Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Bewildered -You Are Not Alone

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you are thinking that all the tribal disputes that are occurring at present are consciously backward and abusive to energy as a whole, you are not alone. This includes anything from atheism to religion, materialism to spirituality, advancing science to main stream science and so on it goes. Main stream science simply means a science that dogmatically follows certain doctrines/concepts that are based on 3rd dimensional aspects only. Today's science is supposed to lead to tomorrow's science!!

Being bewildered refers to a state of confusion brought about by many conflicting and varied expressions. What's most bewildering to me is that we are still abusing each other over simply being different within the tribe. The tribe in this case refers to the human experience as a whole without separation. Of course bias and bigotry will try to separate this tribe leading to conflict and abuse of energy as whole; we simply need to be aware of this. We must also remember the human experience is not separate to the environment the human experience is being experienced in. In truth, the environment is just as important if not more so, like the abusive environment to energy as whole that humans have created. It is the environment that makes us who we are within the present......

This post actually stemmed from what long lasting internet friend of mine shared with me. If you are as bewildered and perplexed as I am in our interactions with each other at present, you should find the following video interesting and hopefully helpful.              

Thanks for sharing this with me Charlene, he says what I state so often very well.

We have a much bigger tribe these days but at the same time critically judging and leaving the ideologies and isms that keep this tribe working together as one.  I am not fond in how we have abused these ideologies and isms either, but to increase this abuse is only going to lead to one thing, more abuse and destruction.

Is New Age spirituality helping with bringing the tribe together as one?

I had a lengthy discussion with a New Age spiritual person just recently; they indeed think they are our saviours. The rest of us are wrong, negative (toxic) and bad in some way, especially the ideologies and isms we follow.  Yes, there has been abuse of these ideologies and isms but there has been a lot more moral tribal bonding than abuse.  Is it being positive when a person who only self-deceptively only looks at the abuse created by another ideology or ism?  And we wonder why deception has flourished in such an environment!!

I personally know of Catholics who help known atheists who are having a hard time of it, would most atheists do the exact same thing to Catholics? No, because these Catholics are wrong, negative and bad in some way. In cases like this, Catholics show no bias but the same can't be said about atheists in the same circumstance. 

How many people these days blame religion for all the wars and conflicts? I have simply lost count and yes, it's that many. So for starters, religion was behind the two world wars, not politics or a lust for power and control primarily? It is all about self-deception these days which is purely based on bias and bigotry.

Sorry for this Charlene, it looks like I am going to turn this into another post. I really do appreciate you sharing this video with me.

Be blessed and well,

Thursday 18 October 2018


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am not relating togetherness to two people or a family being together, in actuality I am not relating togetherness with separate and individualised energy forms. I am actually going to relate togetherness as energy simply being observed as energy, no matter how different forms of energy behave to other parts of energy. In other words I would like my readers to perceive is that energy is simply perceived as being energy without any separating and division of energy.

Look at it like a jar of water where there are different particles to the water but the water is still observed as being water. I often observe this universe like a jar of water, in actuality I look the whole existence like this with no separation. Now perceive that each particle within the jar of water represents good and bad, negative and positive, wrong and right, black and white. No matter how much we try to separate and divide ourselves from our present reality, we are still like the jar of water. This is why a lot of new age ideologies are not for people like me, they are all about separation and division through perceptions of, for example, negatives and positives. In other word they are of the present reality of separation and division.

I still use words like negative and positive, good and bad, wrong and right to some degree. How I use them is not to separate and divide one from the other but to observe, like the jar of water, different parts of the whole. Honestly, if you could observe energy outside 3rd dimensional aspects, you would observe there is no separation and division of energy, no matter how each energy form or motion of energy behaves.

We presently observe that there is a distance, therefore separation, between ourselves and another form, like one person to another or even a person in relation to a rock. What if I said, like the jar of water, that there is an energy between one form and another. It's like how we perceive, therefore observe, how our planet is separate through its individuality and distance from other planets within the solar system and the universe as a whole. The universe is absolutely full of energy with no actual space between one form and another. How much space is there in a full jar of water? Yes, you have air particles and other particles but it's still all connected by other forms of energy that make up water.

How many people say we have to go in to change the world or to influence ourselves to be of a different vibration? I've said this myself on numerous occasions however you don't actually go in. The reason for this is there is no in and out, up and down, left and right, back and forth, accept in a perception of a 3rd dimensional reality. Of course only being able to primarily observe through 3rd dimensional aspects and perceptions, going in is beneficial in relation to being able to observe other dimensional aspects of energy as a whole. We have simply created a reality where we have to go in to be able to observe other dimensional aspects of ourselves and everything else. There is no in and out in a state where you primarily observe energy in its purest state. To perceive an in and out is a separation and division of energy. Try to remember this while using words like negative and positive, in and out, to describe something.

You really don't go in. What occurs is you become familiar with the energy between object and forms, the energy that's between and connects all forms of energy, like the jar of water. Look at it like the spirit within all things. How often do we observe without the acknowledgment of the spirit within all things? The spirit within all things isn't just referring to different forms or mass, it's to do with the whole jar of water, including the jar itself. You could look at the jar as being the universe and everything else in this jar being of the water with different individual particles of positive and negative, good and bad, in and out, etc, in it. You could say that the spirit within all things is simply energy without separation and division.

I should remind you that I am not religious, I was brought up in an atheistic environment, I simply don't have any fear or bias of or against religion or the perception of God. I haven't been an atheist for some years now for a very good reason. I don't blame religion for all of the world wars and crises. Most of the people in the world are religious, so if most of the people in the world were atheist, we wouldn't be were we are at now? As psychology has proven, its human nature to be as we are, no matter what ideology or ism we follow. I would say we would be worse off if most of us were atheists. As studies have proven, in relation to morals, atheists would trust a religious person before they would trust another atheist. Could you imagine being in a reality were no one trusts anyone morally?       

