Saturday, 13 September 2014

Power Doesn’t Really Exist

Written by Mathew Naismith

This might seem strange, power doesn’t exist but it’s obvious to us it does so does power really exist?  Let’s ask another question to help us answer this question, what gives something or someone power? Control, anything we rely on or want is catered for by something or someone who can supply us with our wants and needs, once this is supplied we are controlled, once we are controlled, we ourselves through our wants and needs have created such power but this doesn’t truly answer if power actually exists. 

I asked a question of my inner self as I often do, does the divine have power?  I was promptly answered back no, I wasn’t sure I understood so I asked this question a few more times and the answer was the same, no. This would also mean God’s consciousness or the sources conscious wasn’t of power as well even though to us it would seem that way.  It didn’t make sense until I realised, to have or to be powerful one would have to supply a need or a desire to others to seem powerful, in actual fact it was the needy and the desiring who would give such power, for without the needy or desiring, there is no such power.  Anything or anyone presuming to be powerful needs to supply a want or a need, they are not powerful unless they have control over a need or a want of other things.  It’s actually the act of a need or desire that gives anything or anyone control and power however God’s consciousness isn’t of power, nothing of the divine is of power but it’s supplying a need is it not so it has to be of power? I’m still getting a no…..

The divine isn’t about control, the divine doesn’t control anything unless it comes into the presence of ignorance but even then it’s not the divine taking control, any kind of consciousness in ignorance will deem the divine as being controlling and powerful, this is due to the essence of the divine, it’s of awareness. Anything that is more aware is going to seem powerful and even controlling however that is far from the truth.

A consciousness existing in ignorance will seek out this power to take control; it needs this because it lacks awareness so it makes up this lack of awareness through power and control.  Anyone who believes they are all powerful is living in ignorance so they make up this lack of awareness through this power and control; it’s an ephemeral flame instead of an eternal flame as explained in recent posts.  Are we not taught so often to take control of our lives, to be empowered? We of course only do this when we lack awareness.  Isn’t living in awareness and wisdom about taking control?  No, actually it’s about releasing power and control not gaining it. Think about this for a moment, we are releasing control and this inner power, we are no longer inhibiting this power and control within us through our ignorance, we are setting it free.  In a sense this is more powerful than anything we can do in ignorance however we are not gaining power and control within this but releasing it.  
So if the divine in all of us isn’t controlling and powerful, what is it? Pure natural energy, it’s pure because it’s not living in ignorance, it’s not tainted by ignorance, it’s pure awareness. What would this pure natural awareness want to control and have power over? In a sense it has all the power it wants, it has no need to be all powerful and controlling over anything living in ignorance but on the other hand anything living in ignorance would if it feels inadequate!!

Power and control are non-existing because they are of the ephemeral flame not of the eternal flame, so does this mean everything of this ephemeral flame is also non-existing and that everything in this reality is an illusion? No not exactly, power and control don’t exist because they are only perceptions however is walking a dog an illusion brought about by our perception of a dog and us walking? Consciousness creates dogs and us walking on something solid, they are a perception but not only a perception because they were created by consciousness, this same consciousness didn’t create power and control, it’s wholly a perception that we manifested into a reality.  

When we are looking at a dog we see a dog? Yes but when we look at power and control do we see power and control? We see it all around us but only metaphorically speaking, it’s wholly created through our perceptions. This is saying that a dog isn’t a metaphoric perception but power and control are!!  Because the dog was created directly from consciousness, it’s wholly of pure consciousness but can we say the same for power and control?  It’s representational of our own ignorance not representational of our awareness. The dog was created from awareness however at the human level we are unaware of this, we can’t say the same for power and control for they are wholly created by our ignorance.  The dog is of the eternal flame, even though it’s only consciousness and not an actual dog, but power and control are entirely of the ephemeral flame.  The dog, as we all are, is of the ephemeral flame created by the eternal flame, the eternal flame didn’t create power and control, our own ignorance did.

Why doesn’t this all powerful pure consciousness, Gods’ consciousness, take control of us at this crucial time? It doesn’t because it’s not about taking control, just because we are controlling we presume anything more aware and powerful in our own perception is also controlling. So what’s the good of this pure consciousness to us if it doesn’t take control to help us? As it always has, it gives us guidance which is quite noticeable right throughout human history without this consciousness taking control, it just can’t take control because it doesn’t exist when we are aware, only in ignorance does power and control exist.  This pure consciousness certainly isn’t ignorant.  

This post is going to go against a lot of taught practices of taking control and empowering ourselves, it’s actually about un-empowering  ourselves to release what we deem as power and control from within us.  You might think by meditating, for example, is about taking control but it’s not, it’s about releasing ourselves of our thoughts, our controlling ways.  It seems we are controlling our thoughts by meditating when all we are doing is changing the way we think, changing our mentality to something more constructive.  Spirituality to me should never be about power and control but a guide to a more constructive way to exist and just be.  


  1. Mat, The idea that you call collective intelligence is also known as simultaneity law or synchronized universe. It essentially says that we are all continuously, simultaneously, interconnected, and interactive. We are not alone, and therefore we are not free to make our moves. Just like Sun, Earth, and Moon are always interactive cannot take their own moves, in the same none of us can take any move. We do not have any freewill and we are guided by our destiny.

    In a corporation, at our workplace, we do not have any freedom. Our activities are precisely planned, we just go, do our work, and come back home. We cannot sit idle there to express our freewill.

    Central Bank (CB) controls all of us using money. It has purchased all of us, it has placed a price tag on every object, living or nonliving. It has complete power and control over all of us and all of our activities. The CB can clearly say to a professor to teach this, and the professor will be forced to teach that, even if he knows that it is wrong. The people who control the CB have souls, their souls control them. These souls have infinite intelligence, yet they are tied by destiny. We can become free only when some bigger power from within the CB come and rescue us. It will happen, and happen very violently. That is because that is a law of nature - the death process. Only then we can be free, and then the cycle will repeat. Birth - maturity - and death.

    1. G’day Subhendu

      Freewill; what do we define as freewill? If I was to prove freewill exists by killing myself or not to kill myself to prove this point, is this not freewill? It’s freewill within a sense, I have a choice and if you have a choice you have freewill.

      Now this freewill is still determined by the collective, nature itself, in this sense it’s not freewill because it’s determined by the collective never truly by the individual.

      Individual freewill seems to exist but it doesn’t because it’s still determined by the collective, nature itself but because it’s determined by the collective does this mean we don’t at all have freewill? We do have freewill but it is determined by the collective not by the individual. Could have Buddha and Jesus chosen to not become enlightened? I think so but this decision is always made by the collective, Buddha and Jesus were influenced by the collective to become enlightened. We must remember we are the collective, we are nature itself, we are really only influencing ourselves as Buddha and Jesus influenced themselves but as a collective no as individuals.

      The difference between yogis and you and I is we still perceive ourselves as being individual where’s a yogi doesn’t, they see all as being one entity which including all of what nature is. Yogis don’t perceive different consciousness’s as being any different to another conscious state, in other words there is no difference between us and a rock. The human mind can’t perceive this because we are obviously conscious and the rock isn’t but that’s by far not the case.

      I wrote a post in my early blogging days about vibrations alive, everything is alive in one sense or another, it’s all a part of the one consciousness.

      Mush Blessings,
