Thursday, 29 May 2014

Releasing Negativity

Written by Mathew Naismith

“When someone tells me "no," it doesn't mean I can't do it, it simply means I can't do it with them.”
― Karen E. Quinones Miller

We all have a different perception of what is negative & what’s not so with this in mind, does negativity have boundaries? There are absolutely no boundaries that negativity cannot cross; all set boundaries can be crossed by negativity which is determined by our perception of negativity however positiveness works in the same way.  Positiveness has no set boundaries it can’t cross either so within this in mind can we use positiveness to give negatives boundaries it is unable to cross?

If we put up a positive wall to keep negative influences out, have we released ourselves of negativity? We must have because we no longer influenced or feel negative, the wall we have built for ourselves is keeping anything negative from sight and if we don’t see/feel negativity it can’t exist.  We now have the perception we have released ourselves of negativity because of our wall of positivity but have we!!

Like I said before in this post, negativity has no boundaries it can’t cross so if we are not feeling or seeing negativity because of this wall of positivity how can negativity cross this boundary?  The point is it never left; the wall is a good reminder of this. All we have done is basically stuck our heads in the sand staying ignorant of what the wall actually denotes which is the presence of negativity. The point is, perceiving anything is negative in the first place is negative, the wall of positiveness we have constructed to keep out negatives just endorses this.  By reacting to what we deemed as negative with positivity, all we have done is made ourselves feel better which is fine if that is all we want to do.

Let’s now take look at spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle & Deepak Chopra for example in regards to releasing ourselves from perceived negativity. There teachings are formidable & inspiring to say the least but have they found boundaries that negativity can’t breach? This would certainly seem so.

We should remind ourselves here again that being aware of negativity in the first place is negative; to see anything remotely negative is negative however we obviously presume we need to become aware of negativity to form barriers/walls against negativity thus releasing ourselves from this perceived negativity. Like I said previously, any barrier or wall we put up only endorses negativity even though we no longer experience negativity within ourselves. The question is here, what is willing us to rid ourselves of negativity and feel better?  Ego, the ego wants us to set up barriers to feel better within itself, when the ego feels better we as a whole feel better.  

Now Eckhart Tolle & Deepak Chopra, in their own ways, have seen the ego as negative thus inadvertently demonised the ego so any display of ego is of course bad. Deepak Chopra has in recent times rescinded this to a point.  If the ego has tricked us in releasing negatives when we haven’t the ego must be negative?

What is anything negative negative too?  The ego because anything that makes us feel bad has to be negative, it’s the ego itself that can only become aware of anything being negative. If we were totally truly positive it would be impossible to become aware of anything being negative, negative needs negative to become aware of itself. People like Eckhart Tolle & Deepak Chopra use negatives to become aware of negatives like the ego for example however the ego can be as constructive as it can be destructive. We perceive here that destructiveness would have to mean something negative & of course anything that we deem as destructive is usually something that makes us feel bad.  Do you see how anything that makes us feel bad is deemed as being negative? It’s the ego that wants us to feel good all the times by becoming aware of these presumed negatives that needn’t be negative at all. Negatives produce positive reaction, the ego feeds off of this.  

So if we hide behind a barrier/wall of positivity we are still not truly releasing ourselves from negativity, what then will release us from negativity? Our own perception & using the ego in a more constructive way by facing these negatives head on and changing them from within. It really does no good hiding behind a wall of positivity, man has done this right through human history, this is why drug & war lords dominate so much of the world today & why piracy is just as, if not more, prevalent than any time in human history.  And of course on top of this, politician & multinationals do as they please.  

Ask yourself, is any of this negative and why is it negative? Because we think everything that makes us feel bad is negative, this is the destructive factors of the ego telling us this, now let’s look at this differently. Perceive there is no negative no matter what the ego says and how the ego makes us feel, there is actually no negatives what’s so ever but that would mean there is no positives. You don’t perceive positives because there are no negatives for the positives to oppose.  Positives only exist because we perceive negatives exist but they don’t once you bring the ego out of it’s destructive phase into a more constructive phase.  

How do we bring the ego into a constructive phase? Stop trying to combat negativity with positivity, stop being negative & looking at the ego as just being negative, stop trying to feel good all the times, perceive there are no negatives or positives just differences.  Once we do this collectively no one will ever even presuming suffer again, a 1000 years of peace will befall!!  

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