Getting back to the main discussion. Imagine the jar being the hand of God and everything else being the water like in the jar accept in this case it's simply the spirit within all things. I like the perception of God simply because the perception of God gives me a comprehension of oneness; of course you can use other means to do this as well in accordance with your own ideology or ism.

Of course with the jar of water there is a perception of up and down, in and out and so forth. What I am trying to portray using the analogy of a jar of water, is that everything is of one energy source. It's like going in to change yourself to change the world; you have to use 3rd dimensional examples so that the 3rd dimensional mind can comprehend beyond 3rd dimensional aspects of itself. 

The jar of water simply exemplifies togetherness, no matter how much we desire to separate ourselves from this jar of water.     

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Creating World Peace!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

What a horrendous task, even thinking about creating world peace seems futile as the task to accomplish this seems so horrendous. Only to the ego in control, truly.

I have often expressed lately about how we should avoid abusing energy, not just in regards to our natural resources but energy as a whole, this includes the way we use and abuse ideologies and isms.

The ideology or ism may present itself, but may never be pushed on people. Imagine pushing Hinduism, Taoism or Buddhism onto other people, as soon as you do this, you lose the meaning and the substance of that ideology or ism. The ideology or ism may present itself to you but you must approach the ideology or ism, not it approach you, anything else is simply abuse of this energy. How is materialism or certain kinds of Christianity or Islam or even certain kind of new age spirituality used? They are often used in approaching you, not you approaching them, of course not all of Christianity, Islam or new age spirituality is used in this manner.

Think on this, when an ideology or ism is forced upon people, what occurs? Often chaos and destruction, anything but peace, now imagine when ideologies and isms are not pushed onto people. Hard to recall in the West isn't it? Of course ideologies and isms like Hinduism, Taoism or Buddhism are often only presented to be approached; they don't approach you if used properly as this is the way they are structured. Once these ideologies and isms are used incorrectly, in other words abused, they are no longer truly of what they are supposed to represent.

I was recently active in a world peace group. One of the discussions was about consciousness so I mentioned the following. "Some scientists actually surmise that a far more advanced and aware consciousness might have created this universe, seen as scientists are today able to create mini-universes. They also think it's possible to create a self-aware consciousness and biological matter within a human created universe.
Also, there are scientists that believe and hypothesize that a form of consciousness exists within everything. Taking this into consideration as well, it is obvious that any universe created by a consciousness is of the consciousness that created it. This of course gives credence to the perception and belief of a creative source (God) of all things."
One of the group members, of a world peace group by the way, took obvious offence to me relating god to the creations of the universe. They demanded evidence and even proof to my claims above. As they obviously didn't know, claims don't need supporting evidence to be a claim. Even after presenting evidence and even two lots of supporting evidence that claims don't have to be supported by evidence, they continued over and over again with their demand.
You see this particular person follows an ideological doctrine that's not supposed to be interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not exist. However, he literally used this ideology to the extent of strictly forbidding the acceptance of this universe in anyway being attributed to a God. He in fact used and abused his own ideological doctrines to the extent of rejecting any claims of the existence of Gods of any kind. I even ended up supporting some of my claims using science, this was instantly rejected of course which goes against his own doctrines of his ideology. After numerous claims by him, he presented evidence but evidence from a philosophy source, not from a credible scientific source that he consistently demanded from me. This person was taking more of an atheist stance than an apatheist stance.         
Sadly, this person was supported by other members of this group, even while he was obviously abusing me and his ideology. Lying, deceiving and manipulation to protect your biases are indeed of abuse. To force your own ideological doctrines onto someone else over and over again is also of abuse. If he's ideology had any substances to it, all he had to do is present it to me but this was clearly not the case.
If you follow an ideology or ism correctly, the substance of the ideology or ism should speak for itself. All you should need to do is present it; anything else is going to lead anywhere else but to peace. If used incorrectly, ideologies and isms will create biases. Biases create lies, deception and manipulation because of the way we abuse energy, such as ideologies and isms. Try lying, deceiving and manipulating in the absence of biases, of course the more extreme our bias is, the more we will lie, deceive and manipulate, in other words abuse energy.
Try to think of everything as pure energy, no biases to what kind of energy, just energy without labels or tags. Once you actually experience a state of only perceiving everything as simply being energy, you will have a different outlook to life for the rest of your life. Within this state, you can actually observe the difference to energy being abused and energy not being abused. Energy being abused looks all chaotic and distorted. When energy isn't being abused, it looks sedate and proportional. Abusing the ideologies and isms the way we are doing, will of course lead to a chaotic distorted reality.
I am an advocate against abusing energy; this includes abusing ideologies and isms. I am not an advocate against all ideologies and isms but I don't, in a bias way, follow any ideology or ism. Yes, I often use a number of concepts and principles of various ideologies and isms, but I try not to use them in an abusive way.  Abuse by the way also includes feeding energy off of each other. How many new age ideologies rely completely on continually feeding the ego in control? You have to express a lot of motion by feeding each others ego otherwise the momentum is lost. This often occurs. The controlling ego could gorge itself on all the energy in the universe, this still wouldn't be enough. If an ideology or ism has to keep approaching you to feed it, this is simply an indication of abuse of energy.
I am aware that some of this, if not all of this, is going to be hard to comprehend to anyone who can't perceive that everything is pure energy. If you are a Westerner or even an Easterner, research on panpsychism or even idealism. Most Eastern cultures have their own way of presenting what I stated here in their own way. I don't' myself consort to idealism.    
World peace is simply obtained through desisting or stopping in the abuse of energy, it really is this simple.                     

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Why So Much Separation?

Written by Mathew Naismith

A state of separation simply means a lack of unity, where any energy fields or entities are not working together as one but as separate entities of energy. The reason for this separation is interesting and bewildering. Interesting but also bewildering in that we still today express a sense of separation and even division. Separation is simply an acknowledgement that there is a difference in energy fields. Division goes further; it's the labelling to individualise energy fields into their separate groups such as coloured people and white people, one culture from another and so on.

