Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 December 2015

The Worthiness of the Finite and Infinite

Written by Mathew Naismith

I've been receiving some interesting responses to my last two posts on my blog, the finite and infinite perspectives are certainly giving us different perceptions. On one side, we have the consciousness of science stating that infinite consciousness is a consciousness in delusion. On the other side we have consciousness of spirituality stating that finite consciousness is a consciousness in an illusion......Science minded and spiritually aware people are stating that each other is in a delusional or an illusional state of consciousness!!  

In actuality, both illusions and the delusions exist but not to the extent of the obvious bias being expressed by either side, both the infinite and the finite has it's place, to me this is obvious.          

The following is an interesting reply to my last post.....  

Hi Mathew I read the blog but still find myself confused at your understanding of truer self and the deception of science and the spiritual nature of the truer self as you put it. I'm not sure what it is you are trying to get across. Do you have a special different understanding of everything compared to the two mentioned above? If so can you explain it so that clarity can be given to that theory. I'm not trying to criticise just would love to see where your thoughts are taking you as it feels a bit off the mark if I'm honest.

My Reply
Finding other people's perceptions questionable, is all about trying to be  aware beyond your own perceptions, this can also include being aware beyond human perceptions at times.  Trying to perceive beyond your own perceptions isn't, to me, being critical Damon, it's quite cool.

Truer Self: Look at your truer self being everything that is infinite, it's a state of being that has no boundaries of the finite, in other words a starting and ending point, it's basically a state of eternalness. In most religions this was portrayed through the knowing of a God and/or Goddesses or anything portraying an eternal aspect. We have always had a connection with our eternal self  through spirituality in one sense or another. It's obvious to me there is something to the infinite self, why would so many people express such  an interest in the infinite if it didn't have some kind of truth about it?  We have obviously felt a connection to the infinite self, our truer or inner self/being.

Science: If I at all portrayed science being of deception, I'm sorry for that, this was not my intentions. Science is of the finite awareness, an awareness based on finite perspectives where's spirituality is based on infinite perspectives. Within any ideology or concept, it's not the ideology or concept that becomes deceptive, it's the people behind such conscious perceptions.

Spirituality = infinite + eternal states of consciousness + infinite awareness 

Science = finite + transitory states of consciousness + finite awareness

It's interesting how general science preconceives that consciousness also dies when the human self dies!!   

Don't be mistaken that these two quite different perspectives don't come together, they often do when a consciousness using such perceptions has no biases/boundaries to contend with. Some of the newer sciences of today use both finite and infinite perspectives as they did before modern day science. I think using both perspectives certainly seems to give us wisdom. This wisdom comes about by perceiving that there are no true boundaries, therefore, there are no preconceptions.

To me, it is obvious why we are lacking wisdom today, we have set up boundaries and biases between infinite and finite conscious perceptions and being. A truly wise person never preconceives what is and isn't, they always stay open to any possibility beyond their own perceptions.

Damon, you yourself have expressed this through querying a perception different to your own......It's not easy staying open to perceptions we have no idea of , only in the wise will we observe this.           

Note: The discussion between Damon and myself is still in progress, I will update this post in accordance with our discussion.

Actually that helped thank you I agree with your explanation   

Thursday 29 January 2015

Passive versus Active Spirituality, Intentions

Written by Mathew Naismith

I think it’s important to be personally aware of the way we use spirituality either it be passive, active or both, why is this so important to become aware of this?  Confusion for starters, you can’t use passive and active intention at the same exact time and when we do, it causes all sorts of confusion. You can however use passive intentions immediately after using active intentions or visa-versa. The bellow information will help with this confusion in regard to the difference between active and passive spirituality.

Extract: While some people continue to experience spiritual awareness passively, it makes more sense to actively pursue spiritual growth.

Meditation, Prayer, Visualization, Stretching, Yoga, Dreamwork is supposed to be about active intentions where passive intentions is more about just letting our spirituality just  flow brought about by our daily experiences with few intentions. It’s not quite correct that these practices only denote active intentions, visualising for example can come to anyone at any time, I’ve experienced this many times myself.  Within this we have no intentions there for it’s not an active intention; it’s not about active spirituality but passive spirituality.   

Active spirituality has more to do with forcing an experience rather than going along with the experiences in our daily lives. Another thing to consider is, what experiences we have in our daily lives is more to do with a need rather than a desire, living for a need is all about passive spirituality, this is saying that active spirituality is more to do with desire than a need. 

I don’t think we experience anything by chance, everything that happens within our lives happens for a purpose, forcing such experiences to occur only goes along with what man has done right throughout history, forcing our intentions on all around us which has only created a lot of chaos and destruction. Man’s intentions have always been about desire, is that the way we want to continue?  

Let’s look at sages, shamans and Buddha and Jesus, did and do they not use active spirituality to become aware and well connected to their inner selves?  There is one fundamental difference between sages, shamans and Buddha, Jesus; yes they all allowed their daily experiences to determine their intentions, this denotes  passive intentions, but sages and shamans and alike also induce these experiences through various practices, Jesus and Buddha had no such intentions I feel.

Buddha and Jesus, especially Buddha who we know often meditated, to us obviously used active spirituality by using such practices like mediation, this is a clear indication of active spiritualty but that isn’t so.  

I and many other people like me can go into a daydream state at any time and at times this can lead to a deep mediative state, this is accomplished without any intentions what so ever, some people can just go straight into a deep meditative state by just going with the flow of their environment.  This can eventually be accomplished through active intentions but what I am saying is, Buddha and Jesus didn’t have to use active intentions and I don’t think they needed too from the very start. What they did is allow their environment, without being in judgement of, to determine their states of consciousness quite automatically.

It’s not just about being one with yourself but one with all that is around you no matter what it is without judgement.  A lot of people have a hard enough time becoming one with themselves, becoming one with our entire environment that we ourselves are experiencing seems utterly daunting and unachievable but it’s not, Jesus and Buddha are good example of this.

Everything that you experience in your life has the capacity to teach you to become aware through passive spirituality like it did for Jesus and Buddha, yes active intentions can and do work but active intentions  have a down side to it, it’s not going with the flow of life and it’s about a desire not a need.  Ask yourself, did Buddha and Jesus live their lives on desires?  You could say they desired to help others but it was more of a need than a desire, the need of the collective.  

