Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts

Monday 31 December 2018

Demonic Possession of a Collective Consciousness!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

How ridiculous is it to even consider writing about demonic possessions, especially of a collective consciousness.

Consider this, how many people in the world today are possessed or obsessed with materialism, where materialism even comes before the love of their family members? In truth, material wealth and power even comes before the health of the environment we rely on for our existence. To someone like me, this is astounding that such a self-proclaimed intelligent species could act in such a way.

To be of a demonic or evil energy force, such a consciousness needs to live in ignorance and the more ignorant the consciousness is, the more demonic or abusive this kind of consciousness will be upon other energy forms. Considering that a lot of the elite of today live off of sick dying people, or, people they have enslaved to the current system through dept, it is obvious to people like me that the collective human consciousness is indeed influenced and controlled by demonic or abusive energy forms. Demonic to someone like me simply means a consciousness that is highly abusive to energy period. Indeed, how many of us are possessed or obsessed at present, to the extent of accepting that other people in power make other people sick to live off of? When it gets to this stage of the evolution of a consciousness, where the people being abused accept being abused in almost every way, there is only one way this kind of collective consciousness can go.   

I recently watched a classic movie with Gregory Peck playing the main part in the movie Mirage. In one seen they looked down upon the people as being like ants or cattle, to be used and abused at will by people in power. This is nothing new in human history, which shows how far we haven't evolved or become aware from a state of ignorance. This is the way energy works, ignorance creates an abuse and destruction of energy where awareness creates quite the opposite. Make no mistake though; awareness can indeed be used in ignorance, where awareness can be used upon itself through deceit and manipulation. Look at how religion and science have and are being used, usually to serve the elite resulting in the endless abuse of religion and science, in fact the abuse of isms and ideologies period. I would myself, in this case, call a consciousness this abusive to energy period demonic or simply ignorant to itself.  

Extract: Obsessions and possessions of the devil are placed in the rank[further explanation needed] of apparitions of the evil spirit among humans.[further explanation needed] It is obsession when the demon acts externally against the person whom it besets, and possession when it acts internally, agitates them, excites their ill humor, makes them utter blasphemy, speak tongues they allegedly have never learned, reveals allegedly unknown secrets to them, and apparently inspires them with obscure knowledge of philosophy or theology.[A 1]

Obsession; where the abusers of energy are an external force to what is being abused, this is until the abused or obsessed become possessed themselves and become abusers of energy themselves. In this case possession becomes an internal influence, not an external influence such as in obsession. The funny thing is, in psychology all our demons comes from within, even though a lot of our demons come from external influences that cause us trauma for instance. Yes, any demonic possession is of an internal occurrence but often influenced by external sources. Either religiously or psychologically, we allow these demons to control us from within in relation to possessions. This of course often occurs from being obsessed, an external influence, to being possessed, an internal influence.  

Extract: To condescendingly think that we, as modern-day, rational people, are too sophisticated to believe in something as primitive as demons is to have fallen under the spell of the very evil spirits we are imagining are nonexistent. What the ancients call demons are a psychic phenomena which compel us to act out behaviors contrary to our best intentions. To quote Jung, “…the psychic conditions which breed demons are as actively at work as ever. The demons have not really disappeared but have merely taken on another form: they have become unconscious psychic forces.”

“Possession,” according to Jung is “a primordial psychic phenomenon” that “denotes a peculiar state of mind characterized by the fact that certain psychic contents, the so-called complexes, take over the control of the total personality in place of the ego, at least temporarily, to such a degree that the free will of the ego is suspended.”

Considering my own limited experiences in this area, where exceptionally abusive energy sources of conscious energy indeed exist. If anyone was to experience the full energy field of this kind of destructive energy source, your hair would instantly go white, what ever age you were.

Is this kind of source of energy this frightening? Not at all, in fact all I can do is smile. Like the multinationals, the only energy demonic entities can harness is through us, we are their energy, take that away, they have no control and power. I also laugh at any energy form that is so ignorant; for only through ignorance can such an energy form exist. Yes, this kind of demonic energy lives off of any form that is of awareness, unless that awareness is beyond their control and manipulation. This is why a true sense of love and light, unconditional love, faith in God/Jesus, etc, is often out of the reach of this kind of demonic or abusive energy.

However, what would a demonic energy source want you to do in relation to energy period? Stay ignorant to anything remotely negative or threatening to ourselves feeling good!! Any true positive person, unconditionally loving person, a person of love and light, etc, would face the negative face on without fear and not only desire to be of what these demonic energy sources have created. How many people in the world are now obsessed by what materialism has created for their pleasure? How pleasurable has spirituality now become to a lot of people today? Of course the only way to fulfil these pleasurable desires is to stay ignorant to anything remotely deemed negative. At all cost stay ignorant to the negatives in the world, through this a reality of love and light will be created!! Nothing that is abusive to energy through ignorance will manifest a non-abusive reality.

My advice in this case is to stay away from anything that influences you to become even more ignorant, for only in ignorance can a consciousness become abusive to energy. Make no mistake; this kind of demonic or abusive energy source is highly manipulative and deceptive. If something in this reality, controlled and manipulated demonic sources of energy, fulfils all your desires, please think again. Anything that makes you even more ignorant to the present circumstances is, in my mind, demonic or abusive to energy by nature, try to avoid this at all cost.

