Thursday, 15 May 2014

Spirituality and the Push and Pull Effect II

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following is a recount of a discussion I had with a bloke by the name of Eddie. I found this bloke quite enlightening so again I thought I would share but another conversation with him which started off on the topic of unconditional love.  It is quite interesting where this conversation actually went too.

We realize the unconditional true love the moment we simply allow all to come, stay and go as they like without the slightest movements of pushing or pulling but simply be. As long as all are happy so am I ~ Love.

Eddie Lau I love your perspective on this.

It's hard for people to just let it be without having the urge/desire to push & pull, they’re not aware by letting it just be without a desire to influence, life becomes quite magical & serine~beautiful Eddie.  

Just be without effort naturally is one with the nature of all itself. It is simple but we choose the hard way by seeking endlessly for the truth which we already are therefore we suffer.

Eddie Lau It makes perfect sense Eddie only because we are aware. 

Mathew Naismith We can only realize ourselves the moment the effort/intention to realize/seeking ceases.

Eddie Lau Yes, I woke up to this some time ago, it took looking at my attachments as a falsity, how can you become attached to something you never own!!

It must be scary finding out you never even own your own thoughts, I always somehow knew this. If you don't own your own thoughts you own nothing & if you own nothing you have nothing to become attached too.

I have emotional feelings for people, places & things but I don't own or possess them. Having no attachments doesn't make one emotionless. 

Mathew Naismith Oh yes, life goes on emotionally with different perspective called compassion knowing all as one whole entire nature itself doing our very best without attachment or trying to control being this or that now or becoming this or that in the future.

+Eddie Lau I believe what you are talking about here takes wisdom to be aware of.

It's funny because I don't understand why most people aren't this wise to understand this, it's a far better way to live than the way they have chosen to live, it's beyond most people's imagination.

Most people make the mistake in attaching attainments to love when love can exist without such attachments.

I was chatting with a lass recently abut unconditional love, she attached pain to love, you can't love without having been in pain at least once. I said we have got to get away of the perception of relating pain with love.

In a reality of total unconditional love pain can't exist because the energy of this love is non-penetrable to anything not of that energy form like pain for instance.  

Mathew Naismith We are already the wisdom itself the moment we claim nothing is belonging to us including the wisdom itself. All are indeed the one mind/nature of abundance. Free all as they are so that all frees us as we are.

It is ignorance or delusion not seeing things as they really are but we see things the old habitual ways that we are use to it clinging to what is known fearing the unknown. Therefore we keep seeking and running endlessly chasing our own tails.

I can never exist without you. We can never exist without the all that we can sense. Everything that we can sense are our teachers including our sharings here reflecting on each other on our curiosities and insights.

In reality, the existences were the continuation of the pasts renewing itself to the future endlessly and the only freedom is the wisdom or the understanding of nature/mind while life goes on and on without affection, not affecting the wisdom that was never born and will never dies. 

Eddie Lau Very good answer Eddie, yes we are wisdom itself, I suppose all we have to do is remember this. 

"I can never exist without you", I have stated this a few times which of course to a person who only perceives in oneness can't grasp. It takes individuals to make a collective, oneness is a collective of individuals. Me, as an individual, is just as important than the collective.

The only reason we become aware of oneness isn't through the collective but individuals playing their part. Everything around us is individual parts of the collective, without these individual parts we have no collective.

I also have a lot of people saying we shouldn't think, just quieten the mind & everything will be alright. We have a mind for a reason, yes quietening the mind will improve our living conditions but we have stopped utilizing the mind. All we really have to do is reprogram the mind with different programs that include wisdom.

The way we are using technology today isn't wise obviously, we don't counteract this by dumping the mind but reprogram the mind with different more wiser programmed programs.     

I couldn't agree with you more when you stated, "the only freedom is the wisdom or the understanding of nature/mind while life goes on and on without affection". Trying to counteract the mind/thought with thoughtlessness is going right along with the push & pull effect, yes we are chasing our own tails.  

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