Let's go further with division. I am materially wealthy person, your not, I am therefore positive, good and right, you are therefore negative, bad and wrong. I am a spiritual person, you are a materialist, I am therefore a positive, good, and right person, your obviously not. Separation is simply an acknowledgment of a difference between obvious differences, while at the same time knowing you are of the same species. How many people divide other people into a lesser species? Multinationals certainly don't treat the average common person as being of the same species as them, how many spiritually aware people do the same? "You are far more negative compared to me." As soon as we separate ourselves like this is when we create divisions, the division of separate energy fields or entities. The controlling ego simply desires to be of something greater so it just doesn't separate energy fields, it divides them.

I feel like a fraud at times. I often talk about an awareness beyond 3rd dimensional aspects, while at the same time being more of a 3rd dimensional entity than anything else that I speak of. I don't try to be anything that I am not of within the very present even if this takes a certain amount of being unaware. I am simply content in being within and experiencing the present consciousness no matter how unaware it is. Yes, I am aware of certain aspects beyond 3rd dimensional aspects but I don't try to excel in this. I really do live within the very present consciousness the way it is, at the same time being aware that we are a part of something more. Being aware that we are something more shouldn't mean we are positive, therefore good and right, and everything compared to this is negative, therefore bad and wrong, but it most often does to a lot of people. How bad and wrong is materialism to a lot of people, therefore negative? 

I look at it this way for me, only a controlling ego desires to be more than what it is within the present, the present being that the collective consciousness is not as aware as it could be. How many people are content in existing in the present like this? I don't divide myself from the present collective consciousness, while at the same time being aware that there is a separation between the present collective consciousness's awareness and other forms of awareness beyond 3rd dimensional aspects. I simply don't perceive some higher consciousness as being positive, good and right compared to our present collective consciousness, I simply can't. Yes, like anyone else I did at times think like this, that some higher consciousness is some kind of separate entity to our present consciousness.

I was told from an early age not to read or study up on certain subjects. The reason for this was not clear at the time, only latter on in my life did it become clear. Everything you become aware of or experience conditions you to a certain way of existing and perceiving. How many subjects are based on separation and division? Noticing a difference in energy fields is simply an observation of separate energy fields. Dividing energy fields often takes labels like negative and positive, bad and good, wrong and right, etc. Try observing a difference in energy fields, especially to your own, without judging a negative or positive for starters. This is virtually impossible while the ego is in control of us. Of course the ego doesn't have to be in control of us, we can simply release ourselves of the control of the ego. How many people say about taking control of the ego instead of simply releasing ourselves of the egos control? Simply let go as everything else is to do with divisions, in actuality the controlling ego wants you to try to control it. To take control of anything takes the separation and division of energy fields, otherwise how would control be implemented upon another separate energy field!!  

Within a state of only observing a difference of separate energy fields, as opposed to participating in dividing energy fields, you are unable to control anything. Now, how scary is this going to be to an ego in control? It's like being expressive of fewer fixations to conditions in the presence of a consciousness fixated to conditions; the reaction isn't going to be favourable. How do most atheists act in the presence of a person preaching their religious faith and visa-versa? Because human consciousness is conditioned to separation and division, any other kind of awareness that seems to be of some kind of higher realm will create more division at first, not less division.

Try this in your dreams, let go of 3rd dimensional desires, attachments and perceptions and see what occurs. Have a feeling of letting go of everything especially of being controlling and of being controlled. Simply have a feeling of letting go of your life long conditioned conditions. Our dream state is simply a gateway to other dimensions and realities but only if we are willing to let go of 3rd dimensional aspects. I don't do this a lot myself as I simply have no desire to do so, even when it feels so good to let go like this. With me, it's not about me feeling good or not, it's about experiencing the present no matter what the present is judged to be.

Taking control through separation and division is simply a sign that the ego is in control, not you in the absence of a controlling ego. Once you experience a state of the absence of control, separation and division, you will never again desire to take control of anything. However, if you have to take control, try not to take control to avoid taking control, accept taking control when the need arrises. Yes, you even allow the controlling ego to be controlling, knowing you can release yourself at any time from this control. This present reality is a prime example of how we have let the ego become controlling, however, we have simply forgotten how to release ourselves from this kind of conscious reality of control, separation and division.    

Friday 28 September 2018

To Change From Within

Written by Mathew Naismith

"The world can only change from within". ~ Eckhart Tolle

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world". ~ Mahatma Gandhi

What does it mean to change from within? Is it to influence change within our personal individual selves or is it to change within human existence? Human existence is of us as is the entire universe. Its important here not to separate yourself as being a separate entity to all else, in turn dividing energy into separate individual parts. In my mind, any division of energy, especially into numerous different entities, is an abuse of energy. Influencing change from within can only be accomplished if we are a part of what we are trying to influence change upon.

Can change be successfully implemented if we divide everything up into negatives and positives, good and bad, wrong and right, black and white, light and dark, etc? No, because you have now separated yourself from what you wish to influence change upon from within. With this kind of abuse of energy there is no within. Yes, you have your own separate divided self to change from within but while being separate to what you really want to influence change upon. You cannot change the world if you are still separate to that world, all changes must be from within that world, not separate to that world. Of course many people desire to scrap this world/reality for a more positive world of love and light. You are simply not scrapping anything within this kind of mentality of separation and division. With this mentality of separation and division, you are certainly not trying to change from within but from outside to what you are tying to change.

To change from within entails us to change within the environment we wish to change. You have to be a part of what you want to change, not separate to it. Is changing within the personal individual self really a change from within, when we have or are trying to separate ourselves from the world we are within? In truth, this kind of abuse of energy is simply changing your own world, which isn't going to change the world from within because you are no longer within that world. Is being within your own separate individual self truly of an inner self? Simply, there is no separate individual self that we need to change from within, all of existence is the self which, if you like it or not, is a part of you. To continually separate yourself from the rest of the existence you desire not to be a part of isn't changing from within, it's simply abuse of energy through separation and division to only serve the individual self.

