Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The Interactions of Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Warning, warning this post is going to sound awfully loony to a lot of people; it will certainly show how weird I can actually be so brace yourself for a very weird ride. The interactions of consciousness is all to do with how consciousness interacts with itself in time, if time is just an illusion to you, nothing else,  it’s probably pointless reading on.

We first of all have a whole consciousness, a non-fragmented consciousness; this whole consciousness is of timelessness, this source of consciousness also has no barriers or limitations at this stage. This is due to it’s stillness, it has no movement or interaction or a push and pull effect, in this state of wholeness it just is.

Once this still consciousness enters into time, it becomes fragmented and through this fragmentation it starts to interact with itself. Because consciousness has no barriers and limitations, it is able to create anything within it’s interaction with itself. This interaction can produce anything from something constructive to anything destructive; this consciousness in time has absolutely no limitation in what it can create within time itself especially at this stage.  

Timelessness is a still unchanging consciousness and time is an ever moving changing consciousness, once time or timelessness enters into the other, it transforms this consciousness to either a still or ever moving consciousness. Because this consciousness has no limitations it is infinite, it is able to create and recreate whatever the interactions or non-interactions create, the universe is a good example of this interaction, I call this the interactions of yin and yang.

I should also mention here that time isn’t an actual measurement but an ever moving interacting consciousness.   

The reason I say the universe is an interaction of two consciousness’s is we have anti-matter (yang and we have matter (yin); yang (anti-matter) interacted with yin (matter) which produce or conceives the universe.  This of course is no different to what a male and female interaction can produce; the world is full of such interactions.  This is all accomplished because of consciousness’s interaction with itself. The illusion is, no matter what the interaction is of this consciousness, it’s still a consciousness or one consciousness interacting with itself no matter how many forms this consciousness takes within time. It is one source of consciousness fragmented in time to produce many different forms; does the fragmentation of consciousness make everything that this fragmentation forms an illusion, is all forms produced by this fragmentation of consciousness within time an illusion?

This of course is debatable depending on what outcome we want to produce ourselves, in other words, do we want to perceive that this consciousness is unreal or do we want to perceive it’s real? Because consciousness itself has no boundaries or limitations, we can answer this however we like and still be correct within a sense but we can’t be correct within it’s entirety, this is due to consciousness having no limitations within itself. This consciousness has no limitations to something having to have to be real or not, only a more ignorant consciousness can perceive like this, a consciousness with barriers and limitation.

This is where consciousness becomes limited, the more ignorant a consciousness is or a species is the more limitations and barriers such consciousness limits itself too. When such consciousness’s start to become aware of a non-fragmented consciousness of timeless, it automatically deems everything of this limited consciousness as being an illusion, this I believe is normal behaviour.  This is a good sign however even though it’s still limiting, this is due to us, as a species, going beyond a consciousness that is very limiting, in other words, we are becoming more aware.  

It’s not easy to truly realise that everything around you including every action and reaction is consciousness interacting with itself, it’s all basically alive because it’s all basically consciousness no matter what form it takes through consciousness interacting with itself. This also means we can ourselves interact with other forms of consciousness to create what we like, we do this anyway with what man creates through he’s ingenuity and even through he’s interaction with the opposite sex, this is all due to mankind’s interaction with consciousness itself.  Now this interaction has produced or created many different things over the history of man, what if man didn’t limit he’s own consciousness and keep himself ignorant to what he is truly a part of, a limitless consciousness.  I don’t think man would be as destructive for starters for only in ignorance can we destroy.

Don’t underestimate consciousness, it is limitless therefore infinite, it has no barrier or boundaries only what we give it within our own ignorance, it’s truly a magical source of energy without a doubt.   


  1. HI Mathew,

    I think you are getting lost is timelessness and absolute.

    I agree with what you are saying but I think you need to progress further

    Stop and think Mathew.

    You need time 'to just be'

    Stop and spend sometime on your own and 'just be'

    I know you won't thank me for this right now, but we have been here before.

    take care
    tawmeeleus x

  2. You are reacting. you are not being yourself.

    take care
    tawmeeleus x

    1. G'day Tawmeeleus

      I'm interacting with consciousness in the way I'm supposed to be, no less no more. Is this interacting the real me? The real me is determined by my interactions with consciousness in the present moment, no other moment is of the real me.

      I do understand what you are saying when I'm not being myself, this is in reference to the whole of oneself. No you are right but I'm doing what I suppose to be doing at present I feel, being the whole me doesn't come into it at present.

      Much Blessings,

  3. आप बिलकुल सहि हो भगवान यां कुदरत अपने आपको व्यक्त करनेके लिए नजाने अपने कितने रुप धारण करेंगी यह कोइ नाहि बता शक्ता है न कोइ सोच शक्ता है, क्युंकी हर​एक जन उस परमात्माको व्यक्त करने वालेका हिस्साभर है। जो आपने उपर वर्णन किया है हम सब से पहले एक पूरी चेतना, एक गैर खंडित चेतना है।

    1. हाँ समय के इस खंडित चेतना सहित भगवान की चेतना का है मैं क्या कह रहा हूँ हम कर रहे हैं लेकिन क्या चेतना है, के सभी इस कालातीत गैर खंडित चेतना की है।