How do people like me cope in facing the so-called negatives face on? We simply stay connected to a truer state of awareness, this can either be through the perception of love and light, God, Jesus, certain kinds of science, quietness or stillness or what ever, as long as it is about being aware in the absence of fear and bias. As I have explained before, stillness, where the motions of desires and ego are absent, is of a pure aware state, of God if you like, for only through unawareness, a less Godly state, can motion exist.

Note: I usually don't call these highly abusive energy sources demonic, for within this explanation of this kind of energy source they gain so much power from. Yes, they want to be put down and denounced as being negative as any negative source of energy does. By simply avoiding or staying ignorant to this kind of energy, gives this energy more power and control over us, not less, as our present circumstances are proving. This kind of energy is simply an abusive energy living in ignorance to itself. This explanation works really well if you are particularly aware of your whole self in some way. They don't like this explanation of themselves one bit.......                                    

Extract: Yet today, Gallagher has become something else: the go-to guy for a sprawling network of exorcists in the United States. He says demonic possession is real. He's seen the evidence: victims suddenly speaking perfect Latin; sacred objects flying off shelves; people displaying "hidden knowledge" or secrets about people that they could not have possibly have known.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Unlimiting Consciousness

 Written by Mathew Naismith

I was asked recently about my thoughts on Buddhism, the following was my reply.  

There are different variants of Buddhism. I don't hold to that one ideology is the answer for everyone for there is never one answer to anything.

Buddhism has its boundaries or doctrines as of any ideology or ism, I am not myself into limiting my consciousness like this. "All else other than the ultimate state of pure awareness or nothingness is an illusion", I don't myself limit my consciousness to these perspectives or perceptions. In saying this, Buddhism teaches one to cope better in an ego created reality, as a lot of ideologies do. 

I find that Taoism and Hinduism are far less limiting, of course this depends on how you use these ideologies. I prefer Buddhism to materialism or westernized atheism myself. I should also say that materialism and atheism have their place as well. How many people would have starved to death if it wasn't for materialism? Materialism has given us more soul experiences to be experienced, however, when materialism is abused and misused, it becomes too destructive when not balanced out with the likes of Buddhism or spirituality as a whole. 

You see, to me there is never one answer or absolute state.

I wrote the following to someone in relation to the year being an emotional rollercoaster.

It is only as bad as we make it, why give it any more energy that it's worth? Learn from it and move on, of course at times easier said that done. I often look at it this way these days, it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. As soon as we get into the negatives and positives, it's always more that it should be.

How often do we allow ideologies and isms to limit our consciousness? Probably the same amount we limit our own consciousness to certain specifics like positives and negatives, or, what is real and what is an illusion. Is Buddhism limiting consciousness to certain specifics? As of any ideology or ism, it is the way we use Buddhism that is limiting. As soon as we limit ideologies or isms to certain specifics, we are abusing energy as energy itself is of unlimited potentiality. It is like constricting energy to a certain space where motion is restricted to certain motions only. Often any motion outside these restricted boundaries is usually referred to as something negative and subsequently dealt with. Materialism, like religion or any other ideology, is fine when in balance within the environment that supports materialism. When used out of balance with the natural environment, abuse of energy is created and often accepted by the abusers, in other words we become conditioned to abusing energy through limiting it's potentiality to certain specifics, often to primarily serve the ego.

It is the same old story, if energy doesn't serve the elite, the ego in control, it is dealt with, usually discarded as something negative or illusionary. The elite can be a multinational but it can also be of people who try to be only of an elite or absolute state of being. An elite state of being in Buddhism is egoless, a state of pure awareness or nothingness, the funny thing is, once of this state, perceptions of negatives and positives, what is real and what is not real are absent, everything becomes what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

In a state in the absence of the ego, there is no negative and positive, what is an illusion and what is real, because there is no separation of energy in an egoless state, only through the ego can separation be perceived and put into motion. Look at it like this, as soon as you separate energy, energy becomes of motion, of the ego, of course separation of energy can only be implemented through the ego. This means the separation of energy to what is positive and negative, what is real and what is an illusion, is of the state of ego but a state that has always existed as well.

Once you get an imbalance of ego and egolessness, motion and motionlessness, through separation of energy is when an abuse of energy is often created. How many of us only desire to be of an elite state or status, where all else is discarded in one way or another thus creating a reality of abuse of energy? Who desires to be subservient or inferior to an elite status? The ego in control always desires to be of an elite status thus creating an imbalance in energy as of any separation of energy can. Yes, separate energy but be wise in how you separate energy, try to avoid abusing energy when separating energy. Balance is indeed the key here.  

I am subservient to the environment that is presently supporting my being, I would not have it any other way, accept to balance out my existence with the environment my existence is existing in and my ego (soul) is experiencing. As there is nothing wrong or negative with the ego or even the ego in control, there is nothing wrong with materialism. However, as it is of the way we use ideologies and isms, as soon as we become abusive to energy, we create a reality in line with this abuse. Try to remember, the only part of us that can see a wrong or negative in the ego and materialism, is the ego in control. There isn't even a wrong in being abusive, it's just being excessively abusive in the way we manipulate energy isn't a wise thing to do, not if we want to live in peace and harmony.

In all, it is what it is when we choose to abuse energy, nothing more, nothing less.......               

Monday 8 October 2018

Unconditional Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

How many conditions can you create or perceive in a deep meditative state, a state where you release yourself from human created conditions of opposing polarities?

