Monday, 23 June 2014

There is No Darkness!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I’m going to theorise there is no such thing as darkness especially to light. When we switch off the light we are noticeably in the dark and on a really dark night you wouldn’t be able to see your hand right in front of your face, this is the perception we have of dark so we perceive darkness obviously exists.

What are we using to see everything around us in the dark? Our eyes of course; our eyes are a part of our five senses, what would happen if we could switch off all our five senses, can we after a while see what is in the dark?  Once our sixth sense is tuned in I believe we can detect everything within the dark and a lot more that our five senses don’t pick up on so in fact darkens really doesn’t exist.

Everything that exists is of some kind of energy, all energy exudes some kind of light and if it doesn’t exude light it can’t possibly exist including darkness.  This is saying light isn’t the opposite of dark as we presume through the use of our five senses, not everything has an opposite obviously.

To science there is dark matter and when you look away from the universe it’s just totally black, if the universe didn’t exist we would, in a science sense, be in total blackness.  I was wondering, what is the light from this universe hiding from us remembering the universe is very much of physicality and the five senses?  What are our five senses hiding from us? If you threw a ball of light like a sun, within total darkness, what would happen? The darkness would no longer exist, because darkness has no energy, it is unable to draw from the light, it just doesn’t have the energy to do this.

Darkness is a fallacy brought on by the perceptions of our five senses.

What about dark matter, it exists but it’s dark? It’s dark to us because we are only using our five senses to pick up on this plus this dark matter is very low in energy so omits and absorbs very little light but it still exists.  It’s not actually dark but we perceive it is.

There is absolutely no darkness; darkness just doesn’t exist beyond the perception of our five senses, everything is of light otherwise it just doesn’t exist.  So our fear of dark is a fallacy only because of the perception of our five senses, we have preconceived darkness exist when it doesn’t.  Yes low energy sources and forms exist but they are still of the light and if they are of the light they can be ignited to exude even more light as of us within this reality.         

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