Thursday, 20 June 2013

A Never Ending Story of the Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

Speaking Ill of the Ego: Sorry going on about the ego so much as it keeps coming up so I must have to wright about it again. This was brought up again in discussion on a forum site with others just looking at the ego as something bad/negative, so many well-known spiritually aware people have spoken ill of the ego with no cause because once you become truly connected the ego & related judgment fade away as if by magic, we don’t have to force it’s demise as in this lies conflict it will go on it’s own accord with a little bit of acceptance & positive thinking. The more we speak ill of something the more we manifest it as that is how negative thought works, we must first be aware of our modes of thought before speaking ill of anything.

So why have so many well-known spiritually aware people demonised the ego? They are making us aware of what we are doing wrong if we want to make a better existence for ourselves however they are demising the ego not just egotism which I find strange. Egotism is obviously different within it’s structure to the ego self, ego means being of the ego which we can’t help if we are alive & egotism means acting upon the ego usually negatively but not always as described in previous posts. As I have said, by focusing on the negatives we are in fact manifesting it’s growth as all our focus is on demonising & riding ourselves of the ego but what we should actually be doing is focusing on the positive effects not the negative effects, yes sure we need to know what we are doing wrong but in the same breath we should be talking about how positive the ego can be as well in this lies balance not imbalance.  

Think for a moment about these people who are constantly warning us about the ego, what are they using to relay this message? The ego otherwise you wouldn’t even know they were there like so many who stay out of the limelight.  To them this would be a negative thing if they admitted to it which they won’t however it’s not, what they are doing is unknowingly using the ego positively to reach as many people as possible which is great however it’s the message itself that is negative not the ego. It takes the ego to be noticed in the first place & egotism to stay with it, it’s the mode of thought behind the person who is negative not the ego or even egotism itself.

Manifesting Positives: To manifest a better existence is to firstly notice & accept what is what in it’s black & white format, in this comes an understanding of what you are about to automatically change. Secondly don’t keep focusing on the negatives as just negatives but try to see what positive effects these negatives have had as there is always something positive within a negative & visa-versa of course. Thirdly accept what you are about to accept like accepting a mass murderer as just another you or part of you. In our present holistic mode of thought accepting such heinous people & situations is unspeakable, ask yourself why? You will find out it’s the negative ego that is making you feel & think this way because you can’t be seen accepting these people as being any part of you in front of other people which is natural for us to do in our present mode of thought. Fourthly keep focusing on the positives of everything as everything has it’s place either it be teaching us what not to do or teaching us how ignorant we are & how unaware we are of our environment around us, “know your environment know yourself”, science is helping us with that as it’s just all a part of spirituality as everything is of the spiritual not just the things we desire or seem mystical to us.  

As I have stated in past posts we learn from diversity if we didn’t have that diversity we wouldn’t have evolved as a species or even become spiritually aware & all this comes down to the ego which I call the creative ego, different divers egos have given us diversity to learn from to evolve & become further aware, we must be aware of this. We want to have a better existence or feel better within ourselves so what do we do we turn to spiritualism, doesn’t that sound slightly egotistical?  However if we are aware enough this can be quite a positive use of egotism however if we are not aware we will either conflict with the ego or inflate the ego to negative egotism instead of positive egotism. It is true that when one becomes truly connected the ego & associated judgment play no further major part within ones mode of thoughts but you have to get there first & it’s not by conflicts or demonising but through acceptance  & positive thinking.

Below is a few links I thought you might like to brows relating to this topic of the positive attributes of the ego.  


  1. Dearest Mathew,
    I want to touch on something I did not mention in my Google +1s. It is what you said about accepting that everyOne else is a part of us, even such people as murders. Brilliant!! Thank you for saying this.

    This is one thing I said to people around me when I went through my re-awakening, that everyOne IS an extension of each 'other', including people we demonize and imprison. We ARE all ONE, there is no separation except what we have been taught. A key thing for me WAS knowing that everyOne IS an extension of me and I am an extension of them, regardless of 'who' they are or 'what' they have done.

    I love and accept every living being and am grateful for them. I am well aware that most do not want to accept the murders and other harmful people in this world. I have assimilated them into my heart, loving me unconditionally is loving them unconditionally, regardless of what they have 'done'. They are here to add to the collective consciousness too and their experience and actions are just as important as any spiritual leader or 'do gooder'.

    I truly appreciate you having the insight and courage to post such a feeling, it is brilliant and hopefully it will be eye-opening to some who never thought about it before.

    Best to you always, in all ways! Namaste Love!

    1. G'day Michelle

      You can't have true oneness by excluding parts of ourselves, it is all or it's not true oneness. Experiencing true oneness doesn't come easy in our present mode of thought however once one accepts & takes on different modes of thought at any given time becoming truly at one becomes easy as you obviously know.

      The feeling of true oneness through acceptance of all is truly invigorating however to ground myself I use discord & believe it or not we all do to one extent or another which keeps ourselves grounded & the reason I think we ground ourselves in this way is to learn from & experience ourselves, each other & our environment, in other words we are rediscovering ourselves through everything we are so in actual fact nothing is truly negative as it all has it's place.

      Once our souls have learnt & experienced everything in certain realities discord has no further purpose in life unless we have come back to assist then we most definitely need to ground ourselves again but only to a certain extent. I'm sure people like us know exactly what would happen if we didn't ground ourselves again, our vibrations just wouldn’t cohabitate properly with other vibrations of a particular reality I believe, in other words our vibrations need to be in sync with other vibrations of any said reality to do any good what so ever.