Imagine being of or simply experiencing a state of consciousness of the absence of conditions. To imagine this is virtually impossible while being of an existence of numerous conditions, I should know as I have of anyone are going through a process of awareness. The process of detaching ourselves from conditions, like everything is determined to be of negative or positive, bad and good, wrong, right, etc, can be daunting. Daunting means to be discouraged through fear, the fear of losing conditions we have become fixated to and rely on. How many people fear losing the sense or the existence of positiveness in a reality of negatives? Look at how many people today avoid any sense of what they have judged negative, this is simply a fixation to conditions created by other conditions, most often opposing conditions. How is a consciousness fixated to conditions going to understand a state of unconditional existence, when a consciousness doesn't even want to comprehend an existence of the absence of conditions?

It might not seem like it at first but experiencing ostracisation and ridicule while being expressive of the absence of conditions in your own consciousness, is actually a sign that you are consciously becoming aware. I could not imagine anything less of awareness than a consciousness fixated to and even protective of certain conditions. Of course anyone who is fixated to any conditions, is going to react unfavourably towards any consciousness expressing any kind of unconditional consciousness. Accept this and move on while being aware that your own consciousness is becoming more aware, aware in how any and all conditions keep us unaware in some way.

How many people, primarily into materialism, desire to become aware of how the conditions that materialism exists by is destroying the environment? How many people of love and light desire to know that their own fixations to certain conditions are keeping them unaware? The conditions are that to be of love and light, one must be positive and/or love and light is positive!! You cannot enter into a true state of love and light or unconditional love while your own consciousness is fixated to and controlled by certain conditions. Your consciousness has to be in a state of the absence of conditions. The reason for this is obvious as a true state of love and light and unconditional love are not of and created by conditions, in actuality they exist primarily because of the absence of conditions.

Try perceiving a positive without the existence of the equivalent negatives. One simply relies on the other to exist. Now try perceiving a negative or a positive in a neutral state of consciousness, a state of consciousness of the absence of these kinds of conditions. A neutral state of consciousness is simply a consciousness of the absence of conditions. Of course in a reality of numerous conditions, the absence of negativity has nothing to do with the creation of positiveness. This is simply a denial of a consciousness fixated to conditions to simply protect a consciousness's conditions. You only realise that one creates and relies on the other to exist when in some kind of neutral state of consciousness, the neutralisation of positiveness and negativeness. In other words, the neutralisation of conditions that human consciousness is well and truly conditioned to and protective of, even to the bitter end. 

How do you know how aware you are when there is no comparison, no unawareness to compare to? Within this, unawareness becomes as worthy as awareness, there is no true separation and division, especially when both energy fields exist together as one. This is how an unconditional consciousness sees it, of course a conditional consciousness never desires unawareness or negativity to be as worthy as awareness or positivity. Now honestly observe the environment around you, knowing the difference how an unconditional consciousness empresses itself in a conditional existence. If you think a conditional consciousness is less worthy than an unconditional consciousness, you are still controlled by a conditional consciousness. Only a consciousness conditioned to conditions can separate and divide energy into separate individual parts. Most often this is done to protect its own individual and personal conditions, most importantly, to separate itself from anything not of its own energy, even though their own energy completely relies on the existence of the opposing energy field to exist. It's like watching a dog chase its own tail, thinking that the tail is separate to the dog itself, this is until the dog bites the tail of course. How many times does human consciousness have to bite its own tail, to realise it's of the same energy field?     

Now imagine how an existence of unconditionality would be like.........

Should a new or evolved consciousness be based on even more conditions, the conditions being, to be of love and light and unconditional love takes one to be excessively positive or of the light to start with? No, an evolved consciousness, or if the like an ascended consciousness, actually takes us to be less of conditions for all conditions are created by man made perceptions. Continuing on separating and dividing everything (energy) through the creation of more conditions is simply continuing on the same present consciousness, albeit in a different way. Think on this, is it not the ego in control that creates even more conditions? Try creating a reality based on conditions when the ego isn't in control, it's utterly impossible as created conditions like positive and negative perceptions can only be created by an ego in control.

Again, how many conditions can you create or perceive in a deep meditative state, a state where you release yourself from human created conditions of opposing polarities?

Polarities: A relation between two opposite attributes or tendencies.

Remember though, polarities simply refer to opposite polarities like negative and positive. Polarities don't have to be opposing, only to an ego in control are polarities perceived to be opposing.

Now, how many of us are into creating even more opposing polarities in spirituality these days? This is while trying to create a more constructive reality for ourselves, but on the back of even more created conditions!!

Extract: We can also achieve the state of being above polarities after 20 minutes of a session of Emotional Management Method. We will experience a moment in which we look at our lives in a new light, as if we are standing on the top of the hill. This new clarity of our mind enables us to choose the path to go further.  

Tuesday 4 September 2018

All Living Entities

Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine for a moment that all physical life is but a reflection of a non-physical entity. Now imagine that Gaia or the physical universe as a whole is but a tiny reflection of a non-physical source of creation. Sounds silly doesn't it!! Where does all of what man creates come from? Yes, a physical brain but of thought or consciousness that is not physical until put into motion physically. Now imagine a consciousness that isn't limited to a physical brain or to three dimensional aspects and spheres.

