Written by Mathew Naismith
Do you restore
yourself here and now?
How to do it?
This can be
enlightening to others from you.
Write down a .....
formatted for me please.
An interesting question Suzanne, how do you restore yourself
right here and now to our truer selves?
Became aware and truly believe my
ideological principles aren’t the be and end all but how do we do this? Become aware it is easier to let go of
fixation to any ideological principles than to hang onto them, it’s a lot
harder to hang onto ideological principles than it is to let go of them but we
have ourselves convinced it’s the other way around.
By culminating all thoughts (ideological
principals) into one, we really negate ideological principles, they are no
longer needed and they never truly were needed in a sense. By hanging on to these principles, we have
created chaos I believe and this is why it’s so much harder to hang onto ideological
principle than it is to let go of them.
It all comes down to making
ourselves aware, as opposed to believe, that it is a lot easier to let go of
these principles than to hang onto them. Making ourselves believe as opposed to aware takes another set of ideological
principles, we are getting nowhere in doing this but being truly aware that it
is easier to let go of these principle than to hang onto them, we have accomplished
this without separate ideological principles,
we have it turn negated chaos. This will take culminating all principles under
one principle to start with I feel and the way to do that is realise all ideological
principles were created by us. If they
were created by us, why can’t we culminate them into one?
Don’t make the mistake that
ideological principles aren’t important to us, they are very important to us within our present
mentality, we would not have been able to create chaos without this kind of mentality
and we are all about creating, we are indeed creators in our own right. Yes we created something destructive instead
of something constructive but can we now constructively create a reality out of
destructiveness, pure chaos? This will
take God like tendencies; we should not underestimate ourselves and our true abilities
Are ideological principles like science
and spirituality needed? I feel this isn’t
the right question to ask, the more correct question to me would be like; why
are the sciences and spiritualty ideological principles and why do they seem
like two different ideologies? Actually they
are not different at all because they are no true ideological principles, ideological
principles truly didn’t exist until we created them and if we created them we
can negate them, cancel them all. To become
constructive again, we need to cancel out these ideologies that we have created,
yes they exist because we created them but we can still make them invalid and
that I feel is exactly what we have to do to become constructively creative
again if that is what we want to truly do!!
The way to do this isn’t to make
ourselves believe all of what I have said here but just become aware of what I
have said here that we created ideologies, they just didn’t exist on this planet
until we created them. Ask yourself, what other animal species had or has
ideological principles? Before we evolved,
no other species on this planet created ideological principles and once we created
these principles we created chaos and the more separate principles we have, the
more chaotic life became.
Can all of us just drop all our ideological
principles just like that? No, because
we don’t believe we created them in the first place, we need to be truly aware
and knowing we crated them to do this. Knowing this, we can then culminate all
these principle under one principle, yes we still have a principle but in having
one principle we have no opposing principle and if we have nothing opposing what
is going to happen to chaos? To exist,
chaos needs opposing sides. Religion has tried to do this, as science is today,
but the problem was and is, one ideology has always tried to cancel out the
other ideology which has brought us a never ending existence of violence. Cancelling out another ideology isn’t going to
do the trick, if we were wiser today, wisdom would tell us this I feel.
Once we culminate or accept all ideologies
as one, we in turn cancel out ideologies altogether by incorporating all ideologies
under one principle and in the knowing, within these principles, that we
created these ideological principles in the first place. You can’t cancel one ideology
without cancelling out all ideologies for in this only lays more destructive mentality
and chaos, we really do need to just become more aware of our truer selves, it
is that simple.
I should also say you can't or
shouldn't cancel out someone else's ideological principles; this must be done
by the people of such ideologies not by other people with their own ideological
principals for this will only create more chaos.
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