I recently came a cross an article where aliens, different forms of energy, told a large group of children about our abuse of energy. I will insert this article latter on. The abuse of energy was not just to do with our natural resources but our abusive use of mental projections upon each other. An example, a true sense of love and light doesn't separate itself from all other energy forms; it certainly doesn't ostracise and banish anything not of its own energy. Within this mentality, a true sense of love and light is found in any reality or world. A true sense of love and light is not an energy form that separates its own energy from any other energy. Today's perception of love and light for a lot of people is all about separation and division, simply, an abuse of energy to serve the individual only. You simply cannot change from which you have separated yourself from in any way, especially when you have the perception you are not within what you are trying to influence. If there is any sense of separation or division, you are not within.

How many people think that love and light is a positive? A true sense of love and light is actually neutral, this is why some people are able to experience a true sense of unconditional love in this state. There are no conditions created by perceptions of positive or negative, black and white. Any form of division and separation is an abuse of energy. Look at how black people were abused because black was simply referred to as a negative by white people. Actually, any other skin colour than white was and still is often perceived to be negative in some way by some people, this is in opposition to white people representing a positive. Separation, division and abuse creates by negative and positive perceptions!!

If you really want to influence the rest of the world, do it from within what you are trying to influence and stay away from anything that promotes separation and division. You cannot change what you critically judge negative in any sense, not in harmony anyway. This means to influence change upon the world, one must truly do it from within this world, this means being a part of what you are trying to change. At no time have disdain for what you are trying to change in any sense, all this mentality will create is even more separation and division, not less. You will find once you become neutral within your mentality, working within what you are trying to change will come so easy to you.

People like me interact with all energy to one degree or another, we simply don't ostracise and critically judge what isn't of ourselves. Yes, at times one must let go of certain energies that are on another journey to yourself but do it without separation and division created by positive and negative perceptions. Remember, a true sense of love and light is not of separation and division, in actuality quite the opposite. It's simply a beautiful conscious state of neutrality which can also lead to experiencing the zone more often.

A number of years ago I wrote about how reincarnation is about one life lived, not many lives lived. Each different segment to this life is simply a journey to be experienced, like a stage play where you have one play but a number of acts that make up a play. Looking from a human perspective, there are many lives lived. Looking from the soul perspective, there is only one life lived. The point is, it would seem I am not conditioned to separating and dividing everything into separate divided segments. In saying this, depending on the environment I am in at the time, I still express perceptions of negatives and positives but I am aware of this kind of abuse of energy. This is important; avoid looking at the abuse of energy as something negative or bad for obvious reasons. I am also aware that most people are conditioned to express perceptions of negatives and positives (separatism) most of the time in their lives.

As the following article shows, other entities from other places within the universe are saying the same thing I am, be aware of how you use and abuse energy in every sense.

Sunday 9 September 2018

Energy Wise

Written by Mathew Naismith

My own personal relationship with my wife isn't about control; it's about a mutual interaction between two energy forms. The absence of control therefore manipulation is apparent. This absence of control and manipulation automatically brings about a harmonious interaction between two energy forms. The question is now, is the relationship between humans and Mother Nature/Earth/Gaia harmonious? Are even our relationships with other life forms harmonious? The answer is of course no, as we are still trying to control and manipulate energy as a whole.

I know the Western mind is no doubt going to be once again offended but it's the Western mind that is about control and manipulation. The Eastern mind works in harmony with energy as a whole, therefore is of the absence of control and manipulation, the Western mind doesn't. Yes, Eastern cultures have been expressive of materialism to a great degree in human history therefore expressive of the Western mind as well. At times in the human, Eastern cultures have shown an imbalance of Eastern and Western expressions, being more expressive of the Western mind than the Eastern mind. Presently in Eastern cultures, this is occurring again it would seem.

It is obvious that the Western mind has taken offence to me making reference to the Western mind being anything less than above the Eastern mind. One of the known traits of the Western mind is the ability to be easily offended. Anything said that is not favourable towards the Western mind is taken critically. This of course means that anything that I have stated in regards to the Western mind, even if it's true, is of critical judgment even when it's not. If you are honest with yourself, you can see where self-deception in all of us comes from in this reaction. This has nothing to do with what Western culture or country we come from, it's to do with the difference between the Western and Eastern mind in all of us, this is all.

It is wise to completely forget what culture or country you come from when becoming aware of the Eastern and Western mind in all of us. The Western mind is too easily offended and will take any truth towards the Western mind as being a critical attack on their sovereignty, their state/country. I have lost count how many times this has occurred in regards to what I write, especially when referring to the Western mind as anything less than favourably.

Getting back to personal relationships, there are many relationships that one person controls and manipulates the other person. Control is all about separation making manipulation easier. Seen as the Eastern mind isn't about the separation of different energy forms but the union of energy forms, it is obvious it's the Western mind in all of us that is about control and manipulation. Of course people into control and manipulation will find what I say here as offensive, this is how the Western mind, not balanced by the Eastern mind, works.

Look at everything being energy and forget the difference in energy flows like from black and white, dark and light, negative and positive and so on. Look at every energy flow being of a personal relationship. For the Eastern mind this is easy to do but it's not easy to do for the Western mind. The Western mind even has a hard time comprehending this union, understanding this kind of union is going to be impossible without the balance of the Eastern mind. Union simply refers to a oneness with all energy absent of conditions. Imagine countries having no borders, no separation of one energy flow from another!! Country borders are a lunacy (foolish) to someone like me as is all seperation of energy flows are.

Imagine for a moment not trying to control and manipulate Earths natural resources, its energy, would we be in the predicament we are today if we didn't do this? Now imagine working with Earths energy in unison to Earths energy, a completely different scenario or out come would have materialised. Energy working in harmony and as one naturally creates a harmonious reality; of course energy working in disharmony with all other energy flows will create the opposite. This is probably why people like me don't separate every into dark and light, negative and positive, black and white and so on, we simply see everything being of one entity, energy. I can see countries like Russia, China and India leading the way in this not so new way of utilising energy wisely, I am not alone in this thought.