Not easy for the Western part of our mind or consciousness to comprehend, especially if the Western mind is also limited to three dimensional aspects and spheres. If an actual occurrence occurred but no evidence of the occurrence could be three dimensionally produced, the occurrence didn't occur!! This is how the Western mind thinks in all of us, the Eastern mind doesn't think like this. The reason for this is that the Eastern mind doesn't separate one from the other, separate man from nature/Gaia or three dimensional aspects and spheres from all other dimensions. The separation through evidence of three dimensional aspects and spheres is of the Western mind.   

The Western mind often thinks that I am separating the Eastern and Western mind, the Eastern mind in all of us doesn't think like this. The Eastern mind thinks of two spheres of the same mind or consciousness expressed in different ways, there is no true separation, only a difference in motion. Just because man has perceived his separation from the rest of his natural environment, doesn't mean man is a separate entity to the rest of the natural environment. Man is at present simply of a different motion or expression of the whole. It is understandable why man is at present so destructive to his natural environment, he has simply perceived a separation from the whole, from the source of everything.  

To me, all physical entities are seen as a life form and are all a part and connected to the same source of energy. It does not matter if it's physical or non-physical; it's all a part of the same source of energy. To people like me it matters not what you call this source, an awareness or acknowledgment is all that is needed. Note; a true sense of awareness, without bias, naturally and automatically creates a sense of wisdom within a consciousness. 

Imagine being able to influence our environment and the weather. Take note, I purposely stated influence instead of control. Control simply denotes a perception of separation in taking control of another entity, even within ourselves. For example, the perception of taking control of our temper becomes separate to not taking control of our temper. It is then perceived that taking control and not taking control of our temper are completely separate entities when there not. Is the weather or our environment separate to us at any time that it doesn't influence us? This is why the Western mind tries to take control of everything; it separates everything from everything else, most often to excess. It is quite understandable why man is so destructive and self-centred at present.

Yes, we can influence our entire environment, including the weather, by working with it; all we have to do is desist in the perception of separation of ourselves to everything else. Become aware and acknowledge that everything is a living entity of the same source. Remember, it has nothing to do with taking control but influencing our environment in unison with the environment. Yes, you work with the environment as if it's a living entity, no less and no more alive than you are.........

All I can do is smile, while remembering my wife's actions this morning, my wife apologised to an ant for nearly stepping on it. To the Western mind this is a sign of lunacy, to the Eastern mind it's simply a sign of oneness and connectedness to our environment, one could not be saner. We do kill ants when they infringe on our space, it's the way it is of our present environment/reality. A balance between you and the environment, as a whole, needs to be implemented and sustained as much as possible, otherwise we create a reality we are presently experiencing.   

Further reference.

Extract: This has profound consequences. It would mean that consciousness is spread throughout space like a cosmic web of experience. Of course awareness is greatest where there is significant information integration, but in essence, “mind” (or “psyche”) is everywhere. IIT turns out to be a modern twist on an ancient philosophical view known as “panpsychism”. But before you go dismissing the concept because of its name, you should know that intellectual heavy hitters such as Baruch Spinoza, Gottfried Leibniz, and William James are all considered panpsychists. Its central tenant is that all matter has a mental aspect, which makes consciousness universal.             

Monday 3 September 2018

A Split in Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I most often do, before I start writing about a particular subject, I try to research in material that is on a subject that I am about to write about. I also rely on actual experiences either it being my own and/or someone else's.

The following material I came across in my research is as follow. The external material I have presented here is worth reading through, even if you come to sections you don't agree with.   

Extract: What is wrong with modern man – and woman? Particularly in the West, we are constantly dissatisfied, striving, looking for more, whether it is consumer goods, fame, fortune, power, a longer lifespan or spiritual kicks. As Anne Wilson Schaef (1987) has pointed out, we are living in an addictive society. Morris Berman is a cultural historian who has attempted to make sense of our malaise in a remarkable trilogy about the evolution of Western consciousness.

The person accepts the world as it presents itself, including the split between Self and World. Spirit is not separate, but is immanent within the world: it is ‘the smell of the forest after rain, the warm blood of the deer’ (ibid:11). In this way of being, the secular is the sacred.

And yet, I don’t share Berman’s disquiet about out-of-body experiences or altered states of consciousness. Can we not work against some of the unacceptable faces of the ascent model of consciousness while retaining transcendent religion? If I was graced with the experience of ecstatic fusion with God, I certainly wouldn’t say no. At the same time, I have got the message from Berman that it is time to stop searching above, behind and beyond and value what is here.

Actual Experience: After watching most of the James Bond (007) movies, as I have found in just about all media, sensationalism is becoming more and more extreme. The violence and brutality within the James Bond movies escalated, nothing was left to the imagination. This reminds me of the Roman arenas, where violence and brutality escalated over many years to the point of outright butchery. The senses of the people needed to be entertained to a greater extent each time, are we any different today?

Yes, we deceive ourselves more, people are not being brutalised in the movies therefore the media today is nothing like the Roman arenas!! This is after knowing that just about all the brutality that is depicted in the media today has and is occurring, most often to a greater degree than what is depicted in the media. Think of it like this, if you hear that people are being tortured in a certain way or children are being used a sex slaves, it's like a fungus, what you see growing above ground is nothing like what is bellow the ground.
Has, what I call the feel good industry, escalated to this point that we need to be entertained and/or made to feel good in some way on other people's suffering? If it doesn't tantalise our senses or makes us feel good it's negative!!

