Showing posts with label light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light. Show all posts

Monday 23 June 2014

There is No Darkness!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I’m going to theorise there is no such thing as darkness especially to light. When we switch off the light we are noticeably in the dark and on a really dark night you wouldn’t be able to see your hand right in front of your face, this is the perception we have of dark so we perceive darkness obviously exists.

What are we using to see everything around us in the dark? Our eyes of course; our eyes are a part of our five senses, what would happen if we could switch off all our five senses, can we after a while see what is in the dark?  Once our sixth sense is tuned in I believe we can detect everything within the dark and a lot more that our five senses don’t pick up on so in fact darkens really doesn’t exist.

Everything that exists is of some kind of energy, all energy exudes some kind of light and if it doesn’t exude light it can’t possibly exist including darkness.  This is saying light isn’t the opposite of dark as we presume through the use of our five senses, not everything has an opposite obviously.

To science there is dark matter and when you look away from the universe it’s just totally black, if the universe didn’t exist we would, in a science sense, be in total blackness.  I was wondering, what is the light from this universe hiding from us remembering the universe is very much of physicality and the five senses?  What are our five senses hiding from us? If you threw a ball of light like a sun, within total darkness, what would happen? The darkness would no longer exist, because darkness has no energy, it is unable to draw from the light, it just doesn’t have the energy to do this.

Darkness is a fallacy brought on by the perceptions of our five senses.

What about dark matter, it exists but it’s dark? It’s dark to us because we are only using our five senses to pick up on this plus this dark matter is very low in energy so omits and absorbs very little light but it still exists.  It’s not actually dark but we perceive it is.

There is absolutely no darkness; darkness just doesn’t exist beyond the perception of our five senses, everything is of light otherwise it just doesn’t exist.  So our fear of dark is a fallacy only because of the perception of our five senses, we have preconceived darkness exist when it doesn’t.  Yes low energy sources and forms exist but they are still of the light and if they are of the light they can be ignited to exude even more light as of us within this reality.         

Saturday 29 March 2014

Spirituality-Feeling the Rush

Written by Mathew Naismith

Becoming spiritually aware can be totally electrifying exciting our emotions to emotions that we never thought existed or could never possibly experience in such a reality.  We can feel utter bliss where’s before we felt despair so of course we are going to protect these feelings against anything that remotely threatens such emotions.

What would be the point in becoming spiritually aware through many trials and tribulations to have it squandered away by yet more negativity. At the human level of understanding we are going to avoid this and rightfully so but have you ever asked yourself, “Why are my emotions so electrified?”  Most of us will say it’s because of our newly found awareness but that I feel is only partially so. What if we had always lived with these electrifying emotional feelings, would the effects of such occurrences be as compelling and electrifying?

If we didn’t have such a contrasting reality to these electrifying feelings would these feelings be as electrifying?  I believe divine beings don’t get such a rush as we do as their emotions are more controlled by being consistently in this state of physical omission. It’s the norm for the divine to feel this electrifying ecstasy so until they come in contact with less aware beings this rush doesn’t seem to exist for them in the same way it does for us. What I feel gives them this rush is less aware people’s reaction to such spiritually induced emotions; they can feel our electrifying reactions to these emotions.

The big question is now, who is really divine to whom and is spiritual awareness all about feeling this electrifying ecstasy? I feel it’s all about feeling this electrifying feelings, that is what makes us aware of the light within in the first place, after this it becomes the norm like a lot of actual spiritualists have obtained to one extent or another.  The question is now is, where do these electrifying feelings and this light come from in the first place?

That’s an easy question to answer, from the divine within.

Actual spiritualists don’t get this rush mainly because it’s of the ego unless it has a purpose beyond their desires.  They still feel extremely enlightened but it’s different to the actual rush that a less aware person experiences, it’s very similar to a divine entity as it’s a far more controlled emotion mainly because their emotions aren’t driven by the ego. 

So what is the difference between an enlightened person and a divine entity? 

One still has an issue with the ego and the other hasn’t.  A spiritualist knows the ego is always present; it’s all around them for starters however a divine entity doesn’t have this problem, that is what makes them divine I suppose.  The divine are able to experience and enjoy these emotional rushes through less aware beings without the threat of the ego becoming controlling again. Yes spiritualists can do this but only to a certain extent, they are quite aware they are not divine or should be aware of such things.

This comes back to the question, who is divine to whom, really? Is it what gives the divine these rushes or is it the divine that gives rushes of electrifying emotions to less aware beings? To answer this clearly we should remember these rushes create pure light that is why they are so emotionally electrifying to us.  What gives a light bulb it’s glow, electrifying an element of course, what is above is also below, same principle believe it or not!!

The paradox is, if we didn’t have the divine within we wouldn’t glow however I feel if we didn’t have the lesser aware self the divine wouldn’t glow as it does through lesser aware beings as ourselves.  The divine is the electricity and we are the glow, a balance made in heaven believe it or not as they both serve each other. 

Please don’t take what I have written here as gospel, it’s not.

Saturday 15 June 2013

For the Enjoyment of Life a Spiritual Journey

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post was inspired by a person going by the user name of ShuanM865, the following link is what inspired me to right the following.

Seriousness: I have had many moments when I will smile or laugh at myself & at first I didn’t know why, I soon found out I was taking life way too seriously. We are brought up to take life seriously for if we don’t we will probably end up out on the streets or even worse. This type of existence is very hard to evade unless we live as a recluse or hermit or at least on the streets, we are forced to make money to survive so how is one able to be there true selves in this existence & enjoy life for what it is instead of for what it isn’t?

