Friday, 31 October 2014

The Consciousness of Time and Timelessness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Sorry everyone, it would seem I haven’t explained myself very well in regards to my last post titled, Time, the Mother of all Creation, so I will attempt to elaborate a little more about what I am referring too in relation to time.

Time = man’s motional awareness, a consciousness of time

Timelessness = pure motionless awareness, a consciousness of timelessness 

I’m not talking about a man made time but a consciousness, a consciousness that changes the stillness of the consciousness of timelessness through various motions. Time, which is also a consciousness, allows this still consciousness of timelessness to react and interact with itself which is what gives us creations of one kind or another. The universe is a good example of this interaction and movement of this still pure consciousness within time, in other words the push and pull effect of time created the universe and everything else within this universe.

To me man has misinterpreted what time is and is about, it’s not about a measurement but a consciousness that creates forms from this timeless still consciousness.  The question is, is this still pure consciousness of timelessness who we truly are? I would be a fool to say no because to me it is however does this make everything of time an illusion? I would be a fool to say yes for the main reason, everything we are aware of and experiencing is a part of us, this means time is also a part of us therefor it exists.  No matter what consciousness it is, I believe no consciousness can experience what it’s not a part of, it just couldn’t be aware of something it’s not a part of.  

In timelessness there is no time, everything is motionless. In this state of consciousness we are not aware of time so in this state time is an illusion because it clearly doesn’t exist.  To many people in time timeliness is the illusion, the point is, which illusion is the true illusion? For most of us while in timelessness we are ignorant to time and for most of us again while in time we are ignorant to timeliness.  Just because we are unaware or ignorant to either a consciousness of time or timelessness, does this make time or timelessness an illusion?  

I was in a timeless state, while I was in this timeless state I became aware of time, this isn’t an easy thing to do and I suppose to a lot of people who believe time is an illusion would want to believe I was having a delusional episode, which is of course what the ego wants to believe.  

How hard is it for people in time, who are unaware of timelessness, to believe there is a timeless conscious state of existence?  I would have to say at least half the people I converse with at any given time, now how many people, while having experienced a timeless state of consciousness, believe that time doesn’t exist, it’s an illusion?  The illusion is actually of the illusion itself; it’s an illusion of an illusion!!

While in a timeless state of consciousness, try to become aware of time, this isn’t easy because this timeless state of consciousness hinders one from doing this. What happens while in a consciousness of time, is it easy to become aware of timelessness while in time? For some people, becoming truly aware of timelessness can take a lifetime; they might know of a timeless state of consciousness but are they truly aware of this consciousness?  It is just as hard to become aware of time again while in a timeless state of consciousness, this is because timeless consciousness hinders one to become aware of anything beyond a timeless state.  What does a consciousness of time hinder us from becoming aware of? Timeliness as timeliness hinders us from becoming aware of anything beyond this timelessness while in this timeless state!!  

It really comes down to a balance, being aware, while either in time or timelessness, that time and timelessness are not illusions, but while in time or timelessness, being aware that either conscious state can and quite often do hinder us from being aware of anything else but a consciousness of time or timelessness.  

Yes it’s very tricky and yes we can be so easily fooled, it comes down to balance, balancing out one conscious state with another and at the same time trying to not be duped that one conscious state is the be and end all over all other conscious states.  In a timeless we learn that nothing is above or below anything else so why do we believe this timeless state is the be and end all? Because that is exactly what this timeless state dupes us to feel as time dupes us to feel time is all we are!!  The thing to remember, whatever you are aware of and experiencing/expressing is of consciousness and is a part of you either it be of time or timelessness.     


  1. Hi Mathew,

    Sometimes it is an experience that is needed, there are states of being that words can't describe. It is the difference between divine logic and human logic they are completely opposing polarities.

    Divine logic is out of body, human logic is within the confines of a physical body.

    Timelessness is only to be found where divine logic exists, time is only to be found where the human body exists.

    Take care
    Tawmeeleus x

    1. G'day Tawmeeleus

      Good deduction, this is why we most often misinterpret knowledge from this timeless state, how many times do I misinterpret it? Probably more than I would want to know, did I misinterpret what I wrote here? Most probably!!

      Much Blessings,
