Sunday, 5 April 2015

Love and Light, a Real Conscious Choice

Written by Mathew Naismith

I'm going to dedicate this post to Carolyn Field, I hope you won't mind Carolyn.

I recently had an internet friend of mine, who I love and respect a great deal, come up with an interesting perspective as follow, Mathew, what a great post. I am thinking that just as there can be positive and negative stress, there can be positive and negative fear. . . like  stage fright for example giving a performance a surge of energy . . . as for the opposite of love (I could be going out on a limb here!) - personally I'm thinking that love might not have an opposite - especially if love is all there is . . ." My reply was as such, An interesting perspective Carolyn, do we only see hate being the opposite of love because of such a consciousness, if so, can we see an opposite in other conscious states?  I would say not, good one Carolyn.”

Can love exist without an opposite like hate, or in certain instances, fear?

In realities of duality like this one probably not, it would seem to become aware of most things we need an opposite like, to know we are painless we need to experience pain, to know we are poor we need to experience wealth either it be ourselves or someone else, to know love we need to know hate and so on but do we truly, can love exist without an opposite?

In a sense we only know love as an opposite to hate/fear, this is how I feel this particular conscious state works, however, you can put yourself into certain states of consciousness without an opposite to relate something too. This is very difficult for a lot of us to do, mainly because that is the way we are conditioned within this particular reality; we need an opposite to become aware. What we are talking about here is a particular consciousness of opposites but not all consciousness works like this I feel, some consciousness's or realities don't use opposites to become aware, it just is.

Now let’s remove the opposite of love, either it be hate and/or fear, does removing hate change the way love is, does it take away any of the attributes of love?

In a sense it does even though love is love, how does love become something else? It doesn’t but by taking away the opposite of love, love becomes purer in a sense, this is why a lot of people denounce the existence of hate even in a conscious reality such as this one. It is quite obvious love can exist without an opposite as hate/fear but in doing this, the attributes of love do indeed change due to a total absence of hate.

So without an opposite, how do you know you are living in a consciousness of love?

A lot of people are probably going to disagree with the following, you don’t know you are in a consciousness of love without an opposing opposite but does this truly matter? If you are in pure consciousness of light and love, does it truly matter if you are aware of being in this state or not? Of course it doesn’t but it does to the ego self which becomes irrelevant anyway in such a state of consciousness, it’s the ego self that needs an opposite to relate to a particular consciousness, not anything else.

Love is a particular consciousness as is hate, fear, jealousy and so on are, and the more consciousness’s we try to live by, the more chaotic an existence we will create. A good example is this particular reality, you can experience any kind of consciousness you want, this is all good except all these consciousness’s being played out at the same time will create chaos, I think this is quite evident. This is why I think actual spiritualists and spiritually aware people try to focus on one point of consciousness, it makes perfect sense why such focus is quite calming and peaceful, you are no longer trying to express numerous consciousness’s at the same time.

In my case I don’t mind being expressive of certain consciousness’s because I don’t find anyone consciousness more worthy than another, however, I do try to avoid being expressive of more than one consciousness at a time, this of course isn’t easy to do in such a reality such as this one mainly because it can at times be difficult to focus on one consciousness at a time. You can understand why meditating, praying, chanting and so forth are so beneficial to us; they help us focus on one consciousness at a time.

As love is a conscious state so is the way we use God, God is a conscious state that we often associate with love and light, and we wonder why so many people believe in God!! Yes there are exceptions to this rule, in my mind, anyone who is expressive of hate, like religious extremists for example, are actually of Godlessness as hate is more representative of dark and ignorance not light and awareness. I don’t myself believe in a God of man or a higher being over and above myself but I can see why people do, it’s another way to focus and focus on something beautiful such as love and light and indeed why not!!

The big question now is, why experience such extreme consciousness’s? To answer this we need to, in my mind, ask our souls this question, why indeed go through such chaos? I think the answer lies in awareness of the soul to various consciousness’s the soul can experience, the soul in my mind uses the ego self to experience such consciousness’s, I think it’s a simple as that. To become aware of various consciousness’s, the ego self creates realities of opposing consciousness’s, like hate and love for example, for the soul to basically become aware of all it can experience and the thing is why not, the soul after all is no different to the human self, it too wishes to become aware, not just aware through knowing but aware through actual experiences.

God, love and light, it all makes perfect sense to me. 

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