What it isn’t is serious unless we want to play out a serious dramatic life which is obvious most of us did others wise we wouldn’t be here.  Life is about enjoying ourselves even when going through adversities the only problem is the reason we don’t enjoy ourselves through adversities is we have allowed ourselves to become entrapped by taking life too seriously all the time.  What life is, is a game or a joke which is what I feel when I laugh at myself out of the blue, I know at that point I’m taking life too seriously. Like with everything balance is the key, a balance between taking life too seriously & not seriously enough so how does one accomplish this?

First of all don’t fear fearing, embrace fear but before we do this we must realise who we truly are which is a very powerful being especially when we have our guides by our sides. Many times have I been saved by my guides when asleep & awake, in a conscious & subconscious state so in fact we have nothing to fear but fear itself. 

Learning Through Our Dreams: In my dreams I will go into the dark looking for whatever is in there without fear or little fear & in actual fact I don’t mind fearing because I embrace it & enjoy it for what it is which is nothing serious just a feeling.  We must keep remembering in our dreams we are what makes our dreams if we wish to be frightened that’s what we will be & if we fear fearing we will be frightened of anything within the dark but also the light if it’s something that is unpleasant in some way.  We are so often told to rid ourselves of fear but when fear comes knocking on our door again we fear it again however by embracing fear we actually control fear & whatever is giving us fear.  

In our dreams we need to practice this, go into the darkness realising nothing can hurt you as it’s only the fear itself than can hurt you however don’t go into the dark with an aggressive &/or destructive attitude as this will rebound on you very quickly.  Go into the darkness to enjoy what is in there & after a while of doing this you will find that the darkness won’t be as dark as it was when you feared it, when you embrace the dark you embrace fear & yes conquer it if that is your desire.   

Now for me I have more trouble in the light of my dreams because I’m taking life too seriously still by exacerbating my daily traumas, I don’t fear fear or the dark anymore but I do take my daily traumas too seriously which is a part of a game I’m playing in other words I’m acting out my chosen role in life.  This is a different fear which is of the light & yes in my dreams I have feared the light for the main reason I usually hide in the dark away from people of the light which is represented by my daily traumas, I’m in fact hiding from my known visible traumas however this is what I have chosen to do to date. So how do we get rid of our daily traumas? Do exactly the same as we did with the dark & related fear, embrace it or accept it for what it truly is a joke, something that we don’t have to take seriously because we are all very powerful beings as we are the ones in control not anything else especially fear unless we desire it so.  

We can have a lot of fun in our dreams once we embrace fear, the dark, light & our daily traumas instead of looking at them in distain because distain breeds more fear.  Another way of breaking down fear is approaching fearful animals in our dreams like sharks & snakes for instance, look at them not as a dangerous animal in fear but as just another spiritual energy form & realise  we are the ones who have the power. Dreams are a very good way to break down any fears we might have through life. One other thing with dreams is if we don’t like an outcome of a said dream change the outcome after awakening to a more favourable outcome, this works all the time, you can even do the same through everyday life, imagine a different outcome.

Once we embrace & take control of fear in our dreams the skies the limit even to the extent of astral traveling all we need to remember is we are very powerful beings in our own right & with our guides by our sides, which everyone has, we are invincible & eventually this will filter out into our daily lives which will help us conquer our daily traumas.  The biggest trick is don’t take life overly seriously in this lies fear, we are all meant to be enjoying life believe it or not, not just fear it!!

Shades of Grey:  Earlier on in the year I experienced a state of consciousness that I saw everything as shades of grey with no form this also included dead space as it too was represented by shades of grey so what is this conscious state of shades of grey?   I’m only presuming it was a reality not just of no time& space but from wince everything was created from as the shades of grey represented no opposing polarities thus no conflicts of any sort & no ego tendencies. Not noticing any form within this state because of everything was as one as it was all somehow integrated as one also gave me the idea this is where everything evolved from, nothing at all was opposing anything else as it was all moulded as one which I refer to as pure consciousness.

So is this pure consciousness truly shades of grey? No, the shades of grey we identify with while in this state of consciousness are there just for us to identify with otherwise, especially as humans, we wouldn’t comprehend the existence of such consciousness as we needed something to relate too but something that wasn’t one nor the other or opposing but as one with a slight difference however none the less as one in unison. This brings up something I read about some years ago about a man who was propelled into a reality to be told certain things about life itself. He was on a beach with the surf rolling back & forth under a sun lit sky, he was told this isn’t where you are but we needed you to be in a place you relate too otherwise you wouldn’t comprehend what is happening & miss the messages we are about to tell you. I can’t remember the messages he was told to relay back to us but to comprehend anything he needed a place he could relate too which is similar to being in a conscious state of just shades of grey as it’s still something we relate too.  Why the difference to a beach & just seeing shades of grey? Conscious awareness, the more aware one becomes the less definition everything one has or opposing polarities one will see, this is brought on by seeing everything as one.

In this reality we see so much opposing forms like black & white yin & yang/male & female & so forth, they are all opposing because that is the way we like it or wanted it to be otherwise it would be as it’s all a part of the game/joke that we have all created for ourselves to experience different holistic & individual realities & what a game/joke it is. This is funny, we shouldn’t take games or jokes seriously but we take life seriously, you have just got to wonder!!