I’m not sure to this day why we are not listening to the greatest spiritual teachers of all times, is it primarily to do with the ego,  seen as to desire is of the ego, or is it we relate these great teachers to a religion? It would seem our disdain for religion and our egos are holding us back big time; to be anything like Jesus or Buddha, we need to go beyond our own personal desires as did Jesus and Buddha.

If you dropped your intentions and judgement, you will find you will automatically go into meditative states without any intentions, this is our natural state, believe it or not I feel it’s not natural for us to have intentions, yes it seems natural for our human selves to have intentions but it’s not for our inner selves, our Jesus and Buddha selves.  

To accomplish our desires and even our needs we need intentions or do we???  We have lived under intentions for so long we have no idea how to exist without intentions; I think this is quite amusing.

Do I live without intentions? No, I’m actually going with the flow but I am aware of what our intentions have created and keep on creating. I have actually stopped myself from going into deep meditative states, this was my intention brought on by my present environment which is all about intentions.  My intentions is to not go into deep meditative states which other people have the intention to go into, it’s still intentions either way.  So in all that is what most of us are doing, we are going with the flow, however, this flow is becoming increasingly destructive only because we are now unaware of how to exist without intentions.  We are not living within our environment but have intentions of what our environment should be, this isn’t going with the flow of our natural environment but against it.  

How do we stop being so much about intentions?   This is simple, just be, in every moment you get think of just being, yes this is still expressing passive intentions but it’s not about desire but a need.  Just being within the present moment without intentions and judgement is quite uplifting and a very passive way to become one with all of what is, eventually you will just automatically be within the present moment at any time. Yes humanly you will still be expressive of intentions but within yourself, in your own space, you will have lost your intentions, you would have found out how to exist without intentions. 

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Being Spiritual within Yourself

Written by Mathew Naismith

Extract: Spirituality is a process of personal transformation, either in accordance with traditional religious ideals, or, increasingly, oriented on subjective experience and psychological growth independently of any specific religious context. In a more general sense, it may refer to almost any kind of meaningful activity or blissful experience. There is no single, widely-agreed definition for the concept.

Spiritualism is quite different to spirituality, or being spiritual, in that spiritualism is more defined to the actual belief and communication with spirit’s/ghosts, this also includes reincarnation.  


Extract: 1. Of, relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of spirit; not material; supernatural: spiritual power.
2. Of, concerned with, or affecting the soul: spiritual guidance; spiritual growth.
3. Not concerned with material or worldly things: led a spiritual life.
4. Of or belonging to a religion; sacred: spiritual practices; spiritual music.

The thing about being spiritual is it’s not supposed to be about material or worldly things but we are often taught to manifest for our own desires, this is brought about by spirituality also being about meaningful activities and blissful experiences.  There seems to be also a definable difference here between being spiritually aware and being actually spiritual in oneself.  I often defined myself in being spiritually aware, full stop but that actually isn’t the case as for a lot of us who are not focused on our own blissful experiences.  

Let’s take a look at sages, shamans, Jesus and Buddha for an example, are they defined as being spiritually aware or spiritual in oneself or both?  These people conducted themselves in many meaningful activities and had many blissful experiences; this must make them spiritually aware rather than being spiritual in oneself?   

What does it take to manifest for our own desires?  Awareness, now what does it take to being spiritual in oneself? A lot more than just being aware, Jesus, Buddha, sages and shamans didn’t become aware overnight, it can take many hours of mental and/or physical pain, and like Jesus, they can take that pain with them to the very end, they are certainly not about manifesting for one’s desires.  

I’ve never manifested for my own desires since I’ve become aware some 40 years ago, I’ve actually done the opposite many times over to assist others, in this time all my needs, as opposed to desires, have been met to one degree or another . In this time I have also had many blissful experiences and many not so blissful experiences, I have not once manifested for such experiences blissful or not.

Now you could say people like Jesus and Buddha manifested for their own blissful experiences and yes they would have had many. As you become aware you experience many blissful moments, however, to a person who is being spiritual in oneself, these moments aren’t manifested, they are part of being spiritual in oneself, this also includes experiencing  not so blissful moments as well.  

These people didn’t just fixate themselves in feeling blissful as they became aware, they experienced everything to do with being spiritual in oneself rather than being spiritually aware.  Is there anything wrong in just being spiritually aware?  There is nothing wrong in this it’s just not being spiritual in oneself.  

Being spiritually aware is just about human development not spiritual development; becoming spiritually aware can help us to become aware of our own spirit, this is until we experience something that’s not so blissful, at this point we choose to only be in bliss. You could imagine if Jesus and Buddha did this, they would have stopped at just being spiritually aware and not gone on to being spiritual within themselves.

Is it worth becoming being spiritual within oneself and should everyone try to become spiritual in this way?

I can experience the most traumatic times and deal with the most obviously destructive people and still come out on top all the times, this is mainly due to realising that everyone has their own path to follow no matter how destructive that might be.  This actually answers the second question, “Should everyone try to become spiritual in this way?” Not if these experiences are not a part of your own path.  If you are fixated to just feeing bliss, that is your path, there are no right or wrong paths just different experiences.

There is something I feel we need to be aware of though, religion has time and time again made the same mistake in manifesting for it’s own desires which in the long run created even more disharmony.  I see so many people today doing the exact same thing, yes it sounds good to manifest for our own desires but it also sounded good when the various religions and churches made it sound good as well.  Everything is consciousness and we think we can manipulate it as we like to our own desires; we seem to be forgetting the cause and effect, action reaction, push and pull.

Pulling something in that feel like bliss to push something out that doesn’t feel like bliss is rejection, there is no acceptance here when everything is consciousness including what we are rejecting.  You don’t have to pull something in to push something out that is less desirable, this is active intentions. Passive intentions take one to change what seems undesirable to something more constructive, something that is more needed than desired.  A more constructive way to exist has become a need not a desire.

Buddha and Jesus felt a need that needed to be met, they didn’t feel a desire, desire would have taken to be of active intentions, pushing and pulling, rejection. They didn’t reject anything; they changed this destructive consciousness within themselves through a need not through a desire.  I said within themselves because it’s always within ourselves, we are not a separate consciousness, consciousness is consciousness no matter what, it’s all of the same consciousness, this is why it seems  strange to me why so many people reject any part of this conciseness to pull in a more desirable conscious experience .

Like Jesus, Buddha, sages and shaman, all you have to do is change this consciousness not reject it for something more blissful , what you have rejected doesn’t go away, as human history quite plainly shows us, but what we change can last forever if we do it for a need rather than a desire.         