It is obvious to people like me that we don't want to sacrifice our security in feeling good. Any truth that threatens this is often simply judged as a negative, therefore subsequently ignored, or accepted as being an everyday part of life and ignored.

So what do we do to secure our feel good tantalisations? Create more media sensualism and/or create ideologies that ignore the negatives, like child abuse and torture, to feel good on a more regular basis. Being excessively positive takes ignoring the negatives, of course like the media and the Roman arenas, we need our senses tantalised more and more. It gets to the point that anything that doesn't tantalise our senses is judged as a negative.

So what are we manifesting? Materialism is manifesting what ideologies like love and light are manifesting, more suffering, not less. Think of it like this, what occurs when your child's disrespectful and rude behaviour is ignored? The act of ignoring this kind of behaviour just to feel good manifests worse behaviour, are we any different on a collective scale? There are a number of Western ideologies that are quite obvious in how unaware they are in what they are actually manifesting within their own actions and inactions.

As the inserted article implies, we are separating one from the other to simply tantalise our senses more and more. Separating the negatives, like what doesn't tantalise our senses, and judging them negative to just feel good is the deliberate act of splitting consciousness into what does and doesn't tantalise our senses. We then deceptively talk about being of oneness and unconditional love in the West!!

However, what seems to be occurring is that a number of people are awakening to what we are doing on a collective scale by observing what is presently occurring, of course this does take a lot of self-honesty and honest self-observation. It is wise to look at the collective consciousness as the self, no matter how many parts this consciousness desires to split itself into just to feel good. 

What would occur in my own relationship with my wife if I demanded that my wife makes me feel good on a regular basis? Probably the same with what occurs in a number of failed and/or discordant relationships!! If you have to use external sources to feel good, what does this say about the way you are leading your life? Look at the collective consciousness in the same way as personal relationship is my advice. The relationship isn't there to just make you feel good is it? Neither is the collective consciousness or existence as a whole, of course there are some people who demand that their relationships fulfil their desires to feel good on a regular basis, as they do media, the modern day Roman arena. It's simply a gift when a relationship makes you feel good, abusing this relationship in demanding more and more from this relationship is only going to end up creating more suffering, not less, as is being observed at present.

It is wise in life not to expect your immediate environment to be just there to fulfil your pleasurable desires on a constant basis. Think of it like love, love is not present to make you feel good, feeling good from love is a special gift that love can often create at times.......    

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Living Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

There are a number of different sources of information in relation to living consciousness, each has their own views on living consciousness but what is living consciousness? I have included two sources in relation to this topic further on in my post.

Living consciousness is basically perceived as representing an energy source in motion while in participation; this is instead of a consciousness not in motion. To get an idea what represents a consciousness in motion and not in motion, imagine being an observer to participation. Being a participator is obviously of motion, however, being an observer judging or perceiving, for example, a negative or positive, is also of participation. Full on observation is observing participation void of any motion (participation) what so ever. Participation refers directly to motion therefore a living consciousness, however, as I will explain further on in this post, this only represents a consciousness that is half alive, half aware.

So does this mean a consciousness not of motion is dead as opposed to living?

In true state of observation therefore motionlessness/timelessness, nothing is in opposition as there are no perceptions of opposites. In this state everything is as one, for only in time is there starting and ending points therefore opposing forces like birth and death, light and dark, high and low, etc. Does consciousness actually go into a state of death from a state of life after our demise? Time, therefore motion and participation, tells us it does but timelessness, therefore motionlessness and observation, tells us something quite different. If you perceive that a major shift in energy flows from one state to another, like from birth to death, is a state where consciousness dies, a complete state of death is perceived. However, when we truly observe without participation, no true form of separation of one state to another has occurred. In a state of observation there are no perceptions, there is only awareness void of any separation therefore motion what so ever.

Perceived living consciousness = motion + participation + time + perceptions + separation

Non-living consciousness = motionlessness + observation + timelessness + awareness + oneness

It's really advisable not to perceive that a non-living consciousness is dead or represents the death of a consciousness. Within this state you actually become more alive as you become more aware. Yes, there is a connection with being aware and life. How aware is an insect to life, to its own existence, than man? Man is more aware of life than an insect, however, how many people are aware of an existence of consciousness after death? It's as though we are only half alive when not of the awareness of consciousness's existence after our so-called death. We are basically living in participation wile excluding observation, a separation of participation and observation. What occurs when we become more observant? We become more aware even in our present state!!

Living consciousness actually refers to both motions and motionlessness, time and timelessness, participation and observation, etc, void of separation of one to the other. 

A good way to practice in observation is to go on an internet forum and simply observe without judgment. It's a lot better if you observe what you perceive to be negative in some way; this can include anything that questions your own personal and professional beliefs/concepts to anyone's actions that disgusts you. Condition your consciousness to wholly observe at first and when you feel comfortable in observation, interact/participate with other people. Note, when in participation, avoid any participation with anyone who is obvious within their aggression towards you at first. You will soon be able to participate with people who are obvious within their aggression latter on. It's actually advisable to do this, only when comfortable to do so, as this will condition you to then observe your own participation under duress or strain. Yes, you will have to still block some people. I don't ignore people while in participation; I see this as being rude and disrespectful so I block certain people instead but only after a certain amount of interaction.                                

