Thursday, 14 May 2015

Evolutionary Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I recently realised that what I have always been writing about was beyond a non-evolutionary consciousness, a consciousness that doesn't want to change, this change of course takes one to let go of any present fixations to existing ideological concepts. I have changed the title of this blog for exactly this reason form The World of True Spiritual Acceptance to Evolutionary Consciousness. Allow yourself to evolve.

To me the best way to become aware is to take notice of the very environment you are presently existing in, in other words the very environment you are presently experiencing in the now. If you have taken notice of this environment, most of everything evolves including human consciousness, the human species alone has experienced numerous conscious changes in Earths history, if this didn't occur, we would be still throwing rocks at each other.

You might say throwing rocks at each other is a lot better than throwing nuclear missiles at each other, it would seem all what human evolutionary changes have given us is destruction and chaos, this is obviously true but why is it true?

Humans within their mentality are like the crocodile/alligator, the mentality of humans has evolved very little over time in Earths history, humans still have the mentality of an aggressive hunter.

Let's now look at how the birds have evolved over time, some of them still have this aggressive hunting instinct, to an extent, but most birds have evolved from this state of existence. This is from a state where most birds were highly aggressive within their hunting instincts, they even looked the part. Birds themselves have visually changed quite dramatically in their evolution unlike the crocodile/alligator, you could say this of humans, they too have visually changed but quite in the opposite direction to birds I believe. Does a soldier, a riot policeperson or a hoodlum look any less threatening today than a cave man holding a rock? Actually they are more threatening than ever and a lot more deadlier, a rock may kill one person but a nuclear missile or a gun can kill many at any given time.

This is the same with consciousness, every time humans have gone through a conscious change, they have used that change in a violent way, take the industrial revolution and the iron age for example, both these ages of changing consciousness have been used to fuel our aggressive instinctive mentalities.

I find this is the same with non-evolutionary ideological concepts and beliefs of old, this is the be and end all, you follow this particular titled ideology and you can't go wrong. The problem with such mentalities is other ideologies and beliefs are therefore wrong in comparison. The other problem is we have numerous titles and names that have to fit within a certain slot, this is of course is going to create chaos and conflicts between these titles and names.

I channel, I have no titles or names of who or what is channelling through me, it makes no difference except to the ego self, this ego self I feel is of the old consciousness mentality that we are obviously having trouble in letting go of. 

I have most often mentioned Jesus, Buddha in my posts, they too are of the old consciousness. The reason why they are still relevant is because we have not evolved, sadly enough they are still relevant today when they shouldn't be I feel. I think these very special people would love to be totally forgotten and not referred to in anyway because this would mean we have evolved.

To me it's sad that we need to keep referring back to old texts to find balance within our lives, this doesn't mean they are wrong or irrelevant, they are quite appropriate to a consciousness of old, however,  the continuation of using such texts and consciousness shows a consciousness that is having trouble evolving in my mind.

We should learn from our environment and be more like the bird than the crocodile/alligator and blossom into a beautiful creature just like the bird. 


  1. A Treatise on White Magic by Alice Bailey is an excellent book on the evolution of cosmic consciousness. Google it for a free pdf download.

    1. Thanks j.r. for your recommendation, most appreciative.