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Is Power Constructive Within Spirituality?

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is an interesting conversation that has gone off on a slightly different tangent, it started off with the question, “Are You Standing In Your Authentic Power and Grace?’, and is at present on the topic of power.  My stand is that power is about control when in spirituality we should be releasing control not gaining thus lessening the effects of chaos upon us which is brought about through a continues action reaction process.  The opposite stand is that feeling and being powerful in oneself is good and positive.  

Sunil’s Reply
I believe 'power' is all about soul-strength-its a vitality of the soul -our inner strength.

G'day sunil
Feeling powerful is in reaction to when we are not feeling powerful, it's an action reaction, cause and effect, push and pull effect, if we were always powerful, we wouldn't know if we were powerful or not without a difference telling us that we are powerful.  This means we always need something less powerful to make us feel powerful which brings in judgment to what is or isn't less or more powerful.

This is actually saying, when we are feeling power and control over what we are interacting with, we are not truly powerful at this point, it's only because of our continuous reactions to other things around us that make us feel powerful when actually were obviously not. If one needs to react to actions to actually be powerful, it's obviously were not powerful at all, yes it feels that way only because of the influences of the ego.

A continuous action reaction only causes chaos and gives a feeling of being powerful because we feel we have more control. Power is all about control, to me a true spiritualist would not be controlling in any sense. You could say when a spiritualist focuses, that is them trying to take control when in fact they are trying to release control not become more controlling or even powerful. 

A lot of people in my mind make this mistake when they are trying to focus while meditating, praying, chanting or whatever, they think they are trying to become more controlling not less. When we focus in any spiritual practice, it should always be about releasing control not gaining it. Gaining control and power is all about the ego, we don’t want power and control over the ego, we want to release the ego of it’s controlling effects, that is all. In other words stop or ease the action reaction within our lives and in turn releasing the effects of chaos upon us individually and collectively.

GramaKeshava Reply
Thank you very much Mr Mathew Naismith !
I agree War Lords use " Power " to acquire ,require , usurp , devoid of any concerns of their action ! Their intention is not sober, but gobbler ! In spiriritual philosophy , POWER is considered , as endowed by God, just to help all needy ! Here this Power works as a postman to deliver the money orders, parcels etc intended to the addresee , The Power , though has the desire to to misappropriate , dares not do it for fear, whereas War Lords do not have any such qualms, like wild hungry beasts let loose in the crowded market ! Can we condone it as it is the power; just we cannot help !
Thank you for raising new arena for discussion !

G'day GramaKeshava
An interesting way in putting it, I love your collation here.

Do we condone all sense of power because power in certain circumstances can produce a destructive mentality thus creating even more chaos?  We certainly can’t just say power is just negative or positive, this is why I try to avoid such words however at times that can’t be avoided when appropriate to the meaning of a discussion like this one. 

Is feeling powerful authentic to actually being powerful within oneself?   I don’t think so, if I was truly powerful I wouldn’t need anything less powerful to compare myself with to feel powerful, I would just be powerful within myself however, I wouldn’t know of myself being this powerful because I am no longer needing to compare and judged what is or isn’t more or less powerful to feel powerful in the first place. 

I don’t look at anything being any less important or worthy than anything else therefore how would I feel powerful in the first place. To me when the ego is controlling, this has no less value or importance than if I was totally and wholly spiritual within my whole being, to do this I would have to be in judgment thus of the controlling ego . 

Are humans more powerful than an ant? It is obvious we are within our physical stature alone so we have judged we have more value, this in my mind gives us a false impression we are more powerful than an ant, this is all about human mentality not spiritual mentality. Spiritual mentality to me is about one having no less value than another no matter what it is. Yes it’s very hard to think this way because we are conditioned to only perceive through human mentalities not spiritual mentalities.   We are obviously more powerful than an ant because we have humanly judged so, now use a spiritual mentality, we will find this isn’t the case at all, we truly have no more value than an ant. 

The word power to me just doesn’t belong in spirituality but that’s just my opinion.       

Saturday 6 September 2014

Subjective Analysis Re-examined

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had an interesting discussion with a bloke in relation to my last post titled, Subjective and Objective Analysis, it seems I didn’t explain myself too well. The post wasn’t about being anti-subjective thinking, which is analysing through feelings, but balancing out our subjective analysis when we have distaste for something we are analysing.  To me the world at present is a good example of how subjective analysis of each other is distorting our reality making it more volatile, all I am saying is in this situation, we need to use more objective analysis to balance out our over emotional  reactions. Hopefully the following will elaborate on this a little further starting off with this blokes queries of my last post in question.       

I do not believe we disagree on the general thrust of your claims.  I take issue solely with one claim:  the imaginary possibility of objectivity as a perspective from which we may safely acquire knowledge.  There is no other perspective than the one into which we are thrown.  Mood or emotion is part of our experience, as it is with our memory.  It may no more be extracted and preserve the original experience than we may detach ourselves from our bodies and imagine that experience is possible without them (dreams, perhpas, although they will still reference the body and the physical sphere).  That emotions can cloud our judgment or distort what we are seeing is not being denied.  What is denied is that we can (or should) be without emotion in the appropriation of experience that becomes knowledge.  We achieve critical distance from our emotions and biases by re-examination of our experiences and by making conscious that lens by which we came to understand this or that experience.

My Reply

It sounds like a claim doesn't it, it's just a generalization brought about by my own observation.

I don't think we are disagreeing as a whole, we just don’t see each other’s perspectives on this matter that is all.  

Emotions are a part of how we learn, there is no doubt to that however, what the post is about is analysing something we are anti to, if we are analysing anything we have distaste for, what I’m am stating is subjective analysis will distort our feeling even more where’s  objective analysis will balance out such feelings.  We don’t need to add more fire to the fire for the fire to burn, it’s burning quite well on it’s own, the world at present, with it’s subjective analysing, is to me quite clearly showing how subjective thought is emotionally distorting reality.

Subjective analysis is about analysing a wrong or right, black and white, if we are too emotional when we analyse in this way, we will over exemplify what actually is. Yes, in a situation where we are not showing distaste, subjective analysis works fine but what I am saying, if we are showing distaste to something we are analysing we will distort reality, the truth.  As soon as we show distaste, we quite automatically use subjective analysis instead of objective analysis, in my mind we need to be more aware of this.   