Extract: Throughout the work, Barnard offers “ruminations” or neo-Bergsonian responses to a series of vitally important questions such as: What does it mean to live consciously, authentically, and attuned to our inner depths? Is there a philosophically sophisticated way to claim that the survival of consciousness after physical death is not only possible but likely?

Extract: Living consciously is about taking control of your life, about thinking about your decisions rather than making them without thought, about having a life that we want rather than settling for the one that befalls us.


I don't actually conform to taking control of our life. For me, it's more about letting go of control of motions; this gives us more free will to choose how we want to live our lives while living a life in motion. You really don't have to be in control therefore controlled by motion to be of a living consciousness.......        

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Rocks and Sticks

Written by Mathew Naismith

I do tend to look at our environment in a different way than most people; this in turn creates peculiar/strange perceptions, perceptions seemingly not of the present conscious mentality.
What will be will be of course.

Rocks and sticks refer to a human conscious mentality that has been, for thousands of years, using rocks and sticks to defend what they have claimed to be theirs. This also includes claiming ownership of someone else's ownership!! 

So what has rocks and sticks got to do with today's mentality? Bombs have simply replaced rocks while missiles have replaced sticks, same mentality changed by human consciousness becoming more knowledgeable, of course this is different to becoming more aware and especially wise. So does a consciousness becoming more knowledgeable denote a consciousness evolving, especially considering that the mentality of the consciousness has not changed/evolved itself?

Let's now look at human consciousness in a different aspect to get a better idea of human consciousness at present. When you lose one of your five senses, let's say vision, the other four senses are often heightened, meaning, they become more sensitive to the environment. Have not our 3rd dimensional aspects become more heightened through the loss of our knowledge and awareness of the other aspects of our dimensional self? As quantum physics is discovering, we are not just 3rd dimensional or even primarily 3rd dimensional, we are far more it would seem. Being unaware of our other dimensional selves has simply heightened our 3rd dimensional aspects, 3rd dimensional senses thus negating all other senses.

And we are wondering why we still have the same old mentality of thousands of years ago!! The environment around us is forever evolving, however, human consciousness seems separate to this natural state of evolving in turn stagnating its evolutionary progression. We are like the crocodile, stuck in a cycle that will eventually end in human consciousness not evolving into another consciousness......             

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Simply Not Knowing

Written by Mathew Naismith

A lot of people are feeling overwhelmed to what is going on in the world, the problem is the more aware we become, the more aware we will become of man's inhumanities. As it's a dog eat dog world in the natural environment, it's also a dog eat dog world in man's environment, it's perfectly natural for man, human consciousness, to be like this.

Accept human consciousness for what it is, it's not perfect because it's not meant to be perfect or always humane. The natural environment that influences us is passive at times and other times impassive, this is the same as humans are humane at times and inhumane at other times.

Also, try not to judge an environment negative or positive to excess, it is what it is, accept this before being overwhelmed by an environment.

We always have a choice to either be passive and human to being impassive and inhuman, just because our environment influences us to be a certain way, doesn't mean we have to go down that path. Yes, at times our choice is taken away from us but this too is a natural part of this reality, we don't always have control over our choice as our choice is but one of many in a collective consciousness.

I am an advocate against abuse/bullying, the reality at present is inundated with abuse and bullying. I don't allow this to overwhelm me as I know they know not what they do, if they did, they wouldn't be abusive or bullying, they simply couldn't be.

How do you judge something negative when it really does not know what it's doing?  When you are in the know, you simply can't......             

PS. People like me still at times judge our environment harshly, this too is a part of the environment, it's also a part of the process of becoming aware!!    

Thursday 14 December 2017

Telling It How It Actually Is

Written by Mathew Naismith

The last thing human consciousness wants or desires to be come aware of is how it actually is, especially if the ideology we are using limits us to certain perspectives and perceptions. This is certainly the case if these perspectives and perceptions make us feel good, in actuality, anything that threatens our limited perspectives and perceptions is usually denounced or critically judged as being negative and even toxic. Not sure where oneness fits within this kind of critical separative perception though!!

Until now, human consciousness has been about telling it how it's not, in-effect creating a reality based on deception, including self-deception. Any new constructive conscious change will entail a consciousness to tell it how it is, this will no doubt entail a consciousness to be honest with itself while sacrificing it's present desires. All changes take one to close doors so other doors may open.

We might ask ourselves, why is dishonesty worsening thus creating more conflict?

For any mind to become aware, especially a mind conditioned to 3rd dimensional aspects and spheres, the mind needs to become aware of one to become aware of the other. It's very much inline with closing doors so other doors may open, how can you close a door to something you are not truly aware of? If you are not truly aware of a door and what is behind the door, how can you truly close it? You need to acknowledge the door to be able to understand what is behind the door to know when to close it. Yes, human consciousness collectively is obviously still unable to close the door to deception to open another door to openness and honesty; it's simply not ready to do this on a collective scale.

We might now say that many spiritually aware people are aware of the door to deception and closeness, we now need to consciously move on, evolve.

Within the very present, we are trying to build a reality based on love and light, light simply denotes awareness. Can one truly love and be aware void of acceptances and balance? Considering that a true sense of love can't exist without harmony, which is created from acceptance and balance (moderation), how is creating a reality of love and light void of acceptance and balance true. For starters, how many western minded spiritually aware people accept this reality the way it is?

