Written by Mathew Naismith
I thought the following discussion I had with a First Nation
person was interesting so I thought I would share it. The discussion was in relation
to my last post titled, Neutral Thinking and Wisdom.
From our First Nations
view our definition of judgement is close to your definition of neutrality.
When non-native people
talk about judgement this what the outcome is. When judging, they analyze
something, then they deem it as either good or bad and they treat the thing or
person according to what they believe how one should be treated based on their judgement.
eg.. they will treat people good who they have deemed as good. And they will
treat people who they deem as bad in a bad way. Their decision from that
judgement will dictate in their mind the worthiness of the situation or the
When we judge we look
and we observe and then we accept the situation or person as it is. Then we
adapt ourselves to our analysis and we keep moving. We do not try to change
anyone or anything and we do not deem anything as good or bad. We accept and
adapt ourselves thereby achieving harmony and when we depart a situation or a
person we leave it as we found it .We call it respect and honor. We recognize
imbalance, but it is not our imbalance, so we cannot touch it. This is how I
understand what you shared.
Thank you.
+SpiritRider2013, this is what I call judging not judgement, judgement usually
refers to something negative but judging is like your First Nation view it
would seem.
I don't try to confuse
non-native people with this variation of judging and judgment, I usually refer
to them as the same to keep it simple. I did however write about this
difference in one of my posts some time back.
Most of what I write
most western minded people just don't understand or don't want to understand,
it's too close to the truth, most people don't like the truth being told
especially if it seems to go against their own beliefs.
Most western mentality
is built around preconceived judgement I'm afraid, they lost their inner voice
long ago.
You're an interesting
person SpiritRider.
Does it seem like one
is a physical action and the other a spiritual action?
Thank you.
Interesting question!!!!!!
Didn't look at it like
this but yes I suppose so, one judges by the inner voice and the other the
outer voice, one is of the spiritual the other is not.
This is funny because
you can physically see who's voice is the loudest, which voice is more
destructive and demanding? The outer voice, it's probably why we can hear this
outer voice the most. The inner voice ins't like this, it goes with the flow
because it's not judgmental of everything seemingly not of itself.
Thank you SpiritRider,
good thoughts.
It would seem as a western thinking people we have lost our
way, we are meandering about lost in a void we created through our own ignorance
and ego. We are trying to use eastern
philosophy to correct this, but we seem to not be able to get the full gist of
what eastern thinking is about to be able to find our inner voice again.
I think SpiritRider did a very good job in showing us where
we go astray when taking on eastern thinking, he’s explanation of how different
First Nation sees judgment, to what western thinkers do, covered this quite
This is fun. Reading your words with my inner voice.
ReplyDeleteAha....this is why you understand what I'm trying to relay in what I write, you are using the inner voice.
DeleteWhat I write about is quite hard to understand if one isn't using the inner voice to any extent, the inner voice has become foreign to us sadly enough especially if we were brought up with western mentality. When we are brought up with this mentality, it's very hard to let go of because of the attachments that the ego has for such mentality. The controlling ego thrives on kind of mentality.