Friday, 24 May 2013

The World of True Spiritual Acceptance pt. 3-1

The consensus with this part is if we are all accepting in a oneness &/or enlightened state why can’t we practice acceptance in the first place? This part of acceptance delves into the complexities concerning spiritual acceptance a little more, I would advise here to read part 1-2 of The World of True Spiritual Acceptance first.  

Accepting this spiritual Reality: When were not accepting is it conflictive towards whatever we are not accepting or is it just plain deliberate ignorance towards whatever we are not accepting? If we are non-accepting of something this must refer that there is some sort of conflict & any conflict defers us from true spiritual awareness as true spiritual awareness is of everything. If everything is of the spiritual, being non-accepting of anything would mean we are in conflict with parts of our spiritual environment & if we are in conflict with any part of our spiritual environment we are not truly spiritually aware.

With certain concepts of this new age spirituality non-accepting seems to be built into the ideology as anything seemingly so called negative like the ego or materialism & even this reality is unacceptable. This seems to be counterproductive towards true spiritual awareness. It is hard for some people to accept this reality for what it is especially when acquiring further spiritual awareness, if you looked at this closer it’s the spiritually aware people who are more at conflict not the more accepting people who are ignorant of their spiritual selves.

If you could imagine within yourself for a minute having no conflicts & being totally accepting of all, how peaceful your life would be without all this non-acceptance, this type of blissful reality is quite attainable through a simple  concept of just accepting. In actual fact if everyone was a little more accepting wars wouldn’t have to be fought & greed would diminish somewhat along with the ego, accepting is such a simple process but so hard for people to perform because of our taught social, cultural & at times religious beliefs. We are indeed being tested with in these structures.   

The Test: Being spiritually aware at such a time in human history is the true test towards true spiritual acceptance & awareness of our entire environment & I see so many aware people failing this test in the west. To take oneself away from our ignorant self isn’t something to take lightly as some seem to be doing as we are born ignorant of our inner self for a very good reason so we can experience life in its raw state. If you take yourself away from this ignorant state at such a chaotic time in human history we are obviously going to want only the things from our newly found awareness that make us feel good or benefits us in some other way, to me this doesn’t sound too truly spiritual.

The big test for us is to accept all for what it is & at the same time make adjustments to our living conditions through further awareness not become further non-accepting from our ignorant state, in this case all we are doing is replacing one ignorant state with another & one conflictive state with anther. We need to become truly aware of our entire spiritual environment not only the spiritual environments that makes us feel good, true awareness is the accepting of all.

Desiring Something Better: As we become further aware the feelings we get from such awareness can be quite pleasurable & amazingly overwhelming at times, this is part of the test; can we accept all of the things that make us feel bad as well while we are rediscovering our inner self? This is where it becomes difficult for us; we tend to want more of what make us feel good in a not too good feeling world which of course makes sense but not if we are looking for true spiritual awarenenss. In any state of anarchy or misery it is human to want or desire something better for ourselves which spiritually is quite accepting as all is acceptable but if one wants to be truly aware one must be still accepting of undesirable living conditions as well.

If one wants to be partially spiritually aware or not aware at all & at conflict that also is quite acceptable because everything is of the spiritual no matter what we do & are, it all comes down to how aware you want to be & how much you want to change this world. If we want to really change ourselves & the world for the better & not replace one ignorant conflictive state for another we need to be aware of our desires & that these desires don’t cause more conflict instead of less. Some new age spiritually aware people discard old habits but in a conflictive way like we should only eat certain foods & if you don’t your such & such or if you don’t do this that & the other you’re not or never can be truly spiritual. Nothing could be further from the truth because what they are doing is being conflictive & no truly spiritually aware person is at conflict with anything.

The World of True Spiritual Acceptance pt. 3-2

Conflictive Understanding: The funniest thing is I’m still in conflict myself with certain parts of my life & that’s OK as I’m not trying to replace one conflictive ideology with another, I’m being more accepting of my entire environment before I make any changes which also includes being non-accepting & in conflict. This type of concept seems difficult to manage but it’s not really as all conflicts help with the awareness process but this depends in how conflictive we are as well, if we are conflictive without learning acceptance were not getting anywhere. I can be in conflict & accepting at the same time, in other words I can be accepting & non-accepting because one is of the external environmental self & the other internal environmental self, both selves coexist without conflict, well most of the time anyway. This is sort of like being in conflict without real conflict.

The reason this isn’t real conflict is due to the understanding & acceptance one acquires while becoming aware, if one is non-accepting of conflicts brought on by unaccepting in the first place there is no understanding, it’s the understanding that makes conflicts less conflictive. Understanding is an important fundamental part of acceptance of all, this isn’t saying you must understand every part of a conflict but have at least a general idea of what you are accepting. This is part of the problem, we are brought up in a modern day realty to accept without even having a general understanding of what we are accepting &/or are deceived in what is presented to us to accept like with consumerist materialism, how many of us accept or even know of the damage this type of living is having on ourselves & our environment? Living in a known deceptive time in this reality leads us to accepting deceitfulness as being a part of our lives which is fine to a point as it’s accepting but it’s still conflictive which can lead us away from true spiritual awareness if one isn’t aware enough.

Conflicts within Acceptance: As we become more aware we becomes aware of things like deception which incur further conflicts, we become awakened by our further understanding of our inner & outer environmental selves not just our inner self. So much point is being put on our inner growth while becoming spiritually aware we forget or become conflictive with our outer environmental selves & anything undesirable to us becomes yet another conflict in our lives.

Accepting incurs conflict, this is why I said conflicts can assist us in our spiritual awareness by making us more aware however the more aware we become the more conflictive & non-accepting we can become of our outer environmental selves if we are not aware enough. The trick here is to accept this non-accepting state. This concept of accepting all tames down the conflicts one will come across while becoming more spiritually aware by accepting & understanding of all our conflicts. Conflicts don’t have to mean that we are conflictive within ourselves & our environment to the point of aggressive behaviour &/or thought it can mean, if we are aware enough, that we are becoming further aware.

True Oneness State & Acceptance: While in a true oneness state one will feel accepting of all because of this feeling of being at one with all but what makes this trip a lot easier is this concept of acceptance in the first place, why wait until one becomes fully aware to become accepting?

In our growth of awareness we come across a lot of conflicting taught ideologies that tell us conflicts of any kind are destructive to our ongoing awareness but we are also battling with our own psyche to do with conflicts as well. Conflicts of any kind seem destructive &/or disruptive but that couldn’t be further from the truth as long as we are accepting of all our environmental selves, the problem comes into being when we are not accepting of any one part of our environmental selves.

In a oneness state we are exceptionally accepting of all including the so called bad things because you are literally at one with all, ask yourself why can’t we become more accepting or just as accepting earlier on in spiritual growth? If you think about it how more aware can a divine being get than accepting all in any state that a divine being chooses to be in? Awareness has everything to do with acceptance as only through acceptance can we become further aware & the earlier we become accepting the better it would have to be in our growth towards spiritual awareness.  

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