Acceptance doesn't mean you become apart of what you are accepting, it simply means having an understanding of what you have a comprehension of. Yes, many spiritually aware people comprehend our present reality, but do they truly understand what they have comprehension of? Being that our present reality is based on deception, not many people truly comprehend our present reality, even fewer people understand our reality and even fewer people still accept this kind of reality for what it truly is.

How can you close a door you have no comprehension of therefore any comprehension of when to close the door? Very few of us even comprehend that we are in a reality we can close the door to. The door simply doesn't exist to these people but it exists to a lot of spiritually aware people, however, how many spiritually aware people truly understand the reality behind this kind of door? Considering that many spiritually aware people are trying to create a reality of love and light void of true acceptance, balance and harmony, how truly aware are these people to their present reality? They want to close a door on a reality they have no acceptance or clear understanding of to start with, yes, comprehension but no true understanding in my mind.

Consciousness works in this way, it needs to truly comprehend and understand one kind of consciousness to open a door to another consciousness, in actuality, you can't open a door to another consciousness unless a consciousness truly understands its present consciousness. Comprehending this kind of reality is very different to truly understand this kind of reality, in actuality, any kind of reality. Comprehension is not understanding, compression is simply being aware of something you may or may not understand, especially truly understand. I may comprehend the existence of children, do I understand all these children?

Yes, many of us comprehend the destructive traits of a reality based on deception, but how many of us comprehend and also understand that consciousness is of a cycle of processes. Experiencing a destructive reality is but one of these processes. In truth, this kind of reality is but a very small part of the whole process, a process of experiencing everything we comprehend spiritually through a process. Consciousness is simply of a cycles of processes, being that the cycles of consciousness are of certain processes. What the western mind is presently doing, is discarding certain processes thus trying to break the cycle of evolution. The western mind desires to be of one void of the other.  

Being truthful about this kind of reality, which means being open with what is going on within this kind of reality, is the best thing we can do. Discarding anything as simply being negative is the worse thing we can do in my mind, we are simply being ignorant to everything we don't desire therefore deceptive to ourselves and everybody else. Yes, it feels awful being this honest with ourselves at first. One of the best ways of overcoming these feeling is to desist in looking at everything as simply negative or positive, it simply is what it is, a part of a cycle of processes.

Being whole doesn't just mean comprehending what we are as a whole, it also means experiencing (understanding) what we are as a whole. The observer comprehends the experiences of the experiencer where's the experiencer understands what the observer comprehends. The observer and the experiencer (participator) makes up the whole, in-effect, the so-called higher and lower self make up the whole. The higher self, the observer, is not whole void of the participator, the so-called lower self, it takes the whole to be whole, not what we desire to be the whole.                        


Friday 8 September 2017

Intuition, a More Conscious Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith 

Is our intuition more consciously conscious and aware than our human consciousness? Is our dream state more consciously conscious than our awakened state? Considering the dreams I have experienced myself, this could well be the case. In relation to intuition, I have not myself experienced any significant expansion of consciousness intuitively but I have read of a number of cases where you could definitely say intuitiveness is more aware therefore more conscious.

In saying that I have not significantly experienced an expanded conscious state intuitively is not entirely true, I have made a number of correct predictions in my life. This on it's own doesn't qualify for me to say that intuitiveness is more consciously expanded to what we know to be a conscious, an awakened and aware state, however, in conjunction with other people's experiences, I would be comfortable to say intuitiveness is far more consciously aware than what we normally deem as being consciously aware.

Of course in saying all this, intuition isn't known for it's reasoning or observation therefore consciousness, I of course don't agree to this view altogether. I wrote the following on a forum.    


Consciousness: An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation, also meaning, Having knowledge of, a knowingness.

Cognition; is the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning.

When we have a gut feeling or intuitive insights, we are not being cognitive, we are simply expressing intuitive insights, of course intuition isn't suppose to be of observation as well as reasoning. I think intuitive observation is made on a different plain or dimension to the physical plane/dimension.

This is consciousness even if our human consciousness is unaware of this, in actuality intuitive states are probably more aware and even more conscious than our human state of consciousness.

What about the collective consciousness, is this not more conscious than our human state of consciousness? The human state is often referred to as a dream state for very good reasons, it's only aware of what it's aware of through observation and reasoning which limits it's consciousness. Is human consciousness truly conscious or is our intuitive state more conscious than our human consciousness?

The human psyche isn't conscious because of the limitations of human consciousness, this of course is governed by it's awareness which is highly limited. What would occur if we detached ourselves from our present human awareness? We would simply free ourselves, our consciousness, from these limitations, we would in turn be more aware not less aware. A number of spiritual practices prove this is the case.

So when I usually make reference to consciousness, it's not of human consciousness I speak of but a much more conscious consciousness. I am often aware of my consciousness observing myself observing myself in certain states of consciousness, the funny thing is my ego doesn't always like what is being observed, it's a laugh really.

I think the human psyche and it's consciousness isn't as conscious as it thinks it is.


Is our conscious more consciously aware than our subconscious? The following explains why it's not and in actuality it's our subconscious that is more consciously aware.     

Extract: What I find highly intriguing though, is the fact that our subconscious mind has access to a much faster and more detailed library of knowledge than our conscious mind does. Studies show that our subconscious senses at a higher resolution (Small Difference in Sensation, 1884) and at a higher sampling rate (Mere Exposure Effect, 1980) than we are aware of.

