Written by Mathew Naismith
Expanded Consciousness Through Conflicts
Living in Terror: The concept of acceptance seems unworkable especially when one lives in terror of their lives & wellbeing, how does one accept this? As previously stated one doesn’t because acceptance is about total acceptance which means accepting not to accept as well including terror in one’s life. It is impossible for a human not to be in conflict when one & their loved ones are living in terror but of course in certain parts of the world they have no choice but to be accepting of these circumstances. Accepting doesn’t actually mean one is always going to want to be accepting as this is dictated by circumstances in one’s life. When one is forced to be accepting it’s not by will obviously like with living in a life of terror or living a destructive way of life through consumerist materialism, we either accept our circumstances & live with it or we fight it thus we become non-accepting & conflictive with our environment.
Living in terror should never really be a part of anyone’s life either it be direct terror like through wars & alike or through consumerist materialistic ideologies which is destroying our environment at an alarming rate. Living in terror comes in many forms some obvious some not so obvious, it is very hard not be in conflict however there is a time to accept & to be non-accepting.
So many people who are born into terror become quite accepting of it as it’s just another way of life (mode of thought) for them & of course this terror is brought about by people being non-accepting thus they have become conflictive which brings on the terror. By accepting this terror in their lives the conflicts in their lives will continue to whatever end if there is any end. We shouldn’t be accepting of terror but we are conditioned to through life to accept this as a necessary evil & of course we shouldn’t, in actual fact it’s become habitual for us to accept terror & misery in our lives now.
This is when we shouldn’t be accepting obviously however we should always accept our circumstances first before we become non-accepting because by being non-accepting of our circumstances in the first place just leads to more terror & non-acceptance but if one accepts our life’s circumstances first up saying this is the way it really is instead of trying to bury it we have started off in a non-conflictive mode of thought which will obviously lead to a better outcome. When one is in an accepting non-conflictive mode of thought one will most always change one’s circumstances for the better through, believe it or not, becoming non-accepting again but because you have started off in a non-conflictive mode any conflicts brought on by being non-accepting is minimised quite a lot depending on how accepting you where to start with thus a more positive change can be made through non-acceptance of the terror in your life.
For example look at people who have been brought up in terror in war, they have had to be accepting of their circumstances as living in terror has become the norm (habitual) for them, if you put someone like me who hasn’t been brought up with the terror of war I would react in a quite non-accepting way from the very start, I would be quite conflictive of my environment where’s the people brought up in this terror react in a less conflictive way with their environment but because they have from the start been accepting of conflicts they will most probably always be conflictive in some way.
Starting off with acceptance: Acceptance = non-conflictive however when we have a need to change we have Non-acceptance= minimal conflict = a positive outcome.
However if we start off with non-accepting: Non-acceptance = conflicts = a negative outcome, you are already trying to change through just conflictive means which just means more conflicts.
Expanding Conscious Balloon: As I have stated previously in other posts non-acceptance & conflicts have expanded our consciousness a lot quicker than if we started off being just accepting & non-conflictive, our consciousness has virtually blown up like a balloon overnight & of course like a balloon if we blow it up too quickly it will become over inflated & explode before we know it. This explosion is of course related to wars & the destruction of our environment through over expanding our consciousness through too many conflicts. We have to remember here that consciousness is everything including our physical reality, if we expand this conscious balloon through conflictive means only the balloon will only expand to a certain mass however if we expand this conscious balloon in a more subtle slower way like through acceptance non-conflictive ways we should be able to expand this conscious balloon without it exploding to the extent we want it to go.
As I have shown in this post previously even if we start off with an accepting mode of thought to change anything we need to become non-accepting thus conflictive, this might be less conflictive than being non-accepting to start with but it’s still conflictive. Conflicts are needed in our lives to expand our consciousness not to just change what we don’t like as it’s obviously inevitable but it’s the way we do it that counts.
There is absolutely no balance in expanding our consciousness through non-accepting conflictive means as non-acceptance just ends up = more conflicts as shown earlier but on the other hand acceptance = non-conflictive but this non-conflictive thought mode is also balanced out by wanting change which is driven by non-acceptance conflicts which is needed for the change to happen thus our consciousness is still being expanded but a much slower rate. Any mode of thought driven by non-acceptance & conflicts is going to expand the consciousness a lot quicker thus a quickening of time occurs but if we take on the mode of thought of acceptance times will slow down dramatically.
You have a balloon which you quickly pumped up in no time flat & you have another balloon you pump up slowly, which balloon took less time to pump up? Expanding conciseness is no different to the balloon. As I have explained in earlier posts I theorised when the consciousness of the source/god expanded it was the same time that the universe was created, it’s all one consciousness physical or not. As the universe is expanding it’s expanding at a faster rate & so is our consciousness. It would be funny to think if all conscious entities in this universe stopped expanding it’s own consciousness through non-acceptance would the universe also slow down it’s expansion as consciousness physical or not is everything, it’s all connected?
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