Wednesday, 6 August 2014

The Truer Essence of Our Being

Written by Mathew Naismith

Love and light is the true essence of our being where ignorance and chaos are but fleeting moments of our ignorance to our true being. Ignorance is of time and because it’s of time it’s not eternal like our true essence or our inner selves, ignorance is but a fleeting moment within our whole eternal existence but we have allowed it to control the collective.

This post was inspired by a bloke called Roger Hamel as most of my posts are inspired by others.  Roger talks so often of the essence, our truer eternal selves, and how this essence quite automatically transforms anything not of our true essence by simply pacifying all before it. There is absolutely no push and pull effect involved, which of course causes more chaos, but a pacifying effect.  This pacifying effect of our true essence I feel is what gives us love and light, as soon as you feel this love and light you know or should now you are connected to your own true essence.  

Indeed Roger, once we become in touch with the essence of our being, the essence itself pacifies the ego to the extent it is no longer in control. You could humanly say the essence takes control but it doesn’t, it just pacifies all before it.  

Does time have to be of ignorance? If we can only perceive ourselves exiting in time, yes ignorance has to be of time in this case but if we looked beyond existing beyond time, ignorance doesn’t have to be of time as we have become aware of our eternal selves, our truer essence selves. It does take wisdom to acknowledge that we aren’t just of time; we are indeed eternal beings of light and love.

I have stated in replies to others, we first of all need to be taught about wisdom before knowledge; you can know all the knowledge in the world and still not know how to use this knowledge especially constructively.  I feel we can also mistakenly confuse knowledge for awareness as awareness to me is more about wisdom not just knowledge, you can gain knowledge without being wise but can you gain awareness without being wise?  True awareness incorporates wisdom; true wisdom wouldn’t use knowledge destructively as there is no point to destruction, true wisdom is very constructive as it’s of our truer essence self.  The only way we can destroy is within ignorance and the reason ignorance destroys is it has no wisdom.

It takes awareness to realise we need to be taught about wisdom before knowledge as wisdom is of our true essence selves, it’s love and light which is very constructive.  We as a collective race have done quite the opposite, relying on knowledge without wisdom which has created chaos and destruction.  If we bring no light within the shadows of ignorance, we will stay ignorant no matter how much knowledge we obtain however bringing forth our inner wisdom of light and love will change this quite significantly.  Once we start delving into our inner wisdom, we become quite automatically of light and love, our truer essence selves.   

So in all what is the truer essence of our being? It’s being aware and aware that wisdom is only of light and love, it can never be of anything else but light and love and once we bring this wisdom forth, we of course quite automatically bring forth light and love dispelling quite automatically anything pertaining to ignorance.  The passive influence of our essence selves is quite remarkable, without effort, or a push and pull effect, our truer essence selves transforms all before thee, you could quite easily say it’s quite magical and mystical.  Our truer essence selves is awareness and wisdom which can only be of light and love.

Spiritual awareness isn’t just about acceptance but being aware of our inner wisdom of light and love, spiritual awareness is about being aware which helps us break our attachments and fixations to anything pertaining to ignorance like how controlling the ego is for instance under the influence of ignorance.  Our truer essence selves passively negate any controlling factors of the ego changing the ego into something more passive and constructive.  Spiritual awareness in all sense is about our inner wisdom and once we bring this forth, love and light will quite passively negate anything ignorance stands for.  

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