Lemuria and Atlantis: Even if you don't consort to the existence of Lemuria and Atlantis, you can clearly see the difference in mentality between Lemuria and Atlantis in this so-called fable. Which people do you think expressed a predominant Western mind to a balance of the Western and Eastern mind?  This is obvious, the people of Atlantis, who controlled and manipulated energy, to the people of Lemuria, who simply influenced energy in unison with energy as a whole. At first, the Lemurians were not about controlling energy but about influencing energy in unison with energy, all energy without conditions. What I believe occurred is that the Lemurians started seeing themselves as light and love, this was in opposition to the Atlantean's energy flow. Once you divide energy up into separate groups, especially if your group is perceived to be far more superior in some way by your own energy flow, you start to automatically control and manipulate energy.

What if I said that all multinationals would give up their power, wealth and control, to working in unison with energy as a whole if they knew what they would get from this union!! The Western mind would instantly think I was delusional but the Eastern mind knows better. As I experienced in my early years of my life, any energy expressive of control and manipulation is very easily influenced by an energy flow that works in unison with all energy flows.

So why hasn't this occurred? Why didn't the Lemurians influence the Atlantean's energy flow?

You never go against a collective flow of energy, if that energy wishes to go down a certain path, you can only try to influence this energy away from its chosen path, anything else is of control and manipulation. Also, it is too obvious human consciousness is not ready to be influenced in this way. From materialism to new age spirituality, there is talk and expressions of control and manipulation, there is also a huge shift in separation from light and dark, love and hate, negative and positive and so on. I call this a black and white mentality, where we separate one from the other, usually to fulfil our own desires. Human consciousness is simply not ready and may never be ready. Believe me, it's no big deal....

So why didn't the Lemurian energy flow influence Atlantean energy flow from controlling and dominating Lemurian energy flows? Once a collective consciousness starts to perceive a separation of energy, for example from light and dark, negative and positive, yin and yang, it loses its influence and becomes more controlling. Lemurians were not good at controlling energy, only working in unison with energy. Once they started separating one energy flow from another, they became controlling of energy, not harmoniously influential on energy.

We indeed still have a choice; actually, that choice is never taken away even at our most desperate hours.

Please, take what I have stated here as story telling if you like, of course if you don't see it like this, you may get something from it, who knows.            

Friday 7 September 2018

Using Energy Wisely

Written by Mathew Naismith

Look around you, everything is energy and can be both controlled and manipulated or you can work with and in unison with this energy, there is a huge difference. A martial artist, with the knowledge of Prana or Chi energy, is working with and in unison or as one with their own and their environments energy. There is no sense of control or manipulation of energy. All that one is doing is influencing energy, in harmony with this energy, with Chi and Prana energy, working as one energy source instead of separate energy sources. In martial arts, you often influence another person's energy to work against them. It's their own energy that is disharmonious to themselves!!  

Man, especially at present, is still trying to control and manipulate energy, look at how the race to control and manipulate the Earths natural energy resources is occurring at present. Of course the race to control and manipulate man made energy resources is also occurring. Will we ever evolve from a state of control and manipulation of energy? If humans survive their control and manipulation of energy, abuse of energy, human consciousness will most certainly evolve in my mind. The strangest thing is, working in harmony and unison with energy will give humans an existence they can only dream about at present.

We are not talking about being more powerful here, even though through our present perceptions this would seem the case. What we are talking about is being at one and being as one with energy as a whole. Imagine all energy in existence acting and being as one in unison and in harmony!! In regards to our present perceptions, you couldn't imagine anything more powerful. There is simply no true power to be had from controlling and manipulating energy though. The reason for this is that you have to keep drawing energy in to keep up the level of energy, otherwise the energy level drop. This is very unstable way to use (abuse) energy. When working with and in unison and harmony with energy as a whole, one doesn't need to keep the levels up by drawing in more and more energy. There are simply no levels to maintain as you become the energy you are expressing in motion. Imagine not expelling or using up energy while of and in motion!! I do believe certain martial artists are or have been of this state. 

To be powerful is to separate energy to be powerful over the environment through control and manipulation of energy. Where would the perception of power come from if we become one with energy as a whole, even though we would be able to influence our environment a lot more wisely and constructively? Within this state, the perception of power is absent only because the perception of control and manipulation of energy as a whole is absent. Now, how is a consciousness, conditioned to control and manipulations (power) over its environment, going to evolve further in consciousness?

What you need to do is imagine not separating energy or consciousness. Imagine all energy or consciousness working in unison and in harmony. Now imagine that we are not alone in the universe, that other far more aware entities exist than ourselves. Now imagine that we are at one with this energy, there is no separation of human consciousness from alien consciousness. This, I believe through my own experiences and other people's experiences, is occurring.
It is understandable that a mind conditioned to three dimensional aspects and spheres, will deny the existence of aliens or anything that can't be explained by a Westernised three dimensionally controlled mind. However, it's the Eastern mind in all of us that comprehends beyond three dimensional aspects and spheres, and the existence of any other entities far more aware and consciously advanced that our own. I believe Hinduism is a prime example of this. Awareness and advancements in consciousness are defined in how we use energy. Is it really wise to use up and abuse energy like we are doing? We can influence our environment in huge ways if we were only aware in how to use energy as a whole.

If the following video is of a true event or not has no bearing on the way we use energy. Going by my own experiences and knowledge of energy, it is very possible that our environment can be influenced to behave in a certain way. My advice is to stay away from trying to control and manipulate energy. Learn to work in unison and in harmony with energy is my best advice.           

My reply to this video and others people's replies to this video.

Amazing how the Western mind thinks, especially while being limited to and by three dimensional aspects and spheres. No amount of evidence will be enough to convince a limited mind like this, this is because all evidence has to be of three dimensional aspects and spheres.