I’m not anti-subjective thinking but the post is about subjective and objective analysis when in distaste of anything we analyse.

The funny thing is, spirituality takes away the black and white judgment of subjective analysing when using subjective analysis, this in turn gives us more of balance between subjective and objective thought however, I might not be totally correct in this analysis but I think I’m close to it.  Being spiritually aware, feelings become a major part of our lives and that is what we analyse through however in this case because we are spiritually aware and non-judgemental, the black and white are not judged as being opposite to each other or opposing each other.  Because we are not judging, we are less likely to be influenced by our over exemplified emotions allowing us to be as objective as we are subjective within our analysis giving us balance.  

There is also big difference between emotions and feelings when spiritually aware; we actually become less emotional even though at times it seems to be the other way around.  What we feel makes us emotional but the feelings themselves aren’t emotional, they create emotions within us through us opening to such inner feelings but these feelings aren’t themselves emotional.  How do we become less emotional? We end up taking these feelings within our stride, in other words we become less emotional about these feelings the more they become the norm.  Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t take away the feelings we get and in actual fact the more the normal these feelings are to us the more we will feel. 

It is quite interesting observing how spiritualty quite automatically balances out the way we subjectively and objectively analyse, this kind of mentality dispels fanatical thinking, a thought process that over exemplifies it’s opposites causing further chaos.  We no longer see extremes but a reality of similarities brought about by our inner feelings that are no longer emotionally controlled or choke by such emotions, we become balanced with our truer selves. There is no longer a struggle between the push and pull effect, subjective objective analysis.  

Supplement:  My Reply

This is why I concurred with what was written in the link supplied that referred to the psychological aspects of this, instead of just analysing through objective analysis, they need to also analyse through subjective analysis.  This is turn balances out the analysis between objective and subjective thought giving us a better evaluation.

What you seem to be saying is you deny such equivocation exist, there is no separation between subjective and objective thought, this is true to an extent.  To us this separation exists, that is true, however in true reality this separation doesn’t exist, but we don’t exist in a true reality as per se. 

To un-separate such mentalities, we need to give balance back into our thinking by using both subjective and objective analysis at the same time as stipulated in the article on psychologists abandoning the subjective—objective divide.  

The reason I stated that subjective analysis is about a wrong and right, black and white is it’s about judgment and separation of supposed opposites giving us a more emotional response. What I am saying is we don’t need to be any more emotional when we are analysing anything we have a disdain for and gives us more separation. What I am also saying is objective analysis gives us the balance we need in this case.

I agree with you, there is no true separation between objective and subjective analysis however at present, we are living as if there is, that is what I’m working with at present.  It is easy for people like you and I to see this but is it that simple for others to see this without bringing in balance between subjective and objective analysis?  The answer is no, we could tell them there is no separation but is this alone going to change their mentality? They need to become aware of living in balance between objective and subjective analysis before they will realise there is no separation between these two modes of thought.

Yes I could be incorrect with this analysis however I could also be correct, each to their own perspective.           

Saturday 23 August 2014

The Insecurities of the Sciences-Spirituality

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is funny, having an interest in psychology,  I thought I should have been able to answer a question I asked my wife last night not long after replying back to another science minded person who showed signs of being insecure, the question was, why are science minded people so insecure when conversing with spiritually minded people? It seems to have something to do with our belief in a higher power, a power greater than all the sciences put together, this is highly threatening to them.  

Before I go into this any further, we must determine what the signs of such insecurities are. The following is a reply I gave to another person in relation to how we react when we are insecure as a child and how we display the same insecure traits in adulthood.

“This is an interesting way of putting it but yes......insecurities give us biases. We are all quite bias when growing up because we are only aware of our immediate existence, this is like anyone being fixated to one ideological principle and thinking it's the be and end all, any other ideology questioning such an ideology will make these people feel insecure and make them react quite irrationally/illogically/foolishly, how does a child react when it's insecure? The same way!!”

The following was written by a self-proclaimed atheist pointing out the insecurities that some people have about their beliefs, he of course used a conversation he had with a religious person which in itself shows how insecure he was, why wasn’t he objective to start with instead of using an opposing ideological principle to he’s own to prove a point?  It’s funny how easy it is to point out other people’s insecurities but not so easy to see our own insecurities.

I have had numerous discussions with atheists and science minded people, they are all too willing to point out the insecurities in other people’s ideological principles but their own. They’re not being incorrect altogether in pointing out these insecurities in others but because they are bias, they can’t see their own insecurities, this is how a bias attitude can give one flawed logics but of course they won’t see this either because of their insecurities.

When first starting out in these discussions, they usually start out rationally, but most often than not, these people will display an irrational behaviour after I have proved a point.  What kind of irrational behaviour am I talking about here? Name calling, narky remarks, dishonesty, being asked to scientifically prove every point I make but on the other hand they have excluded themselves from doing the same and so on.  Once I start to prove my points, especially scientifically, the irrationality gets even worse; my evidence is usually dismissed as nonsense even though such evidence was obtained from Professors in physics and psychologists for example.  I’ve even been told psychology isn’t a science even though science and psychology both derived from philosophy!!

Another indication of such insecurity is I’m a science basher even though I’m also into the sciences as well; this is a totally irrational statement brought on by an obvious insecurity of some kind. When these people are insecure, they will harp on the same thing over and over again like you are science bashing. This allows them psychologically to denounce anything you say as being factual or of any sort of truth by making themselves believe you are only a science basher. Do I get the same reaction from people into other kinds of ideologies such as spirituality? Yes but only if they feel insecure, a lot of truly spiritually aware people don’t react in an insecure way because they don’t feel threatened.  I also by the way have conversed with a number of science minded people who don’t react insecurely  either but see my point as I do of theirs, the discussion ends there.

In the religious Dark ages, the churches in Europe were afraid (insecure) of the sciences and of anyone of any other ideological principle but their own, there reaction of course was to rid themselves physically of such threatening people.  

Are the people who are science minded today showing signs of the same insecurities of the religious Dark Age? The reactions I get from other science minded people show me this is the case, they seem to be in fear of a more highly aware consciousness than the sciences they so much believe in. A higher consciousness will, especially if it’s of God like consciousness, make modern day science mundane. This would be catastrophically psychologically disturbing to most science minded people who think science is the be and end all. This is of course no different to telling a highly religious person that it’s been proven a God doesn’t exist, we are talking about pure fear here so we will indeed react irrationally. The Middle East is a good example of this at the moment, any kind of fanaticism is a good indication of an insecurity complex, this includes fanaticism in any ideological principle including the sciences.

