Friday, 29 August 2014

Lemurian Mentality

Written By Mathew Naismith

If you don’t believe there was a period of human history that we call the Antediluvian period, there might not be any point in reading on; this period of course also includes the same time period of the existence of Atlantis.  

This post isn’t in relation to the differences between Atlantis and Lemuria, but how a constructive mentality can become destructive. Atlantis, before it was destroyed, was at first quite a constructive race of people.  The Lemurians tried to inform the Atlantis’s that there mentality is becoming destructive and will only result in destruction of themselves and everything else, that of course  is exactly what happened.     

The following link takes you to a site that is most informative of this period; I hope this will help you understand more about this forgotten period of human history.

The Lemurians had an infinite connection with all the animals around them no matter how small or large, everything had a purpose in life. They gave a lot but in today standards received very little but to them what was given back was everything. They had a totally different mentality to what the Atlantis’s ended up with towards the end, which is a very similar mentality to what we have today.

Sadly enough, the Atlantis’s ended up with this similar mentality we have today even after the Lemurians expressed their concerns of taking on such a destructive mentality, the Atlantis’s then took offence to the Lemurians pointing this out which created discord between these two people, the rest of course is history, a forgotten history.

This constructive Lemurian mentality was also fairly prevalent in Egypt but once again when certain destructive mentalities where pointed out, what occurred once again was discord.  The constructive Lemurian mentality tried to stop yet another catastrophe occurring, this time famine which utterly devastated the Egyptian empire and it’s people.   

It's funny; I’m still trying to express the same concerns within this life, go figure!!  

It is obvious you cannot reason with a destructive mentality no matter what it is and expect something constructive to come out of it, what is needed is direct action by such a constructive mentality instead of relying on such a destructive mentality to see reason and correct their own ways. This is a huge lesson for me; I have still to learn from the past as we all obviously do!!  

The reason such a constructive mentality hasn’t taken direct action before is the Lemurian mentality is all about living with all other creatures no matter what, the Atlantis’s were accepted as they were. And here we are again, as we have once again taken on this destructive mentality which of course once again will be detrimental to our being.  We have no choice, like Jesus and Buddha, we need to be direct and purposeful within our own actions to avoid such catastrophes occurring again.      

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