Written by Mathew Naismith
Being aware: Awareness
of our own expressions is to do with a simple observation process, even though
this process is simple, it’s very effective. It’s
important to firstly not judge any expression of consciousness right or
wrong, just see it as an expression no matter what it is. Also this reality is
highly expressive of the ego, try to observe these expressions without too much
judgment, this allows us to become
emotionally detached from the ego, in turn, this allows us to become the
There are huge benefits of becoming an observer other than
being able to detach yourself from the extreme emotional traits of the ego,
awareness is one of these benefits. I try not to judge a right or wrong with
any expressions of the ego, but at the same time, allow my human self to
express these ego traits quite freely. The reason I can express these ego
traits is I don’t judge them as being right or wrong, they are just expressions. If I was to deliberately try not
to express these traits, that would be a good sign I have judged such traits as
being wrong in some way, it's worth being aware of this.
When I humanly allow myself to be drawn into an expression
of the ego, especially if I express anger or displeasure, I spiritually, as an observer, just smile at
myself for being so expressive, in this
state I don’t judge such expressions as being bad or good in anyway. What I do is smile and it’s this smile that
is a sign of awareness, an awareness of my observing self observing a human
expression of my self. If on the other
hand I didn’t smile after expressing myself, especially in anger or
displeasure, this is a sign I’m not aware of anything beyond human ego
expressions at that time.
Being expressive:
If I was aware of being an observes all the times without judgement, I wouldn’t
be as humanly expressive as I am, to me this would be a huge shame. This
reality is all about egoistic expressions, it’s not about being aware of our
observing self all the times or being in total oneness, this reality is about
expressing consciousness in various ways, not one way or the other.
So is blowing up innocent people and beheading people for
example wrong?
It’s wrong in a human sense, if this wasn’t the case, there
would be something wrong in this, so humanly there is a wrong and right and
quite justly so, if there wasn’t, this reality would be something quite
different to what it is, it would be far more expressive of egotistical traits.
True observer: Spiritually
as an observer, there are no right or wrongs, if I was to judge so, I wouldn’t
be a true observer, I would only be observing through judgement and bias which
is an expression of the ego. Humans observe through judgment and bias, how
aware has this made them? To become
truly aware, you need to firstly try to observe without judgement or bias. For
anyone to blow up innocent people and behead them, is only observing through
judgement and bias, this can become a sickness of the mind body and soul.
We should now be able to see how important it is to observe
without judgment and bias, learning to observe without these ego traits is
highly beneficial to our health and well being in many ways. It’s important to
try not to avoid expressing such
traits but to learn to observe them without judgment or bias.
Humanly, I still observe through judgment and bias but spiritually I don’t, if
I allowed my spiritual self to see these expressions as unworthy, I would have
judged a wrong, I would no longer be a true spiritual observer.
Yes, I smile a lot at my expressive human self but I don’t
judge these expressions as being unworthy of expressing, if I did, I would no
longer be a true observer, this is important to realise if we want to become a
true observer.
Being a true observer actually occurs quite automatically
for a lot of spiritually people, this is due to becoming aware of something
beyond human perceptions, perceptions influenced by ego expressions, especially,
without judging these expressions unworthy of expressing in some way.
Worthiness: Yes,
it’s quite difficult to not judge the killing of innocent people as unworthy,
this is done by not judging these expressions as being worthy either, they are
just an expression, however, each expression that is obviously destructive, is
a sign that such minds are ill in some way. Anything that has to feed off from
the light, innocent people in this case,
has a sickness otherwise they wouldn’t need to feed off of such light. This
basically means, if you are not of the light, of this awareness, you most probably
suffer with some kind of illness, this illness is defined by how destructive
you are. People of this light are not usually deductive.
The following question and answer is important to become
aware of, is a person who is ill any less worthy than a healthy person because
they are ill? The answer of course is
no, actually any person who is ill, needs more attention not less, By judging
them unworthy or wrong in some way for being ill, is an illness within itself. This
all comes about by observing through judgement and bias rather than just being
a true unbiased observer.
We need to become aware of our illnesses brought about by
observing through judgment and bias, the less aware are, the more prone we are
to these illnesses that cause us to be so destructive.
Expressive rocks:
The following is a little strange to say the least, instead of people being
destructive because of their illnesses, I’m going to replace people with rocks.
Imagine if each and every rock was able to be as expressive
as humans, each rock is differently shaped, coloured, and because of what each
rock is made out of, expresses itself differently to other rocks, they are also
of different parts of the world. Now imagine these rocks, that are driven by
judgmental and bias observations like humans,
humans and other innocent rocks would find themselves caught between a
cataclysmic war of rocks. Instead of everything else being caught up in human
conflicts, humans would we caught up in the same conflicts they cause the rest
of their environment.
We are lucky, rocks don’t have the same consciousness as
humans, they are also not prone to illnesses that cause them to inflict such
destruction through judgmental bias observations.
In my mind, we really do need to become more aware of our
own expressions and the illnesses such expressions can and do cause us, we can
no longer afford being ignorant to this. A good thing to remember is, the more
expressive we are, the more motion we cause,
the less expressive we are, the less motion we cause and the less motion
we express, the more aware we become and the more aware we become, the less
likely we will fall ill. Like being aware of proper hygiene to stop
us from falling ill, awareness of perceptions beyond the ego will help us from
falling ill. It’s handy looking at the ego as a virus as well, if it’s not kept
in check, it will flourish and make us ill just like the lack of proper physical hygiene. It’s always worth being aware of our physical, mental and spiritual
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