It has been said to me, when relating modern day science mentality to the religious Dark Age mentality that science minded people don’t go around killing people not of their ideology.  I know by some of the reactions I’ve had that if certain science minded people could, they would kill everyone who is spiritual.  There fanaticism in the sciences tells me they would kill for their ideology if they could.  Science indeed has become a religion and a religion that is threatened by a possible higher power than theirs!!   

So it comes down to being aware of how threatening it is to others that it’s possible that a higher consciousness exists over and above their own ideological principles, being spiritually aware we must realise how threatening we seem to others who judge their ideologies to be the be and end all.  I don’t myself seem to have any ideology that can be threatened in this way, it truly wouldn’t worry me if it was proven that a higher consciousness didn’t exist, it would just prove I was incorrect within my assumptions  that is all. Certain science minded people on the other hand have a lot more to lose because they have put science above all else, we must show empathy and be considerate of their situation, it’s not easy for them especially psychologically. 

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Spirituality of Awareness, Love, Light and Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

Sitting back observing myself and others becoming aware, and further aware, gives me a view that spirituality void of any dogmas is of the light, a light within the darkness of ignorance.  Ignorance gives us ego, without ignorance the ego would be of little consequence; the ego certainly wouldn’t be ruling/controlling us without ignorance so why live in a reality based on ignorance especially considering ignorance can be quite destructive?

The reason ignorance is so destructive is this ego creates egotism and the more ignorant we are the more egotistical we become, for example, a lot of white men had slaves who were black. The reason for this is because black people were deemed as inferior to white people, an obvious show of utter ignorance and to own slaves had a lot to do with egotism as well showing ignorance and egotism goes hand in hand.  We can try all we like to take the controlling ego tendencies out of our lives but the controlling ego will always come back if we still live in ignorance as we are still creating an environment for the ego to exist in.  The easiest and surest way to rid ourselves of the controlling factors of the ego is rid ourselves of ignorance; the way to do this is become aware like through spiritual awareness.

Ignorance is related to the controlling ego and all of the ego’s tendencies, ignorance is also related to darkness in not being able to see and feel beyond our own ignorance, our own impeded awareness.  Ignorance is also related to a lack of wisdom, not being able to acknowledge what our own knowledge is destroying and how a lack of wisdom is impeding our common sense.  It makes sense why we are still warring and polluting the very thing we rely on for our own survival, we are still living in ignorance, so what are we living in ignorance of?

As mentioned, wisdom is one of these things we are ignorant too, without wisdom we are unable to use any knowledge sensibly and constructively but this is but one attribute that ignorance obscures from us.  The more aware, void of the controlling factors of the ego we become, the more loving we became and the more of the light we also become.  Wisdom tells us to become aware and while becoming aware we must also become unattached to the controlling factors of the ego, wisdom shows us away to become light and love instead of the darkness and chaos. One way to do this is become aware of our own ignorance first of all and how man has nearly always lived in ignorance. 

Becoming aware will not automatically disperse the ego even though we are no longer ignorant but aware, are we truly aware without being aware of wisdom; we must not just be spiritually aware but spiritually wise.  The only thing that can really dispel ignorance isn’t awareness or knowledge, it’s wisdom, the wisdom in knowing how to use such awareness and knowledge in the first place.  Science is about awareness and knowledge but look at how science is destroying our environment, this isn’t very wise, actually it’s ignorance of the harm of such effects science endeavours has on ourselves and the environment. 

How do we become wise instead of just knowledgeable?  Books are a good source of showing us how to use wisdom, so many of us these days use books, not just to become knowledgeable but wise. Certain literature teaches us to be wise even though we are unaware of this however not all literature will teach us wisdom.  If I was to read literature on Quantum mechanics, would I then be wise or would I just be more knowledgeable about quantum mechanics?  One must take notice if certain literature is teaching us how to use this knowledge wisely not just telling us about a kind of knowledge.  Man has learnt how to split the atom, has he learnt to use it wisely and constructively?  

Literature doesn’t have to be just a source of knowledge but wisdom. If I read literature on someone else’s actual experiences, am I just learning knowledge or am I learning to be wise as well?  I’m learning to be wise as well because I am actually reading about actual experiences, actual experiences are of wisdom.  Can I gain wisdom only through knowledge?  Yes but only to a degree as it’s someone else’s wisdom and knowledge, not our own.  True wisdom comes about by experiencing what we have learnt ourselves through literature not just copying or mimicking someone else’s wisdom, this doesn’t mean we are not learning to be wise through other people’s experiences but to become truly wise we too need to have actual experiences for our own.

Is literature the only way to learn wisdom?  Like I said, our own experiences teach us wisdom which we have learnt through literature but literature isn’t the only way to gain experiences therefore wisdom.  I should also point out not everything we experience ourselves will give us wisdom, how many people go through life who haven’t learnt from their mistakes?  In this case a wise person would learn from others if they are unable to learn for themselves, this can be obtained through literature, other people who have experienced similar mistakes but have learnt from them.  Literature is handy but it’s not the only way to learn wisdom.

Another way to learn wisdom is by becoming connected to inner self or the universal consciousness, this of course again can be learnt through literature or through actual experiences of becoming connected.  Becoming connected without learning how to do this through literature doesn’t suite everyone, in this case these people are best to learn wisdom through literature, through other people’s experiences. At times this connectedness can automatically occur through trauma of some kind or through just being lucky enough to be connected without effort and without learning such things from literature. Learning wisdom to bring us out of our ignorance and into the light of love comes in many forms for us to learn through, once we have begun to become aware and wise, through whatever means, we have begun to dispel ignorance and what ignorance has created, a controlling ego and a reality of chaos.

Awareness and wisdom quite automatically brings us love and light once we start to wisely use what we know, once in the light out of the darkness of ignorance, love becomes a natural phenomenon without effort.  Awareness and wisdom quite automatically creates a reality of love and light where ignorance quite automatically creates an unwise egotistic existence shrouded in darkness and in turn creating a chaotic reality quite automatically.  There is a lot to be said about love and light for they are of awareness and wisdom, awareness and wisdom instinctively creates love and light…….  