It's a good thing that a lot of quantum physicists don't limit their mind to Dark Age perceptions and perspectives like this. The science of tomorrow will have evolved further as it has always done, beyond the present Dark Age mentality, beyond third dimensional aspects and spheres. Of course like in the Religious Dark Ages, you will have your devout followers who will fight evolution to the bitter end, sticking to their Dark Age doctrines/concepts.

It is obvious to people like me we need to evolve from the present Dark Age mentality. Of course if a mind has not experienced this kind of occurrence itself, especially a Western mind limited to three dimensional aspects and spheres, denial is always going to exist within such a mind.

There is a difference in how the Western and Eastern mind works in all of us.        

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Finite and Infinite Energy

Written by Mathew Naismith

It would seem, since the dawn of man as a human consciousness/race, we have made a connection to the infinite. The belief in a divine consciousness or the belief in eternal cycles of life is but two of these, so it would certainly seem that we have always made this connection to an infinite existence or being in one sense or another.

In modem times, the division between perceiving infinitely and finitely is apparent, even in modern day science this is apparent between different forms of science, for example, quantum physic concepts are not based on absolutes where in a lot of other sciences there are concepts of absolutes. We are human, this is a fact, so we don't look beyond the human concept. It's like Newtonians didn't accept that Newtonian concepts and principles were limited, the same with Einstein concepts and principles. Albert Einstein's concepts and principles/theories were taken as an absolute, within this perception, there was no room for evolving therefore these kinds of perceptions are limited to certain concepts and principles.

A lot of modern day consciousness is restricted to certain limitations or dogmatic concepts and principles, there are barriers that can't ever be crossed or even questioned. Of course the only reason barriers exist is because we have created them or they have been created in accordance to the perceptions used. If we perceive there are barriers therefore limitations to our conscious existence, we will ourselves create a reality based on these limitations. Of course to do this, a consciousness has to ignore the infinite in preference to the finite.

Finite consciousness is purely based on time, time being the creator of starting and ending points thus creating realities based on limitations rather than realities based on unlimited potentiality. Of course to balance out these kinds of perceptions, we kept our perceptions of the existence of the infinite, perceptions that are not limited but unlimited.

We might then think that time itself is finite in nature when in actuality time is infinite in nature, it's only what is created in time that is finite. Time itself is actually governed by infinite projections, for time has no limitations in how time is perceived or how long time will exist for. The simple reason for this is that time wasn't created, in that the creation of time has no starting or ending point, only of created perceived starting and ending points. For an example of this, there is an end to our nights and days on Earth, however, when you go out into space, there is only daylight, this of course is governed by how long a sun lasts. In saying this, the energy used to create the energy of the sun is endless because, like time, energy has no starting point within itself, only what energy creates.

To perceive this one must simply look at time as being energy, not what this energy creates. An energy that is not limited to certain concepts and principles, time is therefore based on the infinite, not on what the finite creates. We too often only look at what time creates, not on what time is really based on, in actuality, everything is based on the infinite for energy itself is infinite in nature.

Let's now look at how differently finite and infinite consciousness looks at reincarnation for example, the belief in past lives which has been scientifically proven to exist.

The finite consciousness looks at each life as a separate life to other lives lived, each life having a starting or ending point of it's own. The infinite consciousness doesn't look at it this way, it looks at reincarnation as being one life or existence separated by different scenarios. There is no starting or ending point, only an expression of different energies usually separated by our inability to remember our past lives. If we could remember our past lives and our lives between these lives, we would see ourselves as experiencing one life or existence that has no limitations or starting and ending points.

We are simply conditioned to perceive in starting and ending points therefore being of a conscious based on the finite, an existence of limitations therefore barriers, in turn, creating existences purely based on the finite rather than the infinite. Considering that everything in existence is based and created from the infinite, I find basing a reality purely on the finite peculiar, it's simply unnatural, in saying this, we must also remember being limited like this is also apart of being unlimited. Are we really unlimited being limited to the unlimited? Being limited is also apart of being unlimited, think on this, how unlimited are the expressions and motions of being limited? The expressions of being limited is infinite, there is no end to these limited expressions and motions.

We exist in a finite limited reality, how many possibilities can be expressed in such a reality? What if the Roman Empire never existed or Adolf Hitler never came to power, the possibilities of different realities being created within a limited reality are endless, all of existence is simply infinite in nature.

Infinite also pertains to oneness, being that everything is connected, where's finite simply pertains to separation or division of this oneness, of the infinite. The finite is simply a divided infinite, this is why the finite can only exist within time. Considering how time is divided into seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, centuries and so on, it's quite understandable why finite can only exist within the perception of time. Take away how time divides the infinite into numerous and infinite divisions, like with measurements which are infinite, you take away the perception of the finite, all you are then left with is the infinite.

The finite is simply a perception because it can only represent part of the whole at any given time; the whole of course is represented by the infinite. To me, it's not a natural state if we exist within a finite reality while excluding the infinite. Giving that energy itself is infinite in nature, I find this most peculiar. We simply can't exist without the infinite, if we try to do this in my mind, we will simply destroy ourselves; destroy the form and creation of an infinite energy. We are simply going against the natural laws by excluding the infinite in our existence, not a very wise or intelligent thing to do in my mind.           

Thursday 5 October 2017

Express Being Truly Unlimited

Written by Mathew Naismith

All that truly exists is an unlimited state; anything else from this is an illusion. A perception of a state of being limited.....Mathew G

A state of limited potential and perception simply doesn't exist. While one being, one entity or one energy source is expressing motion, especially to extremes, a state of limitations simply doesn't and can't exist. Even if I was to limit my personal self, consciousness, to certain states void of the ego, motion period, I am still not in a limited state while any other kind of motion is being expressed in and through anything else. Yes, extremes motion also has it's place within an unlimited state, anything else would be limiting.

Consider this, energy itself is unlimited within it's expressions, within it's motion, this means it's also unlimited to what form it takes. Energy itself is infinite in nature, it's not finite. You can't destroy energy, as science has proven, yes, you can transform the form energy takes but you can't destroy the energy that creates form and existence as a whole. I look at it this way, energy is the spirit within all things, it's the life force of all things, of all motion, without this spirit, without energy, all things become limited. Of course this is impossible as there is no such thing as a limited state.

