Written by Mathew
Edited by Karla
Note: I didn’t take on all of Karla’s suggestions here for
one reason or another however most of what Karla edited I’ve implemented,
hopefully to Karla’s satisfaction.
The following paper was one of my original posts I posted on
the first blog I ever created titled Science of Spirituality about three years
ago. It still, in my mind, has as much relevance in my present blog as ever as
it refers to collectiveness in a vibrational format instead of just believing
that everything is consciousness. Everything is consciousness, but I believe
consciousness just couldn’t exist without it vibrating. Everything that is of
consciousness is vibrating in one way or another otherwise it wouldn’t exist in
my mind.
All the way through the blog I have referred to vibrations
in many topics so why is this so? As I have mentioned in this blog, everything
your five senses pick up & everything they don’t pick up on vibrates
otherwise it wouldn’t exist & it’s this existence I’m going to talk about
here today. This is just another way to explain the importance of vibrative
energy as it effects all aspects of our being as I will explain further.
Living Vibrations:
Everything that vibrates is alive & everything that’s alive has it’s own
vibrative signature within each frequency of a vibration. All vibrations are made up of different
frequencies & each frequency is a signature to any existing vibration which
is what forms matter. Now in saying this you’re probably thinking, “So what if
everything vibrates & vibrates at different frequencies, what’s this to
If you can get the idea that everything vibrates it must be
ALIVE in some way – not like us, but alive just the same in its own vibrative state
of being – you’re on your way to understanding oneness & collectiveness.
Look around you, what has a similar make up or chemical & biological
compounds to us humans? Just about
everything in some way or another. If you tested human blood for iron, water,
oxygen, sugar, carbon, dioxide, nitrogen & so on, you would find these
components. Human blood contains over
4000 different components, so how many human-like blood components are found in
our environment? They are everywhere. We are not that different from, let’s
say, a rock or a tree, or the very planet we live on.
So why don’t we look & act like rocks or trees? Our
complicated chemistry make up for starters.
Each component that makes up our body is in our environment, but not all
in one form like us humans. Different vibrative chemical compounds vibrate at
different frequencies that make it dissimilar from another component like with
iron & copper for instance; they are different because of the different
vibrative compound frequencies found in each element. So what I am saying is everything existing
around us is vibrating at different frequencies because they are made up of
different compounds vibrating at different frequencies. This is the same as
asking why all humans don’t look alike, like how iron looks different to
copper. We are all created from
different vibrating frequencies which gives us a different appearance.
A rock, which can be made up off many different minerals
& chemical compounds, doesn’t have as many components as humans. We know there over 4000 compounds in human
blood alone, now a rock doesn’t have this within it’s whole structure. This is what makes us so different; it’s the
number of different vibrative components found in the human body which makes it
what it is compared to a rack for instance. In saying this, even a rock is
ALIVE. Just because it isn’t made up of
so many mineral & chemical compounds doesn’t make it dead or
non-vibrative. It vibrates, therefore
it’s ALIVE!
One other thing that makes us different from a rock or a
tree is our consciousness which allows us to manipulate other vibratory
matter. A rock can’t manipulate matter,
it has no consciousness. So is it this
consciousness that makes us ALIVE & not a rock? I don’t believe so. Because all atoms vibrate therefore move, the
rock has to be ALIVE in some manner, even though it doesn’t seem to have
conscious thought or a soul. So what I am saying is anything that vibrates is
still ALIVE, just in a different way to humans or other organic conscious
So you’re probably thinking, where is this leading me, what
can I do with knowing everything vibrates therefore is ALIVE?

We already do change matter in a physical way when we
manufacture plastics or pollute our environment or even when we burn
timber. We have physically changed a
vibration into another vibration. If you
burn timber what happens to it? It turns into charcoal or smoke. This means
that the vibration has change from being a tree, to charcoal or smoke; the
components of a tree have been totally changed through our physical
Now it’s been scientifically proven that the mind can change
things like the experiments with water crystals, but what is happening when we
change the structure of water crystals? We are changing the vibrations of
matter just with our vibrative thought process.
What is stopping us from manipulating our environment to change it for
the better instead of physically for the worse?
For centuries we have been changing our vibrative
environment mostly through physical means which has lead us to what we have
today; self-destructiveness. Now I wouldn’t call it wise what we are doing at
present; destroying the very thing we rely on for our very existence isn’t wise
to me!! What if we showed a bit of wisdom over & above our egos, wouldn’t
that change the vibrational pattern we are presently in to something far less
So what will change if we manipulated our environment more
wisely instead of egotistically? We would be more aware of the effects of what
we are doing instead of being ignorant of the effects we have on our entire
environment. By releasing control egotistically we will actually gain more
awareness in what we are doing which I would call wisdom. Being mentally &
spiritually aware that everything is ALIVE, gives us awareness of our own
environment & the knowing we can literally change the vibrative structure
of matter. However to do this we need, in my mind, to be more wise within our
actions & thoughts. Ego gives us ignorance & wisdom gives us awareness,
it’s that simple!!
How to Manipulate Our
Environment: The problem we seem to be having is learning to use wisdom in
conjunction with knowledge in manipulating our environment. This seems to be
fuelled by numerous mental & physical habitual learnt practices. From the
past, we haven’t learnt to manipulate for the good of all mankind, most of us
are still caught in the habit of selfishness which is taught to us mainly to
support materialism in some way. I believe once we get past our materialistic
taught practices/habits & take on a more liberal aspect of
spiritual/scientific knowing, we will be able to manipulate our whole
environmental without fear of further harm.
The next level of evolutional humanistic change will show us
how to reform our environment through being aware that everything is
alive. Truly knowing & understanding
this will allow us to manipulate our environment better than we do today.
Manifesting is one form of vibrative manipulation which would work but seems to
be going wrong because of the way people are taught to manifest for our own
desires. This shows me that the time for
us to be able to responsibly manipulate our environment is not here yet. We obviously still need to learn how egotism
keeps us ignorant & how wisdom can give us more awareness & that
egotism/ignorance is quite a different vibratory component to wisdom/awareness.
It is obvious wisdom/awareness is going to manipulate our environment in quite
a different way to egotism/ignorance; wisdom/awareness vibrates at a totally
different frequency to egotism/ignorance so the effects are obviously going to
be different!!
I thought I would end this post with a funny little quote of
“If it vibrates it’s alive in one form or another, living
just doesn’t come from organic material like man thinks but from all creation
for the creator of creation is the vibrative consciousness energy force itself
not organic matter like man.”
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