Thursday 24 July 2014

Science/Spirituality as One

Written by Mathew Naismith

I came across a couple of articles that interested me recently on the reasons why science and spirituality belong together as they once were.  I don’t think any singular ideological principle should become dominant of our lives, once this occurs; such ideologies can become destructive as human history quite plainly shows. Separating science and spirituality only gives us dualism (separation) of our thoughts and once this is done both these thoughts become enemies when they were once allies. I hope you enjoy and please log onto these links, in my mind they are worth a read.

A psychological look at science and spirituality: I do find the ideological principles of psychology being far less bias than certain religious and science ideologies; it’s no doubt why I use it so much.  

Extract: When I was at school, people often asked, “Are you an artist or a scientist?” This was the 1960’s. “Why restrict oneself?” I always thought. “Galileo and Da Vinci were both artists and scientists, so, why not both?” Likewise science and spirituality need not be thought of as separate for, it seems to me, they are also highly compatible. They are complementary, needing each other to make something whole, something bigger than either of them alone. Properly integrated, they permit a level of understanding that amounts to much more than their sum.

To give another example, Apollo 14 astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, returning to earth from the moon in February 1971, “Was filled with an inner conviction as certain as any mathematical equation he’d ever solved. He knew that the beautiful blue world to which he was returning is part of a living system, harmonious and whole – and that we all participate, as he expressed it later, ‘in a universe of consciousness’.”

Both these men of science were deeply affected. Mitchell’s experience too was obviously life-changing because in response, in 1973, he founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

The following link will sends you off to a site I think is worth browsing with numerous articles to peruse.  

Extract: Do any of the following questions arise in your mind?

Is there truly a way to get rid of my anger and worries permanently?
How can I get permanent peace and not just temporary peace that prevails when I meditate?
Besides living a happy and successful life, I also want to realize my true Self, is it possible to attain this?
Is it possible to live a spiritual life without compromising my worldly life?
If yes, then all your problems can be solved through Gnan (True Knowledge).

The darkness of ignorance can be instantly dispelled by the light of true knowledge. True knowledge is result oriented.

By brining science and spirituality together again, we will cease the never ending push and pull effect between science and spirituality thus reducing the chaos in the world quite dramatically.  All ideological principles belong together as one not just science and spirituality for in this will we only obtain true peace and serenity.  It’s quite funny because it’s only in this separateness can chaos exist, once we stop separating these thoughts/ideologies, chaos will no longer exist for it needs separateness to exist, it needs duality.  

Thursday 10 July 2014

Spirituality v Psychology/Science?

Written by Mathew Naismith

We can quite easily judge that spirituality is in opposition to the sciences, even though many of the ancient eastern religions also incorporated science within their religion to one extent or another,  so really spirituality should not be seen as in opposition to the science but it is by many today.  The strange thing is both spirituality and the sciences are about awareness so what’s the problem?

Because I am also into the sciences, like psychology for instance, this to a spiritually aware person seems contradictory for the main reason a psychologist uses the mind to think more not less plus a psychologist has to judge to evaluate. The psychology I am into is to do with analysis not the therapy side of psychology which is all about evaluating and judging, so doesn’t this clash with my spiritual perspectives?

If I was to sit there and judge that I am thinking too much then I would be thinking too much, we need to be careful in how we judge, is it wrong to be spiritually aware and have an interest in the sciences?  To a true spiritually aware person who believes one should not judge a wrong or right there could be no wrong in this even though I am thinking more while using psychology.  The point is it’s not how much we are thinking but how we are thinking!!

Scientist have proven, even under the most deepest meditative states, we still have brain activity but this activity is different to thinking scientifically, when we think scientifically we use the brain differently to being in a meditative state.  It all comes down to how we are using the brain not how much we are using the brain.  Being spiritually aware, am I going to judge thinking too much is wrong? If I did judge this wrong or negative in some way I would be a hypocrite so what is so wrong in thinking period and when do I judge when I am thinking too much?  Actually there is no such thing in thinking too much, especially to a spiritually aware person because they can’t judge accordingly.

The reason my science interests don’t always interfere with my spiritual interests is one, I don’t judge when I’m thinking too much and two, when I judge at times I don’t judge  a right or wrong, if I was to judge a right or wrong then I would  be judgmental  within my opinions which does happen at times.  Being in judgement is only an observation like when a spiritually aware person judges when they or someone else is thinking too much.  Being judgemental on the other hand would be like a spiritually aware person judging a right or wrong of thinking too much.  

To me it comes down to how we think not how much we think but of course to a science minded person they would judgmentally see the lack of thought as being so and so, in other words wrong or negative in some way however to a spiritually aware person thinking too much can be seen as negative or wrong in some way. To me it really doesn’t come down to how much we think but how we think but I suppose I could be wrong!!!!! 

Sunday 6 July 2014

Religion and Science-Controlling Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

Are the ideological principles of science and religion/spirituality flawed? Well actually no not until you bring in dogmatism, once one becomes dogmatic about any such ideological principles that is when flaws start to appear, not in the principles themselves, but in the people who are expressive of such ideological principles.

When we are dogmatic, what are we expressive of, what human trait does dogmatism rely on to exists, it can’t exist without this particular human trait?  Dogmatism can’t exist without a controlling ego, once the ego takes control of us there is a good chance we will become dogmatic within any ideological principle we take on.

Recently I have been in a discussion with science minded people concerning my last post titled Philosophical Views and the Sciences. The response I got was very typical of anyone arguing on behalf of their own ideological principles they abide by in life, in this case the principles where scientific principles. Science isn’t conductive to dogmas and basically how dare I relate religious mentality with science mentality in this way.  The problem was, the more they argued with me the more dogmatic they sounded which was of course proving my point.

I also showed how corrupt science of today is and how some of these scientists will falsify findings to obtain more funding and prestige.

I also showed how atheists are just as if not more dogmatic than religious/spiritually aware people.

Like anyone who has an ideological principle that they see is the be and end all, they will defend these principles to the utter end which is exactly what happened, the discussion is still going on.

I thought I would insert one of my responses to a science minded person about the question religion/spirituality doesn’t give evidence so it’s not credible.

I agree, we form a hypothesis /philosophical view takes inductive reasoning but to formulate a non-conjectural outcome of a hypothesis we use deductive reasoning. 

You said there is no evidence, what is evidence to theorist is different to what is evidence to a realist, if we relied totally on a realists deduction we wouldn’t get anywhere because all theories at first can’t be proven so a realist would disclaim theories from the start because there is no solid proof that a theory is fact.  A good scientist is a theorist and a realist but that is obviously not the case for a lot of science minded people these days.

