Monday, 7 July 2014

A Dissipating Dogma

Written by Mathew Naismith

Recently I’ve been in contrasting conversations with different people of different ideological principles, I am more aware now of the differences of these ideological principles, not actually of the principles themselves but  of the difference between these principles when dogmatism  becomes an influential factor of any ideological principles either that be religious/spiritual or scientific.

I am also more aware of how the people who use spiritual ideological principles are changing, they are becoming less and less dogmatic mainly, I think, because we are more aware these days of the influences of a controlling ego.  Dogmas can’t exist without a controlling ego; the ego is the only human trait that supports dogmas, once you cease using the controlling ego in one’s everyday life, the dogma becomes non-existent quite automatically.  

One of the contrasting conversations I’ve been in recently was about how we will quite automatically take on this new conscious change and how we will drop old skills to take on new skills. One of the old skills we used was dogma to prove our ideological principles, this is one of the old skills that, by the sounds of it, will go, dogmas will no longer have a use in the new consciousness.

I’m going to cheat again and use one of my replies to others to explain myself a little more on this subject.  

Recently I've been in conversations with other science minded people, not quite like myself however, anyway I realise now how influential dogmas are on ideological principles of any kind. The ideological principals of religions and sciences work, it' when we allow ourselves within these principles to became tainted with dogmas, realising dogmas can't exist without controlling ego, is when life becomes chaotic or more chaotic.

My point is I'm becoming less attached to this kind of conscious reality, I'm still accepting of it but it's losing it's appeal.

Living in a reality that has no dogma influences influencing our ideological principles is becoming more and more appealing every day. I do believe this is a part of this automatic process, I have a view that we will just automatically find ourselves in this new consciousness.

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