Friday, 14 November 2014

Time within Timelessness

Written by Mathew Naismith

This discussion about time and consciousness seems to be coming up where ever I go, like a good internet friend said to me, we can’t discuss this enough because we know so little about time, timelessness and consciousness beyond human concepts.  The funny thing is we agree to disagree on these subjects as we both have our own views, this however doesn’t stop us from voicing our views as it shouldn’t of anyone.

Time: The human concept of time is of a measurement either it be of a 24hr time, a distance between two objects or of a duration of the existence of something like a human being or a universe for instance, this is the concept that humans have of time. This concept of time can’t possibly exist within a consciousness without time, a timeless consciousness, mainly because time can’t exist within a consciousness not influenced by time; it’s a purely timeless consciousness. Now this is where I throw a spanner in the works in regards to time not being able to exist within a timeless consciousness, consciousness is an expression of time no matter what consciousness it is. Yes this includes this timeless consciousness but how?

First of all we need to change our human concept of time; it is no longer a measurement of some kind but a conscious realisation, an awareness of being/existing. Time is basically a consciousness being aware of it’s own existence and at times it needs to express such consciousness in a human concept of time of measurement which gives rise to whatever creation is needed for a consciousness to become aware of itself.  

Real time = all consciousness’s (God’s consciousness) + awareness

Human concept of time = human consciousness + a measurement of a kind + ignorance

Illusions: It has come up that consciousness itself is also an illusion, if this is the case this would make this timeless consciousness unaware and quite ignorant of itself even though when we enter into this timeless consciousness we feel we become awareness itself. This makes sense to why time is an illusion to some people, if consciousness itself is an illusion time would certainly have to be an illusion. This however doesn’t make sense to when we enter into this timeless conscious state of awareness, if consciousness doesn’t exist neither does awareness so what is this awareness we feel, is this not real?

A consciousness can’t exist without it being aware and the more aware we become the more conscious we become, they certainly to me go hand in hand, you can’t have one without the other so if one’s an illusion so must the other.  The problem I see is we are confused between the human concept of time and real time. The human concept of time is an illusion if we looked at it from a timeless perspective because there is no distance between anything of consciousness in this conscious state of timelessness; this isn’t the same if we looked at time through a human time perspective. There is certainly a distance between any objects of time within a consciousness of time; this however isn’t the case while in a conscious state of timelessness.

While in a timeless state of consciousness, we are obviously going to be ignorant to time because we are in a timeless state, this is my mind shouldn’t make time an illusion just because we are ignorant to time while in this timeless state.

Now if this timelessness isn’t a consciousness because consciousness is also an illusion, it must be nothingness, a nothingness that is totally unaware, it’s like the Never Ending Story when nothingness destroys all of what is. I cannot see this timeless state of nothingness being of total ignorance when we can feel like we are awareness itself when in this obvious state of timelessness.

You can see what we are doing here; we are taking the human concept of time, not real time, with us into a state of timeless consciousness. The problem is, in this timeless consciousness there is no distance so of course we are going to perceive time and consciousness are an illusion.  

Perceive: It is very hard to get away from the human concept of time even when in a timeless state of consciousness or absolute nothingness, this is because we are conditioned to not just perceive this way but to feel this way especially when we come back from such a timeless state of consciousness.  While in this timeless state of consciousness, we will only remember what we are able to perceive so if we perceive in a human way, that is what we will remember, it is impossible to remember anything past what we can perceive.  Yes while in this timeless state we feel we have remembered everything we have experienced in this state of consciousness but we haven’t.  This is very much like our dreams, how many of us remember every little detail of all our dreams? You know why we can’t; it’s the way we perceive in the first place!! To us everything has got to be of our own perception of normality and reasoning, anything beyond this we won’t remember thus we will most often misinterpret our dreams. Going in a state of timeless consciousness to me is very much the same; it’s just another conscious state we can enter into like our dreams.

What I don’t think we realise is consciousness as a whole is of real time and timelessness. No, this timeless state isn’t of the human perception of time but it’s still of a consciousness of real time. What I am saying is all consciousness, either it be of time or timelessness, is made up out of real time and timelessness. Yes, the more ignorant one is of the other the less we will be able to perceive like the other, this makes sense, but we need in my mind to be aware of this.  

All we need to do is be aware that real time represents consciousness itself not just a measurement of a kind and that to be truly conscious, one needs to perceive in both time and a timeless state of consciousness without judging the other an illusion. Judging anything as an illusion is very much a human concept of understanding which only allows us to perceive in a human way. Consciousness as a whole has no such boundaries therefore no set concepts and perceptions, nothing can ever be a true illusion in one sense or another.   

One more thing, you cannot imagine anything that is not a part of this whole consciousness in one way or another so perceiving something is an illusion isn’t altogether incorrect either, it can only be incorrect or correct within a certain perception. The trick is to perceive past your own perception and don’t ever think this perception is it; this God’s consciousness is far vaster than that!! 


  1. Mathew, you may find these thoughts interesting to ponder...

    Relationships to time do not exist without motion in space, but consciousness of time does. Sequentiality can consciousize time even in the absence of motion. Man’s mind is less time-bound than space-bound because of the inherent nature of mind. Even during the days of the earth life in the flesh, though man’s mind is rigidly space-bound, the creative human imagination is comparatively time free. But time itself is not genetically a quality of mind.

    There are three different levels of time cognizance:

    Mind-perceived time — consciousness of sequence, motion, and a sense of duration.

    Spirit-perceived time — insight into motion Godward and the awareness of the motion of ascent to levels of increasing divinity.

    Personality creates a unique time sense out of insight into Reality plus a consciousness of presence and an awareness of duration.

    Unspiritual animals know only the past and live in the present. Spirit-indwelt man has powers of prevision (insight); he may visualize the future. Only forward-looking and progressive attitudes are personally real. Static ethics and traditional morality are just slightly superanimal. Nor is stoicism a high order of self-realization. Ethics and morals become truly human when they are dynamic and progressive, alive with universe reality.

    The human personality is not merely a concomitant of time-and-space events; the human personality can also act as the cosmic cause of such events.

    1. Too true Tim, I had bloke from India state that we live by our reputation instead of our true character, living this way has changed our character that much that we have lost our true nature our true character which is of God's consciousness.

      Within in this process we have created a more destructive mentality which in turn creates the realities the way they are. This of course can only be accomplished in time because time gives us cause and effect.

      We are indeed underestimating ourselves, we are this very time and timelessness we deem as being an illusion, time and timelessness is this personality, this character and mentality which can create what ever it can imagine. Look at what the imagination of the sciences have created and this is while we are still very much in ignorance, we are still in ignorance because we are still destroying.

      They say great minds think a like, in our case it needs two mind to be great to think alike!!