Now let’s look at evidence again between a realist and an idealist (religion), what one calls evidence isn’t evidence to the other and visa-versa, which one is more correct? Someone who is dogmatic will say their ideological principles are, how often do science minded people proclaim their ideological principles are right over all other principles? Is this any different to religious dogmatisms?  Of course not…..

In a thousand years’ time do you honestly think the present scientific principles used today built solely on logics is still going to be in use? Most science minded people will dogmatically say most defiantly negating how science has evolved in human history so far from philosophy and mysticism. Modern day science will keep evolving unless dogma take it’s toll on such progression, quantum physics is a good example of this in how it will evolve. Quantum physics borders on a kind of mysticism at times which is why other dogmatic science minded people refute any claims made by such sciences. I’ve even had dogmatic science minded people try to tell me psychology isn’t a science and of course I proved them incorrect. 

The controlling factors of the ego have infested science minded peoples scientific principles making their science investigations flawed. This is no different to the Dark Ages when religion was infested by the controlling factors of the ego. I showed how simular Dark Age religion and modern day science is within their mentality, this of course didn’t go down to well mainly because of the controlling effects of the ego. 

Spiritual awareness is about awareness and being aware of the connections between dogmatism and ego in any ideological principle.  Spiritually aware people know, once the ego is no longer in control dogmatism just won’t (can’t) exist and what a shame that would be…….not.(:- 

Monday 19 May 2014

Awareness of Mental Suppression

Written by Mathew Naismith

Being involved with a number of forum sites & Google communities, allows me to experience a huge cross flow of people and their views. At times these people influence me bringing forth more of what’s in me as I do with them. Recently I came across a lass of the name of Mimi who has once again inspired me.

Mimi Lam
Wow thank you for explaining, for me it was a process of becoming freer and becoming more childlike and spontaneous . I guess we all have different lessons. Have a good day

This is interesting mimi.

In the west women aren't as dominated, they are allowed to be a little more expressive. Freeing yourself from this mentality would bring forth more expressionism; this would have been a huge wow for you.

Freeing ourselves from any suppressive mentality connects us.

Both my parents were highly aggressive, I could write a book titled Guns, knives, brass buckles & soap. The soap seems lame but is was just as deadly.

Once I freed myself from this suppressive mentality I became noticeable connected. Sadly enough not all my siblings became freed from this mentality, one of my brothers is still heavily addicted to drugs to no doubt drown out this suppressive mentality.

Any mental suppression takes us away from being connected; churches & their religions can do this that is why so many people are leaving the church. New age churches are becoming more popular because they are less suppressive.

Spiritually aware people are naturally reacting to mental suppression.

I might write a post about mental suppression.

This is of course why meditation, praying, chanting & so forth work, they release us from various & numerous mental suppressions, no wonder we feel better for this.  Yes we could use drugs, and indeed we do use prescription and illicit drugs to release ourselves from mental suppression, however these have a short term effect plus they also have harmful side effects. The only long term side effect from meditation, praying, chanting & so forth is happiness, contentment & a re-connectedness to our inner selves.  

Without practicing in these or any other spiritual practice, becoming spiritually aware is also of releasing this mental suppression. Going to church, mosques, temples and so forth also work in a similar way so no wonder we turn to spirituality, it’s a suppressant easing the effects of mental suppression.

Thank you Mimi for inspiring me in writing this post, I’ve never directly written about mental suppression & suppressants before, much blessings Mimi.   

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Spirituality is for the Suffering

Written by Mathew Naismith

I got a rather abrupt & what I thought was a presumptuous reply from my last post, the quickening of consciousness.  Replies like this from the unfaithful & unaware is expected however when I received this reply I had an urge to right up about this for two reasons. One, presuming that spiritually aware people haven’t been abused or have suffered traumatising injuries is very presumptuous; this is very common from non-believers.  Two, spirituality is about releasing this suffering either it be of personal or collective suffering.


Try telling this to a woman who's had acid thrown in her face for 'dishonouring' her family. Or a child who's been sexually abused. I'm sure they feel really connected to the 'grid' too. So tired of New Age nonsense.

My reply

I'm one of those abused people you talk about here. Crying over spilt milk isn't going to solve anything, trust me. 

Are you one of these abused people?  What happens to a bloke who has had both he’s legs amputated, he can either give up or he can get on with it. I'm getting on with it.

You picked the wrong person to say this too, it’s sad you have no idea what you are talking about however expected from people who are quite unaware obviously.  

Yes I can see how spiritually aware people who talk about love acceptance all the times can seem to others who have had a rough time of it a little ignorant and delusional, this is to be expected however one should never presume before one knows the truth. There are many people who have found solace in spirituality who have gone through the most horrendous times. Yes, spirituality isn’t for everyone but it is there when needed for a lot of people all over the world.  

I can understand non-believers anger towards people who turn these negative into positives in some way, it does sound delusional and ignorant when we are flying high and others are suffering so but what they don’t realise no one really has to suffer more than they have to.  Non-believers just can’t see how helpful and soothing spirituality can be after any trauma once understood correctly.   

Saturday 29 March 2014

Spirituality-Feeling the Rush

Written by Mathew Naismith

Becoming spiritually aware can be totally electrifying exciting our emotions to emotions that we never thought existed or could never possibly experience in such a reality.  We can feel utter bliss where’s before we felt despair so of course we are going to protect these feelings against anything that remotely threatens such emotions.

What would be the point in becoming spiritually aware through many trials and tribulations to have it squandered away by yet more negativity. At the human level of understanding we are going to avoid this and rightfully so but have you ever asked yourself, “Why are my emotions so electrified?”  Most of us will say it’s because of our newly found awareness but that I feel is only partially so. What if we had always lived with these electrifying emotional feelings, would the effects of such occurrences be as compelling and electrifying?

If we didn’t have such a contrasting reality to these electrifying feelings would these feelings be as electrifying?  I believe divine beings don’t get such a rush as we do as their emotions are more controlled by being consistently in this state of physical omission. It’s the norm for the divine to feel this electrifying ecstasy so until they come in contact with less aware beings this rush doesn’t seem to exist for them in the same way it does for us. What I feel gives them this rush is less aware people’s reaction to such spiritually induced emotions; they can feel our electrifying reactions to these emotions.

