of these cycles, you are only vibrating
at the same rate to exist here.
How does physical form exist?
It’s through cycles that influence consciousness to take
form, in our case it’s physical form. How does a human being evolve/grow? Through cycles, each cycle changes our
vibration otherwise we would all have whiskers when we were born for example or
greying hair.
If you were conceived within a universe, physical or
non-physical, you are influenced, to one degree or another, by these cycles
within the said universe a universes denote cycles.
Saying, while conceived under the influence of these
cycles, that you can’t just take on the
vibrations of these cycles without existing within the influence of the cycles,
isn’t altogether true, you can get to a state of consciousness that you only
take on the vibration of these cycles. This however is virtually impossible for
most people to do, you would have to stop expressing the ego altogether,
not judging that the ego itself is this
that or the other is a good start. It’s worth noting that the various
expressions of the ego is of our cycles/reality, this however doesn’t mean the
ego is apart of all cycles experienced in all realities, each reality has it’s
own influential cycles.
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