Written by Mathew Naismith
I’ve had some interesting physical occurrences happen to me
recently , it seems to have everything to do with synchronicity, however, this
post isn’t about such occurrence but what these occurrences have made me aware
of recently. Synchronistic moments like
this aren’t all to do with the experiences from the moment we experience the
synchronicity, they can be about what we are going to become aware of because
of such experiences. If we allow it,
each experience allows us to build upon an awareness that at the present moment
we might not be aware of but become aware of in another present movement.
Another present moment isn’t in the future, it’s all in the
now, however, because we exist in time, each moment is separated by time making
it another present movement even though it’s only of the now. If everything was truly of the now in time,
we would know all there is to know right now in the present movement, this of
course isn’t the case in time, how many of us are aware of everything within
it’s totality right now? This is where I
think synchronicity comes into it, it gives us more synchronicity with the
present moment, the now, by allowing us to become aware of things in the
present moment.
I wasn’t clear until recently what my life has been about,
well up to this extent anyway. I had a
choice in my mid-teens if I was going to take the spiritual path of awareness
or the ignorant path of just being humanly expressive, I took the latter. Now up to this point I could ask any question
and get an immediate correct answer, I was pretty well connected.
At this stage in my mid-teens it was obvious, to me now,
that I did not judge that living in ignorance was any better or worse than a
life of spiritual awareness, I did not judge one being better above the
other. Living in this ignorant state
wasn’t a problem for me because I didn’t judge one path being better or worse
than the other, it was simply just another path.
The interesting thing was, when I made this decision I had a
chronic injury with an associated chronic pain, I knew if I followed a
spiritual path of awareness, this would greatly help me with my physical and
mental traumas but I still chose a life of ignorance. The strange thing is I
didn’t have much of a problem in choosing life of ignorance even though I would
be expressing the ego in every sense to some extent. See the thing is I never judged the ego or
judgement itself as being bad or negative in some way; it was just another path
one can follow.
The strangest thing is what I was aware of in my mid-teens
stayed with me, once aware always aware or once reconnected always
reconnected. Being reconnected of course
isn’t what is really happening because we never really became disconnected in
the first place; the feeling of becoming reconnected is due to our ignorance of
our true nature.
Even though I chose a life of ignorance from always being
connected, by becoming aware of my connectedness in my mid-teens helped me with
my traumas right through my life. This
was all due to not deciding to follow the path of spiritual awareness, my ego
wanted me to follow this path because it made more sense but I didn’t. You
could say that by following a spiritual path of awareness instead of ignorance
would have improved on my own life immensely, that of course was obvious to me
at the time but what was also obvious is I had no judgment of one path being
any less worthy to follow than a much easier path.
What this has given me is at the human level of perception,
is I don’t truly see anything else being any less worthy than something else
seemingly more positive, this sort of judgment doesn’t come into it. You could say if I followed the spiritual path
of awareness that I would have been still humanly perceptive, however, I knew
that wasn’t going to be the case even at that time in my mid-teens.
If I followed the spiritual path of awareness at the moment
in my life I could only perceive through spiritual perspectives, this would
have totally taken away how I perceive humanly. What actually happened was, because I was already aware of my
connectedness I perceived through both human and spiritual perspectives,
however, this took me to decide to live a life of trauma in my mid-teens.
When I write about being of fewer intentions, or like in my
last post saying that ignorance is just as important to our selves (souls) as
awareness, many people can’t see this mainly because they have judged ignorance
or the lack of intentions as being negative or bad in some way. Because I have done what I did in my
mid-teens, I don’t have such judgment, this I believe is due to being able to
perceive both humanly and spiritually. I’m not being egotistical here, all I did is go
with the flow of the path I chose.
Is bettering yourself through becoming more aware than
before more positive? Most people will
say yes for the obvious reasons, we are more positive and in a much better
state, better than what though? Better
than before, but isn’t this a high level of judgment, isn’t this putting one
state of existence over and above another? The funny thing is I realised I recently don’t
do this except when I’m only perceiving through a human perspective which I
don’t judge as being one thins or the other in itself.
In a human perspective, improving on one’s life has always
been better and positive but this entails a high level of judgment and putting
one kind of existence or path above another, we still have our levels of
How do we get around this?
I know there are a lot of people who are not going to like
what I’m about to say, it all comes down to intentions, try not to have
intentions especially active intentions while becoming aware by not seeing that
you are improving or bettering yourself, in other words don’t have the intentions
of improving yourself in any sense of the word, just let it all flow, go with
the flow no matter what your ego wants.
The ego loves intentions because it’s all about intentions, think on
this for a moment, in every action and thought the ego has intentions.
We can however choose to be expressive of passive or active
intentions if we need to have intentions, the controlling ego is certainly more
about active intentions, this doesn’t mean we should have intentions in trying
to be more passive, we should in my mind avoid even passive intentions if
Passive intentions = passive actions and thoughts + judgement
+ living for needs and desires
Active intentions = forceful actions and thoughts + judgmental
+ living for desires
No intentions = no intentional actions and thoughts + no judgment
+ living for only a need
So how do we express no intentions?
When I perceive through my human self, I express intentions,
usually passive intentions but at times active intention, this is due to not
judging one being less worthy than another, however, when I perceive through my
inner self I don’t seem to have intentions. This is mainly due to not judging
one life experience or path being less worthy than another. Lessoning intention has to me everything to
do with not judging any part of life any more or less worthy than another; my
inner self just doesn’t judge in such ways, it observes instead.
What’s the good of observing if we haven’t got an intention
to implement such observation?
Just by observing through the inner self is enough, just
through being the observer one will make changes quite automatically without
intentions. Allowing your human self to become the observer through the inner
self however is an expression of passive intentions; in this case we have an
intention to allow our human self to observe. If we only perceive through the
human self and are in judgment, we will need to still express intentions, try
being aware of your passive and active intentions while remembering that the
ego is all about active intentions.
Humanly it comes down we have to express intentions either
we choose to express these intentions in a passive or active way is up to each
individual, however, I think it wise to be aware that the ego is about active intentions.
My advice is; if you can’t observe through the inner self try being only
expressive of passive intentions, this will at least get us away from the
controlling factors of the ego.
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