The big question is now, who is really divine to whom and is spiritual awareness all about feeling this electrifying ecstasy? I feel it’s all about feeling this electrifying feelings, that is what makes us aware of the light within in the first place, after this it becomes the norm like a lot of actual spiritualists have obtained to one extent or another.  The question is now is, where do these electrifying feelings and this light come from in the first place?

That’s an easy question to answer, from the divine within.

Actual spiritualists don’t get this rush mainly because it’s of the ego unless it has a purpose beyond their desires.  They still feel extremely enlightened but it’s different to the actual rush that a less aware person experiences, it’s very similar to a divine entity as it’s a far more controlled emotion mainly because their emotions aren’t driven by the ego. 

So what is the difference between an enlightened person and a divine entity? 

One still has an issue with the ego and the other hasn’t.  A spiritualist knows the ego is always present; it’s all around them for starters however a divine entity doesn’t have this problem, that is what makes them divine I suppose.  The divine are able to experience and enjoy these emotional rushes through less aware beings without the threat of the ego becoming controlling again. Yes spiritualists can do this but only to a certain extent, they are quite aware they are not divine or should be aware of such things.

This comes back to the question, who is divine to whom, really? Is it what gives the divine these rushes or is it the divine that gives rushes of electrifying emotions to less aware beings? To answer this clearly we should remember these rushes create pure light that is why they are so emotionally electrifying to us.  What gives a light bulb it’s glow, electrifying an element of course, what is above is also below, same principle believe it or not!!

The paradox is, if we didn’t have the divine within we wouldn’t glow however I feel if we didn’t have the lesser aware self the divine wouldn’t glow as it does through lesser aware beings as ourselves.  The divine is the electricity and we are the glow, a balance made in heaven believe it or not as they both serve each other. 

Please don’t take what I have written here as gospel, it’s not.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Spirituality-A Secret Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

There seems to be, in most, a definable difference between our spiritual self & our human self which is defined by awareness, the more aware we are of the inner and outer workings of life, as a whole, the more our human selves realise we are not being all we are.  The funny thing is though; spirituality is defined by how aware we are which means spirituality is about becoming more aware. This means when we talk about spirituality we are talking about awareness so is this saying the human self is of ignorance?  

Going by actual experiences, there is a huge difference between the human and spiritual self, when we talk about the spiritual in life we are actually talking about awareness which is quite different to human sciences. Human science can only become aware or knowing of what it is consciously aware of but the spiritual self is aware of all of what is. I can understand how science minded people see spirituality as being threatening to their ideological views however the most successful scientists in human history, I believe, are also connected to this spiritual awareness. Many sit within their own quietness which is similar to meditating.  What a scientist is doing when they sit within their own quietness is focusing, people who meditate also focus especially on their breathing. In this case, scientist have balanced out the human self with the aware spiritual self, unbeknownst to most scientists, however the ego wants to take all the credit in being so smart and usually refutes any claim the only reason they are so smart is because of their connectedness to the spiritual aware self.  

This brings us to spiritually aware people themselves, what gives balance to a spiritually aware person? Believe it or not, if spiritually aware people didn’t have this balance between their spiritually aware self and the human self they wouldn’t exist as humans, they would, like the Mayans and many other individuals, physically disappear which brings us back to the question, what balances out a spiritually aware person so they don’t just disappear from this physical world/reality?

Let’s go back to scientists, what balances them out? Believe it or not it’s our ignorance which is egotistically driven; most scientists are ignorant to where there braininess comes from because they want to believe it’s them as individuals who are so aware and knowing.  Of course spiritually aware people know differently mainly because we tend to be not as driven by the ego however I feel if we weren’t driven by ego at all we would disappear.  What I am saying is the ego helps us balance out our spiritual and human self so we don’t change our vibrations to the extent of disappearing.     

The below link shows quite clearly how spirituality and science are in tune with each other and how science minded people just can’t see beyond their egos where’s a lot of spiritually aware people can.

Extract: Right before the event began, I approached the professor on the panel to say hello. We had met once before, and as I stretched out my hand for a shake I noticed a hesitation on his part in return. Frankly, he didn't look very happy to see me, but I didn't make much of it. During the dialogue and discussion, I noticed he was very aggressive and took every opportunity to belittle all the aspects of spirituality and yoga, of which he had little or no knowledge about in the first place. I realized at that moment that there was a new breed of fanatics on the rise and this breed had nothing to do with religion.

I would also like to add to this by saying; there are a lot of spiritually aware people who clash with science ideologies as well which again denote a controlling ego controlling us to think in certain ways.  When we are thinking in certain ways, either it be spiritually or scientifically, what is driving this thought pattern? Also have some spiritually aware people become highly egotistical when they think of themselves as being more aware especially over and above science minded people?  The link above shows clearly how science and spiritualty are as one however our egos tell us something quite different when we believe in a supposed opposing ideology.  It’s our egos telling us we believe in a much wiser and aware ideological process however being spiritually aware does make us or should make us more aware of this. I don’t believe this is the case with scientists who shut themselves off from the rest of the world to focus on a particular point like spiritually aware people do when meditating.

Anyone with a fixated ideological belief isn’t going to accept this mainly because of the controlling factors of the ego.  

I believe the scientists who have shut themselves off in this way have quite nicely balanced out the spiritual & human self, mostly unbeknownst to them,  probably a lot better than most spiritually aware people can. This is because a lot of spiritually aware people are only focused and believe in spiritual awareness and denounce anything else beyond this thought process. This thought process is obviously controlled by the ego denoting,” my ideological beliefs are far superior to science ideologies”.  It takes a wise spiritually aware person to become aware enough to know it’s all about awareness no matter how that awareness has been obtained.  Yes science has proven itself unworthy at times but so has spirituality, when this happens, where is this awareness?

It is funny to think the ego is keeping us balanced between our spiritual and human selves unless we are unwise. It is obvious the ego has gone troppo in this reality either it be scientifically/technologically driven or spiritually/religiously driven however where there is a balance between our human and spiritual selves the controlling factors of the ego are far less controlling which in turn gives us balance. According to a number of spiritually aware people we should rid ourselves of the ego all together; I believe there is no balance in this between our human and spiritual selves. If we want to end up like the Mayans fair enough but most of us don’t see any point to this. I believe there is a reason we are here and it’s not to just disappear but find a balance between the human and spiritual self or if you like, the ego and spiritual self.  Once we find this balance collectively, what we know what heaven to be will seem lame.