However, we can indeed enter into states of consciousness or non-consciousness where there is a perception of a state of limitations. Within this state, motion seems to not exist therefore energy; it's a state where the spirit within all things simply doesn't exist. Yes, this state also exists because this is how unlimited we are as a whole, there are simply no boundaries, no limitations even within a limited state.

So often I get people stating they are not expressive of the ego or judgment, while at the same time egotism and judgment is expressed to an extreme through certain kinds of other energy sources. If motion is being expressed in any sense from any kind of source, we are ourselves of that motional expression, everything is. Actually, a state void of ego and motion period is as limited as a state can be, also, being expressive of motion to any extreme is limiting. A good example of this is materialism, wealth and power overriding all other motions especially by force and control. Once a motion, an energy source, loses balance between one in favour of the other, a reality of limited potential exists, this of course inturn creates a reality of limitations. Sounds awfully familiar!!

Any energy or non-energy source that is limited in nature will of course be destructive in nature; this includes the so-called ultimate state where there is no ego or motion period. This state is obvious within it's destructiveness to motion period because motion period is unable to exist in this state. We might not think this motionless state isn't destructive when within this state motion is simply non-existent. How many people are trying to say we are only truly of this motionless ultimate state, while within a state of extreme motions? This state is simply destructive in nature to motion even within states of motion by refuting that we are unlimited to all potential, to motion and motionlessness, not just to one potentiality of motionlessness.

This is why I personally love the perception of God, as opposed to a God of man which is limiting and not infinite in nature. The perception of God represents everything without bias or prejudice, within this, there is simply no exclusions based on a particle perception or ideology/philosophy stating we are limited to a certain states of existence. There are simply no limitations to existence or our truer being; it simply doesn't exist as no state of limitations do. Yes, states of limited potential do exist but not really, not when we consider the whole of things, of course to realise this, one must go way outside our own present reality based on it's own limitations. As a whole, states of limitations need to also exist for there to be truly no limitations.

So what does all this mean?

Extremes of any kind are destructive in nature, either it be of motion being destructive to motionless or visa-versa, it's just simply destructive because it's a state that is limited and imbalanced with the rest of what it is. This is why people like me often mention about moderation and balance within all things without any exclusion through bias or prejudice.

Yes, expressing the ego in moderation, expressing motion period in moderation, is actually more spiritual that not tying to be expressive of motion period. The reason for this simply lies within it's own limitedness, also, at no time is anyone just of one state and not of others, this is an impossibility because these limitations simply don't exist overall but they do exist within their own limitations. This is a true state on unlimited potentiality.

Limited perceptions simply denote an imbalance while unlimited perceptions denote balance. One is naturally destructive to all else, the other constructive to all else, it is what it is by nature.....Mathew G   

Monday 12 September 2016

The Rise of Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

For anyone translating this post, the following quote is as above.

If everyone was of wisdom,
there would no conflict for
only can conflict exist in a
consciousness void of wisdom.

Wisdom is seemingly likened to energy except like energy, wisdom can't even be transformed. All energy can be transformed, however, no energy can be destroyed, it's then funny to think wisdom can't even be transformed, is wisdom as I have always said it be to, of the infinite? Yes, you can misinterpret wisdom but you can't transform wisdom, for once wisdom is expressed like energy, it is unable to be transformed for wisdom is of all ages.

It would seem that wisdom doesn't have the same characteristics to energy, wisdom doesn't even seem to be under the same laws and principles of energy. Being that energy is of all expressions (motion), it's strange to think that wisdom, when expressed, doesn't follow the same principles as energy.

When you think on this, is energy that creates certain forms of all ages? No, for an example, did vehicles or horseless motorised carriages exist a thousand years ago? Did the entire universe exist before the big bang? Now consider this, did wisdom?

Even though human consciousness has tried to destroy wisdom, wisdom always prevails. The resurgence of the teachings of Confucius in China, is a good example of this. The same exact form of energy Confucius expressed, still exists as it did in Confucius's time even after it's presumed destruction. The teachings of Confucius weren't even transformed.

Let's also take a look at Buddha and Socrates, these people, as well as Confucius, weren't just expressing philosophy, they were also expressing wisdom. It's important here not to get confused with thinking all philosophy is of wisdom, philosophy can also be based on knowledge/intelligence void of wisdom. The reason why people like these were noticeable compared to numerous other philosophers and mystics, is that their philosophy became primarily based on wisdom. Jesus is another prime example of this and so was Rumi.

It is quite obvious that wisdom itself can't be transformed or destroyed , the philosophy of wisdom is ageless, but what about wisdom existing before the creation of the universe itself.

The following links indicate wisdom existences before the creation of the universe, basically, before consciousness was even expressed.

Consider this, philosophy is of time, it's of the finite, why does wisdom when expressed in conjunction with wisdom, become indestructible or even transformable? Why also is one philosophy more compelling and memorable than to other forms of philosophy? It seems that one form of philosophy is based on the finite, while other forms are based on the infinite, infinite being of timelessness, a consciousness not of time.

Am I making reference that a philosophy based on wisdom, is beyond a consciousness based on time? Absolutely.....

Take a close look at all these great philosophers, now look at the time they spent in silence. Don't get me wrong here, not everyone who spends time in silence becomes instantly of this infinite wisdom, in actually, people can spend a life time in silence and still not be able to connect with this infinite wisdom. The difference is, once these people dropped pre-perceptions, meaning, detaching themselves from human fixated attachments, they were then able to connect to this infinite wisdom.

No one who is fixated to any kind of  ideology or ism, is truly able to connect to this infinite wisdom, a wisdom that was around before the creation of the universe. Yes, anyone who is knowledgeable is able to recite an already expressed philosophy, but are able to connect to this kind of wisdom. Of course anyone who is fixated to an ideology or ism, will disagree with this as always. The controlling ego just doesn't want to let go of a fixation.