Within 1-2 seconds intuition can tell you if a person might be lying to you, if a chess game might be lost or if a situation might become dangerous. It tells you in the form of a gut-feeling, delivering the final conclusions of a long debate without revealing any of the rational behind it. It relies on your unconscious picking up on cues in the environment, on discovering micro-expressions on someone’s face, on comparing situations to hundreds and thousands similar ones housed in your memory and even digs into genetically and biologically hard-coded instincts. 


Now consider a consciousness outside human influence, outside human conscious limitations of the brain, now consider the intuition from a mind outside these human limitations. What we call our conscious state is far less consciously aware than we could ever imagine, of course this is going to be hard to imagine for a consciousness with so many limitations and so consciously unaware.

When spiritual people say they have become enlightened, they mean to say they are more consciously alive and aware than ever before, of course enlightened means becoming more consciously aware than before. You could also say enlightenment is also an awakening, an awakening from a conscious state that is in actuality anything but consciously aware.


Thursday 7 September 2017

Consciousness and Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

We often hear the phrase conscious awareness, one not being without the other and one before the other by no mistake. It's like the perception of God or spirit; it's by no mistake that there is a lot of reference made in numerous ideologies to God and spirit before and in reference to man's consciousness. You don't have to be a believer of God or spirit to realise that one comes before the other and is in reference to the other.

However, there is reference or beliefs that awareness is the ultimate state therefore awareness comes before and is not in reference to consciousness in this ultimate higher state of non-consciousness. Ever heard of the phrase what is above is also below? Try being humanly aware of your environment void of being conscious, this is the below, the same is with the above. There is always a consciousness behind awareness no matter how still and silent this consciousness might be.

Because the ego is of motion and can only relate everything to motion to be able to comprehend it, comprehending a pure aware state void of motion is for the ego one thing, comprehending anything beyond this state would be insurmountably incomprehensible. Of course for certain ideologies to comprehend a consciousness beyond this pure aware state would be making reference to a God, a consciousness and a creator of all things. Being the ego the way it is when conditioned to certain specific ideologies, this of course has to be refuted or ignored by the ego.

I am not religious myself but I can see that the perception of God makes reference to a consciousness behind all awareness, no matter how still and silent that consciousness might be. The perception of God also makes reference to a true state of oneness, being that the perception of God directly relates to a true state of oneness and being that God is all of what is through the spirit within all things. It's important to note that this oneness doesn't exclude the ego, motion or time through denouncing them as simply being an illusion.

We ourselves are not able to create anything without being first conscious of what we are going to create, what is above is also below, is this not also for the above as it is for the below? Don't misconstrued me here, I am not advocating that everyone should now believe in a God or a consciousness before awareness, all I am portraying/advocating is that the perception of God makes direct reference to a consciousness before awareness, meaning, there is always a consciousness first and foremost before a state of awareness can exist. I think the perception of God or a consciousness before awareness is by no mistake.

When you look at atheism, do not atheists also believe/know that a consciousness comes before awareness? This is of course excluding Buddhist atheism where pure awareness or nothingness comes before consciousness. You could also question, what is consciousness without awareness, how can a consciousness exist without being aware?

Consider this, what is man's consciousness until it's physically expressed? It's not exactly motionless but it's not of full motion either until physically expressed. What usually make us aware? Motion, no matter how little or great that motion may be. All of man's awareness is brought about by motion, this is the below now is this not then the same for the above?

All this means is that awareness relates to motion but the consciousness behind awareness is not necessarily of motion. A state of pure awareness is motionless because the awareness of everything negates motion. Why is there so much motion around us? Because we are not aware of this motion before it's expressed as a motion, the only way motion can exist is through an unaware state of consciousness thus creating motion. In this case awareness or lack of full awareness has limited consciousness to a finite existence resulting in awareness becoming a motion.

A consciousness of full enlightenment/awareness negates motion by simply being aware of everything. Would we still be warring if we were truly aware? By being limited to certain awareness specifics creates motion where a truly enlightened consciousness simply neutralises the motion within awareness. It's the consciousness behind awareness that determines if awareness is going to be of motion or not.

So can consciousness exist without awareness?

How aware is a micro-organism of it's own existence and of it's environment as a whole? It's simply not, however, are we not more aware of micro-organisms these days? You see, a consciousness is still conscious of a micro-organisms existence, is it not also possible that humans are also in the same situation as a micro-organism, when only aware of themselves and their immediate environment to one extent or another?

Human existence (motion) is entirely governed by our environment, the environment comes first and then human existence, why then do we put ourselves above, our awareness above, our environment that determines our whole existence? Even within our own existence, a consciousness comes before and is the creator of our own existence.

Consciousness is simply unable to exist without awareness as awareness is unable to exist without consciousness, it's just that consciousness can either express awareness as a motion or not. It's consciousness that expresses awareness as a motion as it is consciousness that quietens awareness to the extent of awareness becoming totally motionless. It's the awareness within consciousness that creates motion; consciousness is completely motionless until consciousness becomes aware of awareness in motion.

As we can quieten our own consciousness through various techniques, consciousness as a whole is more likely to be able to quieten it's own consciousness through simply being aware of the motionlessness of awareness. All awareness is of motion until quietened by consciousness, within this, all there is, is pure awareness or a state of consciousness void of motion.