In saying all this, it's wiser to follow an already expressed wisdom than to not express any kind of wisdom at all......Mathew G

Not everyone will be able to connect to this infinite wisdom, motion takes too much of our time to be able to make this kind of connection. Our best bet is to follow an already impressed, established wisdom, in saying this, it's even better when we make our own connection but again, motion often takes up too much of our time to make this connection. In all, we must be appreciative and accepting of the wisdom that has already been expressed as a motion.

It's funny to think that no truly dogmatic forceful ideology or ism likes the presence of a true expression of wisdom, as our past philosophers and mystics have discovered in their own lives. Such an energy force will always try to destroy this kind of wisdom if we don't protect it from such atrocity and lunacy. As I have said for some time now, only in ignorance can a consciousness destroy/destroy itself.

Please once again, do not take anything that I have stated here as gospel or of utter truth. 

Monday 16 May 2016

The Creation of What Is

Written by Mathew Naismith

Consciousness works like this, what we perceive is what we create, usually a reality we exist with but not necessarily by. Not every perception we perceive with we exist by but every reality we exist by we exist with, meaning, not every perception we have we exist by. Take evil intent, how many of us are aware of the perceptions of evil intent. How many of us have felt or experienced some kind of intent that would be regarded as evil? Now how many of us actually live by such intentions while living with evil intent? Not every perception we experience and /or perceive we live by while living with these intentions.
We are not what we live with until we start to live by what we are living with. As soon as we give time and effort against what is deemed as evil intent, we start to create reality that is based on by what we are living with, in other words we become what we are living with instead of living by what we are. We usually live by other people's perceptions rather than living by our own perceptions.
Now I highlighted against because there is a difference between giving time against something of evil intent to just giving time to become aware of evil intent. Being against anything isn’t about being aware, it’s about shunning or showing disdain, basically being ignorant to these intentions thus unintentionally living by these same intentions yourself. Allowing any kind of disdainful intent to influence us  is living by such intent because it has influenced us to have disdain. This disdain will only encourage and manifest more of the same evil intent, I think what is occurring in the world at present is a good indication of this.
I will now tell you about some of my dreams last night, one of my first dreams having the feeling of evil intent. I should point out here, we might well and good look at extremist groups as being of evil intent but how many of us know about the evil that is allowed to go on behind closed door within our own society? Most people would be utterly horrified to say the least.
One of my first dreams last night started off as usual, nothing significant to mention, I was coordinating for the arrival of some regal people at a venue, this was until tried the lift/elevator to go up to the twelfth floor of the venue. I couldn’t get out on the twelfth floor so I decided to go back down to the ground floor from wince I came. The lift didn’t stop at the ground floor but kept going down to floors that didn’t exist.
As I was going down, the feeling of evil intent got worse but then the lift/elevator doors opened. What greeted me was brightly coloured toy like animals, however, the feeling of evil intent was just as prevalent. In contradiction, my last dream was of me singing in the most beautiful way one could.
My dreams clearly show that I am aware and accepting of a huge variety of perceptions, however, I still allow evil intent to influence me in one way or another. This is shown in the way evil intent influenced my dream.
Intent is only shown as evil if one has disdain towards an intent or perception, the brightly coloured toy like animals show this. If I entered further past the doors of the lift/elevator, only evil intent would have occupied my dream, the toy like animals would have turned out being sinister in nature. You see, once you cross over living by such perceptions and intent, you become or are influenced, to a great degree, by these intentions.
We do live with these deemed evil intentions because we too are of these intentions, it’s all of one consciousness, it’s not one kind of consciousness separate from another, it’s one consciousness that we can live by and/or with within certain conscious perception.  This separation of course takes a consciousness to be unaware of other perceptions. This now brings us to separation in the ideologies we use and/or become fixated to thus negating all other perceptions.
How many of us separate energy, vibrations and God/Gods consciousness from other forms of perception?  Science often separates itself from one source of creativity from another singular source of creativity many people call God, did not one source of creativity called energy create everything? Religion also does the same thing as science due to a certain fixed ideology being followed. Boundaries and limitations come to mind when separating one source of consciousness from another.
One source of creation = energy + God/God’s consciousness + vibrations
Scientifically, we tend to separate energy into it’s labelled slots but it’s still energy, we also do the same religiously as each religion has it’s own set ideological separate standards. Now vibrations are interesting because all energy sources vibrate, meaning, everything is vibration, however, everything also has it’s own vibrational frequencies, it’s these formation and expression of frequencies that make everything in existence different to each other.  However, just because we are separating everything within it’s own form and expression, should this mean that everything is not vibrating?
No matter what frequency everything is vibrating at, it’s still a vibration, you can’t have everything existing as it’s own individual frequencies if these frequencies are not vibrating.  The root source of creation is therefore vibrations, however, it’s also energy and God/God’s consciousness if you like, it’s one of the same thing. I do love how religion defined vibrations and energy as defining the existence of one source way before science. General science today still doesn’t define energy or vibration as one creative source.

So what does all this mean?

Try to live by your own perceptions and intentions thus creating your own reality that is more in tune with you, it's too easy living by other people's perceptions and intentions these days.

Also, try not to express disdain towards other perceptions, intentions  and realities that are not in tune with your own no matter how destructive they are. This however doesn't mean you should have to put up with these influences, at times this takes one to totally disconnect themselves from such influences. If your own perceptions, intentions and reality are constantly being influenced by influences that cause you discord, if possible, try to disconnect yourself from these influences, if unable to do so, try living by your own perceptions while living with perceptions that cause you disdain.

In all, it's wise not to be in disdain of any other perceptions, intentions and realities not of your own, this isn't easy at times but worth following through with. If other people's path is to be destructive, either get out of the way of such destruction or create your own reality while living with these influences of destructive tendencies. Be aware that you can take on the environment you are existing in by living by as opposed to existing with. Just because you are living with these perceptions and tendencies, doesn't mean you have to live by them.